Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal (Thematic Call)
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There may be changes to the call text and more topics may be added, until the call opens in January 2025.
Important dates
22 Jan 2025
Open for applications
05 Mar 2025
Application deadline
01 Oct 2025
Earliest permitted project start
01 Apr 2026
Latest permitted project start
31 Mar 2032
Latest permitted project completion date
Important dates
The purpose of this call is to promote innovation and development in research that can contribute to advancing the international research front within the topics specified in the call. The call is therefore aimed at researchers who have demonstrated the ability to conduct research of high scientific quality.
About the call for proposals
The purpose of the funding is to stimulate high-quality research that can address the challenges and issues described in the call.
The call consists of several topics. You must direct your application to one of these. You choose a topic in the application form. For each topic, we announce a given amount and specify priorities for selecting the projects to be funded.
In addition to this call, we have other calls for proposals with a deadline of 5 March that are aimed at research organisations. These calls are:
- Researcher Project for Early Career (Thematic Call)
- Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal (this call)
- Large, Interdisciplinary Researcher Project
- Knowledge-building Project for Industry
- Collaborative Projects to Meet Societal and Industry-related Challengesin society and business
In the thematic texts of this call, you will find information on which of the other calls may be relevant to the individual topic. We therefore recommend that you also read through any other relevant calls to see which one is most suitable for your project. Please note that we do not move applications between the calls, and that it is therefore important that you send the application to the correct call.
Please also note that you can only be listed as project manager on one application sent in to any of the calls for this application deadline. This limitation does not apply to FRIPRO's calls for proposals with an open-ended deadline. It is therefore possible to apply for one of the above calls, even if you have applied for FRIPRO.
You can create an application and fill in the application form from 22 January.
- Here you can see a video presentation of how to fill out the application form.
- Watch the recording of the applicant webinar on the March deadlines for researchers.
The call is available in both Norwegian and English. The text of the Norwegian call for proposals is legally binding.
Who is eligible to apply?
Only approved Norwegian research organisations are eligible to apply. See the list of approved research organisations.
Who can participate in the project?
Requirements relating to the Project Owner
The research organisation listed as the Project Owner in the application form must have approved the submission of the application to the Research Council.
If the application is a collaboration between several organisations, the Project Owner must submit the application on behalf of all partners.
Requirements relating to the project manager
You must have an approved doctoral degree or equivalent before the application deadline.
If you do not have an approved doctoral degree, but have associate professor qualifications or employment as researcher 1, researcher 2 or senior researcher in the institute sector or in health trusts, you can also be a project manager.
Requirements relating to partners
We do not require collaboration in this call. If you are going to have partners, the following applies:
Only approved Norwegian research organisations (see "Who is eligible to apply?" above) or equivalent research organisations in other countries are eligible to be partners and receive funding under this call.
Other types of organisations, including companies and other enterprises, may not be partners in Researcher Projects.
All partners must enter into a collaboration agreement as part of the contract if you are awarded funding from the Research Council.
As Project Owner or partner in the project, you can engage subcontractors to deliver services and contribute to the implementation of certain tasks in the project. Subcontractors cannot be given rights to project results. Organisations that are subject to the regulations for public procurement must in the usual way carry out the selection of subcontractors in line with these regulations. You cannot have R&D suppliers in the project.
One actor cannot have different roles in the project. This means that a subcontractor cannot be the Project Owner or a partner in the project at the same time.
What can you seek funding for?
You can apply for funding to cover actual costs necessary to carry out the project. The Project Owner must obtain information on costs from the partners in the project. These costs must be entered into the cost plan under the cost type to which they belong.
We require that you break down the project budget into the following cost types in your application:
- Payroll and indirect expenses, which are costs related to researcher time (including research fellowship positions and the project manager's position) at the research organisations participating in the project. For doctoral scholarships, the support is limited to three full-time equivalents. For postdoctoral fellowships, the support is limited to a minimum of three years and a maximum of four years. See our website about post-doctoral research fellowship positions and doctoral research fellowship positions.
- Other operating expenses, which are costs for other activities necessary to carry out the project's R&D activities. Any purchases from subcontractors must be entered here. All expenses you enter as "other operating expenses" must be specified in the application.
- Equipment, which are costs that include operating and depreciation costs for scientific equipment and research infrastructure necessary to carry out the project.
The item Procurement of R&D services cannot be used.
If doctoral and postdoctoral research fellows are included in the project and there are specific plans for them to stay abroad, this may be included in the application. The Research Council also has a separate call for proposals for research stays abroad for doctoral and post-doctoral research fellows. Here, the project manager can apply for funding for research stays abroad for research fellows who are part of the project during the project period. Please note that the announcement of funding for stays abroad has a number of requirements for who can receive support for the stay abroad.
If there are specific plans for visiting researchers or stays abroad for researchers in the project, this may be included in the application. The rules for such stays and information about rates can be found on the budget information page (see link below).
You can find detailed and important information about What to enter in the project budget on our website.
Scope of funding
Funding of NOK 4–12 million per project is available under this call. Some topics may have a lower upper limit. For the topics to which this applies, the upper limit will be stated under the relevant topic.
We do not require own financing. If our lump sum rates do not cover all costs for recruitment positions in the university and university college or institute sectors or for researcher positions in the university and university college sectors, we assume that you cover the difference with your own funding. For research positions in the institute sector, you must use the reported hourly rates.
The Research Council requires a high standard of research ethics in the projects we fund, and ethics is included in the assessment criterion for Research Quality. In the template for the project description, there is a separate section that deals with this. The description of ethics is first and foremost an assurance to the peers that there is a plan in place to deal with the most important ethical dilemmas in the project. If you need to describe this in more detail, this can be done elsewhere in the project description, for example under method selection, or you can do so in the data management plan(s) (see below).
The responsibility for ensuring that the research ethics standard is followed lies with the individual researcher and research institution (cf. the Act on the Organisation of Research Ethics Work). The panel's assessment and the Research Council's decision on funding do not entail any research ethics approval.
Conditions for funding
We do not award state aid under this call. This means that the funding can only go to the research organisation’s non-economic activity. We assume that the necessary accounting separation is in place. Our conditions for awarding and disbursing support for the first year, and any commitments and payments for subsequent years, can be found in our general terms and conditions for R&D projects on the information page What the contract involves.
In addition, you must be aware of the following if you should receive an award from us:
- Grant recipients in research organisations and the public sector (Project Owners and partners) have action plans for gender equality (GEPs) available on their websites. This must be in place before the contract is signed for projects with grants from us. The requirement does not apply to the private sector, interest groups or the voluntary sector.
- The Research Council requires full and immediate open access for scientific articles, see Plan S - open access to publications.
- For all projects that handle data, the Project Owner must prepare a data management plan in connection with the revised application, where you will find more information about the requirements for data management plans in projects that receive funding from us.
- For medical and health studies involving humans, the Research Council sets special requirements and guidelines for prospective registration of studies and publication of results.
Relevant thematic areas for this call
It is only possible to submit applications aimed at the topics mentioned in the call. You must explain how the application is relevant to the topic in the appendix Relevance to the topic. The topics in this call are grouped into the thematic areas below. The topics contain special requirements and guidelines that will be emphasised in the assessment of the application.
Cross-cutting topics
Funding is available for independent and critical research on the management and use of areas (land, freshwater, coast and ocean) in Norway.
We are looking for innovative research that can expand and complement the knowledge base for policy and sustainable societal development. Research should contribute to new questions and perspectives, development scenarios and a basis for measures and solutions. The green transition and the development of new infrastructure and business activities increase the pressure on nature through, among other things, increased demand for land/area use, greater extraction of bioresources, plans for increased mineral extraction and more. For a just transition of society, new knowledge about the relationship between culture, society and nature is necessary.
The theme covers all areas: land, freshwater, coast and ocean, including the polar regions (Arctic and Antarctica).
You can apply for a maximum of NOK 10.5 million in funding per project.
We are also announcing NOK 161 million for areas under pressure as a Collaborative Project to meet challenges in society and business.
Projects that are eligible for funding under this topic must fall within at least one of the following research topics:
- Societal, cultural or institutional barriers and opportunities for more integrated management and use of land/areas and/or cultural environments
- Options for action and choices in a situation of uncertainty and conflict about the knowledge base for the management and use of land/areas and natural resources
- Consequences of power relations, different interests and values for the use and consumption of land/areas and natural resources
- Reduced consumption of land/areas and natural resources for just transition in a generational, inequality or indigenous perspective
You are welcome to combine several of the four research topics in the project.
When we award a mark for the application's relevance, we will also consider the extent to which the project
- Is about land/area use and management issues
- emphasises challenges related to nature and/or climate
- has cross-sectoral issues
- is interdisciplinary at level 1 in UHR's division of subject areas (in Norwegian only)
- has concrete plans for dissemination and dialogue about findings and results throughout the project period
- has relevance to Norwegian conditions
Portfolio assessments
- The portfolio board will prioritise funding projects that collectively cover the breadth of the four research topics.
- The portfolio board will prioritise funding projects where perspectives from the humanities are central.
Other relevant calls for proposals on the same topic
Funding is available for research that can meet the knowledge needs identified in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's report ( only in Norwegian).
The projects must focus on Sámi issues and/or matters concerning the national minorities Forest Finns and Kvens/Norwegian Finns and/or the relationship between Sámi and the aforementioned national minorities and the majority society.
Projects eligible for funding must be based on the knowledge needs in the Commission's report and deal with at least one of the following four research areas:
- health, education, welfare and living conditions
- language, history, culture and cultural environment
- climate and environmental challenges, consequences of energy transition and infrastructure, natural resource and land management
- public administration and policy-making
A project may combine several of the research areas.
Relevance assessment
When awarding a mark for the application's relevance, we will, in addition to the thematic points above, consider how well the application meets the following priorities:
- has concrete plans for active dialogue and dissemination with and for involved communities and groups throughout the project period
- has interdisciplinarity between two or more disciplines (cf. level 1 in the Norwegian Classification of Scientific Disciplines)
- has a reference group with stakeholders from outside academia
- has active research collaboration with at least one other researcher or research group in Norway and one researcher or research group abroad. The task of the partners in the project must be clearly specified in the application.
- Applying for recruitment positions
Portfolio assessment
In the portfolio assessment, we will consider ensuring that the funded projects reflects the breadth of the research areas outlined in the call. Our aim is to include research related to Forest Finns and Kvens/Norwegian Finns in one or more of the projects funded.
Other information
The final application will be conducted by the Portfolio Board for Sámi Society and Culture, supplemented by members from the other funding portfolios.
Relevance assessments, recommendations, and other administrative processing of applications will be carried out in collaboration between the portfolio administrations.
Please note that we have several related calls that may also be relevant for researchers within the four research areas mentioned above. Below we mention four of these calls:
- Applications that primarily concern vulnerable children and young people are referred to the call Collaborative Project to meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges and the topic "Inclusion of more children and young people in education, working life and society", under the thematic area Welfare and Education.
- Applications that primarily concern vulnerable groups and health are referred to the call for Collaborative Project to meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges under the thematic area Health.
- Applications relating to the energy transition in general are referred to the call for Collaborative Project to meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges under the thematic area Environment-friendly energy.
- Applications that primarily concern areas under pressure are referred to "Areas under pressure" under the thematic area Cross-cutting topics. This topic can be found in both this call and the call Collaborative Project to meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges.
Please contact us if you have any questions about which call you should apply for.
Sámi perspectives
National minorities and culture
Welfare and living conditions
Energy transition
Climate, environment and land management
Welfare and education
Other relevant calls for proposals on the same topic
Democracy and global development
Under dette temaet dekker vi forskning på temaer innen utenriks- og utviklingsfeltet knyttet til utviklingen i land i Asia. Både utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitiske problemstillinger og temaer knyttet til samfunns- og økonomiske utfordringer er aktuelle. Se relevante temaområder i dokumentet “Asia i endring”.
20 millioner av de utlyste midlene er satt av til forskningssamarbeid med indiske partnere. Prosjektene bør i India-samarbeidet ha særlig fokus på satsingsområder i regjeringens strategi og handlingsplan for samarbeid med India, Norge-India 2030.
Midlene til utlysningen kommer fra bistandsbudsjettet, og prosjektene må derfor være i henhold til OECD sine krav til prosjekter i utviklingsland. Dere må ha som mål å fremme økonomisk utvikling eller velferd i et eller flere av de land som er ODA-godkjent.
Prosjekter som retter seg mot forskningssamarbeid med India må ha med indiske samarbeidspartnere som også er forskningsorganisasjoner.
Når vi fastsetter karakteren for søknadens relevans, vurderer vi hvor godt søknaden svarer på temaets avgrensninger og hvor godt punktene nedenfor er oppfylt og beskrevet.
I prosjekter som retter seg mot norsk-indisk samarbeid er rollefordeling og arbeidsoppgaver mellom den norske og den indiske partneren tydelig beskrevet.
Det er tydelig beskrevet hvordan prosjektet er relevant for og bidrar til å fremme økonomisk utvikling og løse utviklingsutfordringer i land på OECD DAC-listen. Eksempler på momenter som kan brukes til å beskrive mulig effekt av prosjektet i henhold til dette punktet er: måloppnåelse, bærekraft, produktivitet og virkning.
I porteføljevurderingen vil vi ta hensyn til at det er
- en god balanse mellom porteføljens ulike temaområder
- en god balanse i porteføljen med hensyn til kjønn og institusjon
- flere prosjekter der humanistiske perspektiver inngår i forskningen
The research system
Funding is available for projects that will increase basic knowledge about space and the Earth, and for the development of a new generation of space scientists.
The portfolio board wishes to support at least 3 applications within the available framework of funding for the call, given sufficient quality.
Funding is available to maximise the research utilisation of Norwegian participation in the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Incoherent SCATter (EISCAT), the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) and the EU Space Programme (in particular Copernicus). Projects must also fall under at least one of the following three areas:
- Sun-Earth physics with an emphasis on understanding fundamental processes in the Sun and its atmosphere and how solar wind and solar activity affect the Earth's upper atmosphere and the global environment
- The structure and evolution of the universe, including planetology, with an emphasis on the understanding of fundamental astrophysical processes
- Earth observation from satellites, including method development for the use of information collected by satellites, with emphasis on climate monitoring, resource mapping, pollution from petroleum activities, monitoring, operational support and management of the polar regions
Priority will be given to applications that include recruitment positions (doctoral and/or postdoctoral positions).
Portfolio assessments
- Provided that the quality is sufficiently good, the portfolio board will prioritise supporting at least one application that addresses the area of "the structure and evolution of the universe, including planetology, with an emphasis on the understanding of fundamental astrophysical processes".
- Provided that the quality is sufficiently good, the portfolio board will prioritise applications within the following topics:
- Sun-Earth physics with an emphasis on understanding fundamental processes in the Sun and its atmosphere and how solar wind and solar activity affect the Earth's upper atmosphere and the global environment
- The structure and evolution of the universe, including planetology, with an emphasis on the understanding of fundamental astrophysical processes
Climate and the environment
Endringer i klima- og naturforhold påvirker Norge og polarområdene i betydelig grad, og risikoen for store samfunnseffekter øker. Dette handler både om storskala endringsprosesser så vel som lokale endringer og enkelthendelser. Vi trenger ny kunnskap om hvilken risiko menneskeskapte påvirkninger på klima og natur utgjør, og hvilke konsekvenser det kan medføre for natur og samfunn. Forskningen skal i tillegg bidra til en mer helhetlig risikoforståelse, slik at samfunnet kan forhindre, begrense og tilpasses endringer i klima og natur.
Temaet omfatter klima- og naturrisiko knyttet til land, ferskvann, kyst og hav.
Dere kan søke om inntil 12 millioner kroner.
Søknadene må falle inn under minst ett av disse forskningsområdene:
- Samlet belastning på økosystemer og økosystemtjenester
Konsekvenser av flere påvirkninger og endringsprosesser for naturens grunnleggende funksjoner og motstandskraft. Herunder kumulative effekter og eventuelle vippepunkter. - Land møter kyst møter hav
Påvirkninger som bidrar til, eller kan bidra til, økosystemendringer i overgangen mellom land og hav og hvilken risiko og konsekvens de ulike påvirkningsfaktorene kan ha. F.eks. forurensing, miljøgifter, plast, fremmede arter, flom, avrenning, forsuring, høyere temperatur og havnivåstigning. - Risikoforståelse og løsninger
Bedre og mer helhetlig kunnskap om samfunnsrisiko ut fra prosesser, påvirkninger og tilstand i klima og natur, som utgangspunkt for tiltak, virkemidler og løsninger for bærekraftig forvaltning av naturen.
Prosjektet kan kombinere flere av de tre forskningsområdene. Søknadene skal ha relevans for norske forhold og/eller polarområdene.
Prosjektet skal etablere referansegruppe med relevante brukere. I søknaden skal dere begrunne sammensetningen av referansegruppen, tilknytningen til prosjektgjennomføringen og hvordan den skal bidra til måloppnåelse i prosjektet, spesielt med tanke på å få resultatene tatt i bruk.
Vi vurderer søknadens relevanskarakter ut fra:
- hvor godt den treffer et eller flere av forskningsområdene listet over
- relevans for norske forhold eller polarområdene
Vi lyser også ut inntil 50 millioner til klima- og naturrisiko – effekter, konsekvenser og løsninger for samfunnet, som Stort, tverrfaglig Forskerprosjekt.
Food and bioresources
Ensuring good animal health and welfare is essential for optimal and ethical food production, as well as for safeguarding the intrinsic value of animals. Both the seafood sector and terrestrial (only livestock) animals production face significant challenges in this area. There is a pressing need for enhancing knowledge on how various factors, individually or in combination, impact animal health and welfare. This includes, but is not limited to, new and existing diseases and parasites, immunology and the spread of infection, genetics, environment, technology, husbandry practices, feed and nutrition, animal behavior, ethical animal husbandry, and methods of fishing, and killing/slaughtering?
Funding is available for projects that aim to strengthen knowledge about animal health and welfare. The projects will contribute to enhance knowledge and understanding about how various factors impact animal health and or welfare. The scope includes research across all disciplines (multidisciplinary?) and topics aimed at improving the health or welfare of terrestrial (livestock) animals, aquaculture animals (both freshwater and saltwater), and animals involved in fishing and hunting.
The research must be relevant to aquaculture, fishing or livestock husbandry that provide a basis for value creation in Norway. Pets, competition animals and hobby-based animal husbandry, and wild, terrestrial animals, are not covered by this call.
Projects relevant to the topic "Sustainable Feed" should apply to that topic. The Research Council reserves the right to reassign applications to the "Sustainable Feed" topic if deemed more appropriate.
This funding is provided by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The allocation of funding for projects will reflect the funds allocated by each ministry.
Priority will be given to applications that meet the topic of the call.
Active participation of at least one international partner in the project, who has costs and involvement in at least one work package, will also count positively.
Portfolio assessments
The portfolio board considers the following factors when allocating funding:
- the marks awarded in the assessment of the applications
- a good thematic distribution of projects within the industries in the portfolio
In practice, this means that the portfolio board may allocate funding to projects with lower marks over projects with higher marks to ensure a good distribution of projects within the portfolio or to fully utilise the available funds.
Aquaculture and fisheries
Livestock production
Other relevant calls for proposals on the same topic
MERK: Informasjon om beløp kommer i januar. Det kan også komme utlysning på forskerprosjekt for tidlig karriere og/eller stort tverrfaglig.
Porteføljestyret for mat og bioressurser ønsker å investere i forskning som understøtter samfunnsoppdraget om bærekraftig fôr til husdyr og oppdrettsfisk. Rapporten fra designfasen av samfunnsoppdraget pekte på flere barrierer for at nye fôrråvarer videreutvikles til kommersiell skala eller tas i bruk. Blant disse er hindringer i mattrygghetsregelverket for å ta i bruk enkelte nye, bærekraftige fôrråvarer. For noen av disse råvarene er det sannsynlig at ny kunnskap vil kunne vise at fôrråvarene er trygge, og dermed bidra til at regelverket vil kunne endres og at de på relativt kort sikt kan tas i bruk. Det er også behov for grunnleggende forskning for generelt å understøtte videre utvikling innen produksjon og anvendelse av bærekraftige fôrråvarer.
Prosjekter må falle inn under ett av disse forskningsområdene:
- Forskning som bidrar til utvikling og/eller anvendelse av bærekraftige fôrråvarer. Dette inkluderer (ikke begrenset til) produksjon, høsting og anvendelse av biologisk råstoff, prosessering til råvare som er planlagt inkludert i fôr, teknisk/fysisk kvalitet i fôrproduksjon, ernæringsmessig egnethet og/eller effekt på helse og -velferd. Prosjekter som primært retter seg mot produksjon eller høsting av et biologisk råstoff eller en fôrråvare bør inkludere undersøkelser av anvendelse i fôr og ernæringsmessig egnethet. Forskningsområdet er åpent for problemstillinger innen naturvitenskap, samfunnsvitenskap og/eller tverrgående problemstillinger som inkluderer humaniora. Der det er relevant bør prosjektet synliggjøre mulige dilemmaer i å anvende biologiske forråvarer samtidig som biodiversitet opprettholdes og klimaet ivaretas.
- Forskning for å tette kunnskapshull som i dag forårsaker barrierer i mattrygghetsregelverket for at en fôrråvare tas i bruk og der det kan sannsynliggjøres at ny kunnskap kan fjerne barrierene. Søknaden må beskrive i relevansvedlegget både punkt a og b:
a) hvorfor kunnskapsmangel i dag er en barriere i regelverket
b) sannsynliggjøre at ny kunnskap på relativt kort sikt vil kunne fjerne denne barrieren.
Søknaden må beskrive i relevansvedlegget hvilket av de to områdene den hovedsakelig retter seg mot.
Vi oppfordrer til sektorovergripende prosjekter.
Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet, Landbruks- og matdepartementet og Kunnskapsdepartementet bevilger midler til denne utlysningen. Tildeling av prosjekter må reflektere midlene bevilget av de respektive departement.
Vi vil prioritere søknader som treffer minst ett av utlysningens temaområder.
Porteføljestyret tar hensyn til følgende faktorer når de tildeler midler:
- karakterene som er gitt i vurderingen av søknadene
- en god tematisk fordeling av prosjekter i porteføljen
Dette betyr i praksis at porteføljestyret kan tildele midler til prosjekter med dårligere kvalitet, framfor prosjekter med bedre kvalitet, for å oppnå målet om en god fordeling av prosjekter i porteføljen eller bruke opp de tilgjengelige midlene.
Enabling technologies
Midlene skal gå til prosjekter der muliggjørende teknologier kombineres på en nyskapende måte som kan føre til radikalt innovative teknologier med løsninger som kan komme til anvendelse og bidra til en mer bærekraftig samfunnsutvikling. Inntil åtte prosjekter vil bli finansiert.
Prosjektet deres må kombinere minst to forskjellige muliggjørende teknologier på en nyskapende måte. Med muliggjørende teknologier mener vi her informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi, bioteknologi, nanoteknologi, mikroteknologi og avanserte materialer og kvanteteknologi. I søknaden skal dere beskrive hvordan kombinasjonen av teknologier i prosjektet er ny, og hvorfor kombinasjonen er nødvendig for å løse utfordringen i prosjektet.
Prosjektet skal utføres i tråd med prinsipper for ansvarlig forskning og innovasjon. Fagfellene vil vurdere kvaliteten på prosjektets planer for tilnærmingen. Veiledningssiden om ansvarlig forskning og innovasjon gir konkrete råd om hvordan tilnærmingen kan tas inn i søknaden, og tilpasses prosjektets metoder, aktiviteter og ressurser. I søknaden skal dere beskrive hvordan prosjektet skal gjennomføres for å bidra til ansvarlige løsninger i forskningen og for utfordringer i samfunnet.
Prosjektet kan gjerne ha høy risiko for ikke å lykkes fullt ut med sine radikale målsetninger, så lenge den faglige nyhetsgraden er høy og teknologien som skal utvikles har stort potensial. I søknaden skal dere beskrive hvordan dere vil håndtere ulike risikoelementer knyttet til gjennomføringen av prosjektet.
Prosjektene som får midler fra oss, må være villige til å delta i nettverk og læringsarenaer på tvers av prosjektene.
Søknader som ikke faller innenfor disse avgrensningene, kan få avslag uten fagfellevurdering.
I relevansvedlegget skal dere mer detaljert beskrive hvordan prosjektet er relevant for dette temaet ut fra følgende punkter:
- Prosjektet kombinerer teknologi fra minst to av de muliggjørende teknologiene som er nevnt i temaets avgrensninger. Dette punktet vektes tyngst.
Samarbeid utover eget fagmiljø fostrer innovasjon og gir grobunn for å se nye muligheter. For å oppmuntre til bredere samarbeid, vil følgende bli vurdert:
- Prosjektet involverer samarbeid mellom flere forskningsorganisasjoner.
- Prosjektet involverer internasjonalt samarbeid
Administrasjonen vil gjøre en vurdering og gi en relevanskarakter basert på relevansvedlegget og prosjektbeskrivelsen.
Porteføljestyret for muliggjørende teknologier tar den endelige beslutningen om hvilke søkere som får tildelt midler. Søknadene rangeres etter gjennomsnittskarakter for de fem vurderingskriteriene. Søknadene med høyest samlet gjennomsnittskarakter skal få midler. Blant likt rangerte søknader prioriteres søknader med høyest karakter på kriteriet «Forskningskvalitet – potensial for å flytte forskningsfronten». Deretter prioriteres søknader med kvinnelig prosjektleder foran søknader med mannlig prosjektleder. Hvis det fortsatt ikke er mulig å skille mellom to eller flere søknader, prioriteres søknader som i stor grad vil bidra til det grønne skiftet.
Midlene skal gå til forskningsprosjekter som utvikler teknologi innenfor nanoteknologi, mikroteknologi og avanserte materialer. Forskningsresultatene skal kunne tas i bruk, bidra til en mer bærekraftig samfunnsutvikling og gi kommersialiseringsmuligheter. Inntil syv prosjekter vil bli finansiert.
Prosjekter som knyttes til batteriteknologi faller utenfor avgrensningen i denne temaet.
Prosjektet skal utføres i tråd med prinsipper for ansvarlig forskning og innovasjon. Fagekspertene vil vurderer kvaliteten av planene for tilnærmingen. Den veiledende nettsiden "Ansvarlig forskning og innovasjon" gir råd om hvordan denne tilnærmingen kan tas inn i en søknad og tilpasses metoder, aktiviteter og ressurser i prosjektet.
Når vi fastsetter karakteren for søknadens relevans, vil vi i tillegg vurdere i hvilken grad prosjektet
- utvikler teknologier som faller inn under årets utlysning. Dette punktet vektes tyngst.
Kompetanse på teknologiområdene vil bli styrket dersom dere utnytter etablerte forskningsinfrastrukturer innenfor nanoteknologi, mikroteknologi og avanserte materialer. Derfor vil vi prioritere søknader som viser at
- prosjektet skal utnytte relevant nasjonal (jf. Norsk veikart for forskningsinfrastruktur) og/eller relevant internasjonal forskningsinfrastruktur i sentrale deler av forskningen. I relevansvedlegget skal dere beskrive hvilket utstyr som skal brukes til hvilken del av den planlagte forskningen, hvor mange personmåneder som skal brukes til arbeidet og kostnader til leiested/avskrivning.
Administrasjonen vil gjøre en vurdering og gi en relevanskarakter basert på vedlegget og prosjektbeskrivelsen.
Porteføljestyret vil vektlegge følgende ved tildeling av prosjekter:
- Gjennomsnittskarakter for de fem vurderingskriteriene.
- Blant likt rangerte søknader prioriteres søknader med høyest karakter på kriteriet «Forskningskvalitet – potensial for å flytte forskningsfronten». Hvis det fortsatt ikke er mulig å skille mellom to eller flere søknader, prioriteres søknader som i stor grad vil bidra til det grønne skiftet.
Welfare and education
Funding is available for research that strengthens our ability to maintain an economically and socially sustainable welfare society.
The thematic framework of the call is based on the Government’s Long-term plan for research and higher education 2023-2032, research for economic and social sustainability, and the Long-term plan’s thematic priority “Trust and community”.
Click this link for a webinar with more information about these funds (the video is in Norwegian).
The projects are to develop knowledge about how to understand and meet the major societal challenges (and opportunities) facing the Norwegian welfare society in terms of economic and social sustainability. The goal is high-quality research that will strengthen the knowledge base for policy and societal development in this area.
We are asking for projects that will meet knowledge needs related to economic and social security, participation and belonging in society, trust and legitimacy, and good and efficient welfare services. We are also asking for insights into the cultural dimensions of these research areas.
The projects must contribute with new perspectives, ask new questions and provide new knowledge within this broad area, on one or more of the three topics below.
- Trust in, legitimacy or support for the institutions of the welfare society, for example in connection with fundamental norms and values in the welfare state.
- Participation and belonging in society for individuals and groups: Inclusion and exclusion in working life and in society, social divisions or forms of social and economic inequality.
- The efficiency, organisation, management or administration of the welfare services. In this context, we are referring to welfare services and benefits for economic and social security, or related to labour.
This topic is open to proposals from all scientific disciplines. Research on legal, economic and other types of regulation and governance is relevant within all three topics. The same applies to historical, normative, and cultural studies.
The research must relate to conditions in or with relevance to Norway. Research where Norwegian conditions are part of international comparative studies is nevertheless welcome.
Education and health are factors that can be of importance to several of the topics above. However, we will not prioritize projects that are primarily educational research or health and care research. These topics have separate call texts – cf. other topics under Welfare and education in this call, and the thematic area Health in the call for collaborative projects. We also draw attention to the topic of research for better inclusion of children and young people in the call for collaborative projects.
If the proposal is relevant to one or more of the three topics above, we will give positive consideration if the following is included
- collaboration with researchers and research communities abroad. You must describe the partners' role and contribution to the project.
- collaboration with other researchers and research communities in Norway. You must describe the partners' role and contribution to the project.
- interdisciplinary collaboration (between disciplines at level 1 of the Norwegian Classification of Scientific Disciplines ( (the document is in Norwegian).
When we decide on a mark for the proposal’s relevance, we assess how well the above points are met.
Portfolio assessments
- Provided that the quality and relevance of the proposals are high enough, the portfolio board will strive to increase cultural, normative and historical perspectives in welfare research.
- Provided that the quality and relevance are high enough, the portfolio board will strive to allocate funding to projects that collectively cover the thematic breadth of the call.
- The portfolio board will strive to fund projects that add new perspectives and topics to the Research Council's welfare portfolio.
Relevant plans
Other relevant calls for proposals on the same topic
Funding is available for research for and about the education sector. We fund projects relating to teaching and learning, the content and forms of assessment of education, professional education, educational technology, the governance and organisation of the education sector, and the role of the education system for the individual and in society and working life. The call is open for projects on all levels of the education system, from kindergarten to higher education and skills in working life. Projects that look at transitions between levels are also relevant. Part of the funds have been set aside for research on and for higher vocational education and/or vocational training.
The aim is to generate high-quality research that is of particular interest to actors and stakeholders related to policy-making, administration and fields of practice in education, learning and competence development. The projects are intended to contribute to knowledge-based development. We encourage projects that are interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary when this serves the purpose.
The thematic priorities for research for and about education are divided into four broadly defined thematic areas. The thematic areas are interrelated and are not mutually exclusive, so that issues may intervene across these. Projects must be relevant to at least one of the following four areas:
- Teaching and learning. Learning and education is a continuous and lifelong process that takes place in many social arenas. We need knowledge about how different children, young people and adults learn and develop in different contexts in the face of the future and new challenges.
- Competence development. In order to have a stronger working life orientation and a continuously updated knowledge base, the aim is that the training programmes strive to link research, education and professional practice. There is a need for research for evidence-based practice and the development of tools, systems or models that can promote quality in practice throughout the education system, from kindergarten to higher education and working life.
- Governance, management and organisation. Good management and well-functioning organisation are crucial for high quality in education and training programmes. In order to develop a future-oriented and flexible education system, we need more knowledge about how governance and management at and between different levels contribute to the development work.
- The importance of education for the individual and for society and working life. Access to and facilitation of participation for all in the education system and in working life is of great importance for the individual's opportunities for a good life. There is a need for gender and/or diversity perspectives in research, including indigenous and minority perspectives.
If the applications are relevant to the points above, priority will be given to projects that have:
- active collaboration with at least one other national research institution
- active collaboration with at least one research organisation abroad
Portfolio Assessments
- At least two projects for research on higher vocational education and/or vocational education and training.
- The thematic area Governance, management and organisation may be prioritised in the allocation process.
- The portfolio board wants a balanced project portfolio with regard to the gender of the project managers.
Relevant plans
Other relevant calls for proposals on the same topic
Practical information
Requirements for this application type
You can change and submit the application several times until the application deadline. We recommend that you submit your application as soon as you have completed the application form and uploaded the required attachments. When the application deadline expires, it is the version of the application that was submitted most recently that we process.
The application must meet the following requirements:
- The application and all attachments must be written in English, with the exception of the description of relevance to the topic, which you can write in Norwegian or English.
- All attachments must be in PDF format.
- Mandatory attachments must be included.
- Requirements relating to the Project Manager and the Project Owner must be met.
- The project must start between 1 October 2025 and 1 April 2026 with a duration of up to 6 years.
- You must clearly demonstrate that the project is within the priorities described in the topic from which you are applying for funding.
Mandatory attachments
- Project description of a maximum of 11 pages.
- CV for project manager of maximum four pages.
- Description of relevance of a maximum of one page. When describing the application's relevance, we recommend that you read the relevant topic text carefully. Uploaded as attachment type "Other".
Applications that do not meet the requirements above will be rejected. You must use standard templates for all required attachments. The templates can be found at the bottom of the call.
Optional attachments
- CVs for the most important project participants, each of a maximum of four pages. It is mandatory to use the CV template at the bottom of the call.
- You will assess which project participants are the most important, and in which cases it will be of importance for the application processing to assess the project participants' qualifications.
- If you wish, you can attach a brief description of competence or suggestions for up to three peers you believe would be suitable to assess your application. We are not obliged to use the proposals, but can do so if necessary.
All attachments to the application must be submitted with the application. We do not accept attachments submitted after the application deadline unless we have requested additional documentation.
We will not consider documents and websites linked to in the application, or attachments other than those specified above. Be careful to upload the correct attachment type, as there are no technical restrictions on what kind of templates it is possible to upload in the application form.
Assessment criteria
Applications will be assessed in light of the purpose of the call and the following criteria:
Excellence – potential for advancing the state-of-the-art
• Scientific creativity and originality.
• Novelty and boldness of hypotheses or research questions.
• Potential for development of new knowledge beyond the current state-of-the-art, including significant theoretical, methodological, experimental or empirical advancement.
Excellence – quality of R&D activities
• Quality of the research questions, hypotheses and project objectives, and the extent to which they are clearly and adequately specified.
• Credibility and appropriateness of the theoretical approach, research design and use of scientific methods. Appropriate consideration of interdisciplinary approaches.
• The extent to which appropriate consideration has been given to ethical issues, safety issues, gender dimension in research content, and use of stakeholder/user knowledge if appropriate.
• Potential for academic impact:
The extent to which the planned outputs of the project address important present and/or future scientific challenges.
The extent to which the planned outputs are openly accessible to ensure reusability of the research outputs and enhance reproducibility.
• Potential for societal impact (if addressed by the applicant):
The extent to which the planned outputs of the project address UN Sustainable Development Goals or other important present and/or future societal challenges.
• The extent to which the potential impacts are clearly formulated and plausible.
Communication and exploitation
• The extent to which the appropriate open science practices are implemented as an integral part of the proposed project to ensure open sharing and wide distribution of research outputs.
• Quality and scope of communication and engagement activities with different target audiences, including relevant stakeholders/users.
• The extent to which the project manager has relevant expertise and experience, and demonstrated ability to perform high-quality research (as appropriate to the career stage).
• The degree of complementarity of the participants and the extent to which the project group has the necessary expertise needed to undertake the research effectively.
The quality of the project organisation and management
• Effectiveness of the project organisation, including the extent to which resources assigned to work packages are aligned with project objectives and deliverables.
• Appropriateness of the allocation of tasks, ensuring that all participants have a valid role and adequate resources in the project to fulfil that role.
• Appropriateness of the proposed management structures and governance.
Relevance to the chosen topic
• The extent to which the project satisfies any other priorities in the text for the chosen topic.
Administrative procedures
We will assess your application as it has been submitted. It is not relevant how an identical or similar application has previously been assessed by us.
Here you can read more about the processing procedure for Researcher Projects.
Once the application deadline has passed, we will first check that all formal requirements are met. Applications that do not satisfy the formal requirements will be rejected.
Applications that are outside the thematic limitations set out in the call will not be eligible for funding. Decisions on this are made by the individual portfolio boards.
Where the requirements are met, we will make the application, with all mandatory attachments, available in an online portal for peers who individually assess the criteria Research quality – potential for advancing the research frontier, Research quality – quality in R&D activities, Impact and Implementation. The referees will then meet in thematic panels where they will reach a consensus on the assessment of the application for each of the four criteria.
The referee panel assesses the applications for open research practice as part of the criterion Impact.
You can read more about the assessment of open science in applications here.
If the referee panel assesses all criteria for a mark of 5 or higher, the application will also be assessed on the basis of the criterion Relevance to the chosen topic by case officers in the Research Council.
The assessment of the five above-mentioned criteria is summarised in an overall mark for the application. The Research Council's administration then creates ranking lists based on these marks.
Finally, it is the portfolio boards that decide whether the applications will be awarded funding or not. Their decisions are based on the ranking lists and a overall portfolio assessment. Under the individual topics in this call, the considerations taken by the portfolio boards will be stated.
On this website, you will find more information about portfolio assesment.
The portfolio boards will generally have decision meetings after the summer of 2025. We will publish the results of the application processing after these meetings.
Messages at time of print 15 January 2025, 15:54 CET