The fifth International Polar Year (IPY) in 2032-2033 could be the most important ever. At a roundtable conference during Arctic Frontiers in Tromsø, the road to a successful IPY was discussed.
The Research Council is announcing up to 100 million NOK for a national center for artificial intelligence (AI) for maritime actors.
The Research Council of Norway is awarding NOK 156 million to new projects with great potential to advance the research front in their fields.
The funded projects include research on sustainable and equitable urban development in Oslo and Cape Town, ecosystem management in the mountain regions of Norway and South Africa, and sustainable seafood farming practices that ensure economic, environmental, and social sustainability in the fjord outside Ålesund and in Saldanha Bay, South Africa.
The Research Council is looking for one Norwegian representative for each of the working groups Terrestrial, Marine and Society/Humanities in the IASC. Do you want to participate, or do you have a colleague that you can nominate?
The Research Council of Norway is awarding NOK 211 million to 20 new research projects with great potential to move the research front in their fields. Common to the projects is that they are of very high scientific quality.
The first round of continuous application processing in FRIPRO has been completed, with a good balance between research domains and career stages.
Twelve international research projects have received funding from the Global Research Council (GRC) to develop solutions contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Norwegian researchers are involved in five of these projects.
Norwegian research and innovation institutions continue to bring in large sums from the EU's research and innovation program, Horizon Europe. Over the last year, Norwegian research institutions and businesses have competed for nearly 6 billion kroner. This is well above the target set by the government.
We now know who will be part of the Research Council's portfolio boards from 1 January 2024. The 115 members represent a wide range of academic and strategic expertise, institutions, sectors and experience from all parts of the research and innovation system.
Messages at time of print 31 March 2025, 06:02 CEST