Knowledge-building Project for Industry
We reserve the right to make changes to the call for proposals after we have received letters of allocation from the ministries for 2025.
Important dates
22 Jan 2025
Open for applications
05 Mar 2025
Application deadline
01 Oct 2025
Earliest permitted project start
01 Apr 2026
Latest permitted project start
31 Mar 2030
Latest permitted project completion date
Important dates
The purpose of this call is to encourage research organisations to cooperate with trade and industry to generate knowledge that the industry sector and society need to solve major societal and industry challenges. We require the business sector to provide cash financing for the projects.
About the call for proposals
Through this call, we support projects that, in binding collaboration between R&D actors and actors in the industry sector, develop new knowledge that is needed to meet important societal challenges.
We require that the industry actors are partners in the project and finance parts of the R&D actors' costs.
Through this call we support both basic and applied research.
In addition to this call, we have four others with a deadline of 5 March aimed at research organisations who must be Project Owners. The total of five calls for proposals are the three thematic Researcher Project calls (Researcher Project for Early Careers, Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal and Large Interdisciplinary Researcher Project), and the two calls for Collaborative and Knowledge-building Projects (Knowledge-building projects Projects for Industry (this call) and Collaborative Project to meet Meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges). The thematic texts under this call provide information about which of the other calls may be of relevance to the individual topic.
We therefore recommend that you also read through any other relevant calls to see which one is most suitable for your project. Please note that we do not move applications between the calls, and that it is therefore important to apply to the correct call.
Please also note that you can only serve as project manager for one application for this and our four other calls with deadline in March. This restriction does not apply to FRIPRO's open-ended calls for proposals. It is therefore possible to apply for one of the five calls mentioned above, and to the FRIPRO calls.
Before you apply, you must acquaint yourself with the "Knowledge-building Project for Industry – Guide for Applicants".
The call is available in both Norwegian and English. The text of the Norwegian call for proposals is legally binding.
Who is eligible to apply?
Only approved Norwegian research organisations are eligible to apply. See the list of approved research organisations.
Who can participate in the project?
Requirements relating to the Project Owner
The organisation listed as the Project Owner in the application form must have approved the submission of the application to the Research Council. The application must be strategically anchored with the Project Owner.
Requirements relating to the project manager
The project manager's professional competence and suitability to carry out the project will be assessed by peers. There are no formal requirements for the project manager's qualifications.
Requirements for collaboration and roles in the project
- The project must have at least two Norwegian partners from the industry sector (see the guidelines for definition) who provide cash financing for the project. The cash financing must be confirmed in a letter of intent.
The application must be strategically supported by all partners. They must also confirm this in a letter of intent. - The Project Owner and the partners must carry out the project in effective collaboration. See definition in the guide.
- The Project Owner and partners must be independent of each other. This means that one cannot have a controlling influence over the other. This applies both between the Project Owner and the partner, and between all the partners. The subcontractors and the Project Owner/partners must also be independent of each other. By controlling influence, we mean majority ownership or other specific legal or factual circumstances that mean that one actor can control the other. Read more about such dependencies here.
- A project participant may not have multiple roles in the project, for example as a partner and subcontractor.
- Partners who are not research organisations cannot lead the project or major tasks.
- The project must have a steering group or reference group where the partners are represented.
- The project must not be commissioned research. In the application, you must describe how the expertise built up in the project can benefit larger user groups.
What can you seek funding for?
You can apply for funding to cover the actual costs necessary to carry out the project. The Project Owner must obtain information on costs from the partners in the project. These costs must be entered in the cost plan under the cost type to which they belong.
The following cost types should be used:
- Payroll and indirect expenses, (including research fellowships). For doctoral research fellowships, support is limited to a maximum of three full-time equivalents, and for postdoctoral fellowships, support may be awarded for three to four years. See our website about post-doctoral research fellowship positions and doctoral research fellowship positions.
- Equipment, which includes operating and depreciation costs for scientific equipment and research infrastructure necessary to carry out the project.
- Other operating expenses, which are costs for other activities necessary to carry out the project. Purchases from subcontractors must be specified.
The item Procurement of R&D services must not be used.
If doctoral and postdoctoral research fellows are included in the project and there are specific plans for them to stay abroad, this may be included in the application. The Research Council also has a separate call for Funding for Research Stays Abroad for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellows.
If there are specific plans for visiting researchers or stays abroad for researchers in the project, this may be included in the application. The rules for such stays and information about rates can be found on our budget page.
You will find detailed and important information on the website about what to enter into the project budget.
Scope of support
- The Research Council's support for the project can be up to four times the Norwegian industry partners' cash contributions, both in total and on an annual basis.
- The minimum amount is stated at the top of this call. A possible maximum amount is described under the individual topics.
- Cash financing from foreign industry partners (including Norwegian-registered foreign enterprises) or public administration will not count as part of the cash financing requirement.
The Research Council does not award state aid under this call. This means that funding from the Research Council can only finance the research organisations' project costs.
We do not cover the costs of partners that are not research organisations, whether they are Norwegian or foreign. These costs must therefore be kept out of the budget tables. However, you must describe the activities they will carry out, as well as their costs, in the project description under section 3.2.
Costs incurred by foreign partners
The Research Council's allocation may cover the costs of foreign research organisations. See Partners abroad.
The Research Council requires a high standard of research ethics in the projects we fund, and ethics is included in the assessment criterion for Research Quality. In the template for the project description, there is a separate section that deals with this. The description of ethics is first and foremost an assurance to the peers that there is a plan in place to deal with the most important ethical dilemmas in the project. If you need to describe this in more detail, this can be done elsewhere in the project description, for example under method selection, or you can do so in the data management plan(s) (see below).
The responsibility for compliance with the research ethics standard lies with the individual researcher and research organisation (cf. The Act on the Organisation of Research Ethics).
The panel's assessment and the Research Council's decision on funding do not entail any research ethics approval.
Conditions for funding
- The support to the research organisations goes to their non-economic activity in the form of independent research. It therefore does not constitute state aid. The Research Council assumes that the necessary accounting separation between the organisation's economic and non-economic activities is in place
- We require annual project accounting reports documenting incurred project costs and their financing. The Research Council's prerequisites for awarding and disbursing funding are set out in the General Terms and Conditions for R&D Projects.
If the project is approved, the following must be in place when you revise the application:
- The Project Owner must establish collaboration agreements with the partners in the project, both Norwegian and foreign. The collaboration agreements are intended to regulate mutual rights and obligations and ensure the integrity and independence of research. The collaboration agreements must also ensure that no collaborating undertaking receives indirect support from the Project Owner or partners. The collaboration agreements must therefore contain conditions that ensure compliance with Section 28 of the EFTA Surveillance Authority's guidelines on state aid for research and development.
- If the project has PhD and postdoctoral research fellowships where the responsible university or university college does not participate in the application, you must also have a collaboration agreement with the responsible/degree-conferring institution.
- From 2022, research organisations that receive grants (Project Owners and partners) must have a Gender Equality Plan (GEP) available on their websites. The requirement does not apply to the private sector, special interest organisations or the voluntary sector.
- The Research Council requires full and immediate open access for scientific articles, see Plan S - open access to publications.
- For all projects that handle data, the Project Owner must prepare a data management plan in connection with the revised application. Here you will find more information about the requirements for data management plans in projects that receive funding from us.
- The Project Owner is responsible for selecting which archiving solution(s) to use for storing research data that is generated during the project.
For medical and health studies involving humans, the Research Council stipulates special requirements and guidelines for prospective registration of studies and publication of results.
Reporting and disbursement of support
You must submit an annual project accounting report documenting the costs incurred and how they are financed.
We pay the support in arrears. You will receive more information about this if the project should be awarded funding from us.
All reporting must be done electronically.
Relevant thematic areas for this call
The topics under this call are grouped into the thematic areas below. The thematic texts contain special requirements and guidelines that will be given weight when assessing grant applications.
More topics to come.
Energy and transportation
Midlene skal gå til prosjekter som støtter en langsiktig og bærekraftig utvikling av energisystemet, som bidrar til omstilling til nullutslippssamfunnet og som fremmer et konkurransedyktig norsk næringsliv.
Prosjektet må omhandle minst ett av de åtte delområdene nedenfor. Det er stort behov for forskning relatert til samhandling og systemintegrasjon på tvers av områdene, og prosjektet kan gjerne omhandle samspill mellom flere av disse områdene:
- ny fornybar energiproduksjon basert på solenergi, vind/hav, vannkraft, bioenergi og annen termisk energi
- infrastrukturer for energidistribusjon, inkludert et integrert og digitalisert strømnett
- løsninger for effektiv energibruk i bygg, anlegg og bebygde områder
- energieffektivisering og avkarbonisering av industriprosesser
- batterier og elektrifisering av transport
- hydrogen og andre hydrogenbaserte energibærere, samt biodrivstoff
- energiomstilling og virkninger for samfunn, klima og natur
Delområdene er definert i kapittel 4.1 i porteføljeplan for Energi, transport og lavutslipp (se Relevante planer under).
Det er mulig å søke om både kortvarige prosjekter på særlig aktuelle problemstillinger og brede, mer langsiktige prosjekter.
Vi anbefaler at dere søker om mellom 8–14 millioner fra Forskningsrådet.
Dere kan ikke benytte overskuddsfinansiering fra senterordninger (FME, SFI, e.l.) som del av kontantfinansieringen til prosjektet. Med overskuddsfinansiering menes industrifinansiering som inngår som en del av samarbeidsavtalen for et forskningssenter. Eventuelle støttebrev fra forskningssentre vil ikke bli vurdert.
Når vi fastsetter karakteren for søknadens relevans, vil vi legge vekt på om prosjektet vil bidra betydelig til minst ett eller flere av de tematiske områdene beskrevet over, i tillegg til om prosjektet:
- omfatter doktorgradsutdanning (for langsiktige, store prosjekter) og/eller bidrar til rekruttering til og utdanning innenfor energifagene også på bachelor- og masternivå
- har flere finansierende partnere, gjerne fra konkurranseutsatt næringsliv, og hvor flere av partnerne bidrar med betydelige deler av finansieringen og har støttebrev som viser både finansiering og strategisk forankring
- vil bidra til samspill mellom de ulike delene av energisektoren
- har samarbeid med relevante internasjonale forskningsmiljøer
- har et omfang som er innenfor anbefalt søkt beløp
For å sikre god kompetansebygging og rekruttering til energiforskningen oppfordrer vi dere til å la yngre forskere slippe til som prosjektledere. Vi anbefaler at dere kombinerer dette med en mentorordning og at dere beskriver dette i prosjektbeskrivelsen under punkt 3.1.
Vi vil tilstrebe en balansert prosjektportefølje som dekker bredden i områdene vi har beskrevet over og som bidrar til implementering av FoU-strategien Energi21.
Karakterene på de fire hovedkriteriene vil i hovedsak være utslagsgivende for hvilke prosjekter som når opp i konkurransen.
Når vi skal velge blant prosjekter med tilnærmet lik kvalitet, vil vi i 2025 prioritere prosjekter som skal bidra til effektiv og fleksibel energibruk innenfor bygg, anlegg, områder og landbasert industri eller som skal bidra til realisering av Norges havvindambisjoner, inkludert sikkerhets- og sikringsaspekter.
Vi vil tilstrebe en god kjønnsbalanse blant prosjektledere i porteføljen vår. Det innebærer også at vi ved ellers like forhold vil prioritere prosjekter som bidrar til en bedre kjønnsbalanse.
Midlene skal gå til prosjekter som omfatter grunnforskning og/eller anvendt forskning på problemstillinger knyttet til petroleumsvirksomheten i åpne områder på norsk kontinentalsokkel. For problemstillinger knyttet til sikkerhet i norsk petroleumsindustri er også landanleggene relevant.
Prosjekter som det er aktuelt å finansiere innenfor dette temaet, må falle inn under minst ett av disse fem områdene:
- reduksjon av klimagasser, energieffektivisering og miljø
- undergrunnsforståelse
- boring, komplettering, intervensjon og permanent avstengning av brønner (P&A)
- produksjon, prosessering og transport
- storulykker og arbeidsmiljø
Områdene er utdypet i porteføljeplanen for Petroleum.
I 2025 vil vi prioritere prosjekter som er rettet mot energieffektivisering og reduksjon av klimagassutslipp knyttet til petroleumsvirksomheten på norsk sokkel. I søknaden må dere redegjøre for hva dere ser for dere av totale utslippsreduksjoner for teknologien(e) som prosjektet skal utvikle, inkludert et kvantitativt klimaregnskap. Dere må også beskrive tidsperspektivet og rammebetingelsene for implementering av kunnskapen/teknologien og se det i sammenheng med bransjens nye klimamål for 2030 og 2050.
Alle søknader må helt tydelig rette seg mot petroleumsindustrien. Porteføljen for Petroleum vil utelukkende prioritere prosjekter der teknologien er direkte anvendt i norsk petroleumsvirksomhet og koblet til de tematiske prioriteringene gitt i porteføljeplanen for petroleum. Søknader som hovedsakelig retter seg mot fornybar energisektor, inklusiv bl.a. CCS, geotermi, havvind og hydrogen, skal ikke søke temaområde petroleum. Søknader som faller utenfor temaet, vil bli avslått uten vurdering av fageksperter.
Dere skal unngå aktiviteter som dupliserer andre, pågående prosjekter og sentre. Det er ikke anledning til å benytte overskuddsfinansiering fra senterordninger (FME, SFI eller PETROSENTER) som del av kontantfinansieringen til prosjektet. Med overskuddsfinansiering menes industrifinansiering som inngår som en del av samarbeidsavtalen for et forskningssenter. Eventuelle støttebrev fra forskningssentre vil ikke bli vurdert.
Anbefalt søkt beløp fra Forskningsrådet er 8 – 16 millioner i støtte, for å sørge for at hovedtyngden av prosjektene er av en viss størrelse.
Vi vil vektlegge søknader som
- bidrar betydelig til minst ett eller flere av de tematiske områdene beskrevet over
- inkluderer forskerutdanning av doktorgrad- og/eller postdoktorstipendiater, og som bidrar til forskningsbasert undervisning på masternivå
- inneholder samarbeid med en annen, norsk forskningsorganisasjon i tillegg til minimumskravet til deltagelse fra organisasjoner i næringslivet
- har konkrete planer for internasjonalt samarbeid
- har industripartnere hvor alle er godt integrert i prosjektet og bidrar med vesentlig finansiering
- har et omfang som er innenfor anbefalt søkt beløp
For å sikre god kompetansebygging og rekruttering innenfor petroleumsforskning, oppfordrer vi dere til å la yngre forskere slippe til som prosjektledere, forutsatt at dere kombinerer dette med en mentorordning slik at erfaring og kompetanse er ivaretatt i prosjektteamet.
Når vi fastsetter karakteren for søknadens relevans, vurderer vi hvor godt punktene ovenfor er oppfylt, i tillegg til utlysningens generelle krav og kjennetegn.
Vi vil tilstrebe en balansert samlet prosjektportefølje som dekker bredden i temaområdene beskrevet over og som bidrar til implementering av porteføljeplanen for petroleum og FoU-strategien OG21. KSP-søknader med relasjon til pågående forskningssentre eller andre løpende prosjekter skal være klart avgrenset og tydelig nytt.
Practical information
Requirements for this application type
You can amend and submit the application several times up to the application deadline. We recommend that you submit your application as soon as you have completed the application form and uploaded the mandatory attachments. When the application deadline expires, it is the version of the application that was submitted most recently that we process.
- The application and all attachments must be written in English, except for the relevance appendix, which may be in Norwegian.
- All mandatory attachments must be included. The attachments must be in PDF format.
- The project must start between 1.10.2025 and 1.4.2026. Projects that have received a decision on funding, but that do not start during this period, may lose their funding.
Mandatory attachments
- Project description of maximum 11 pages, using the designated template that can be found at the end of the call. You must use the 2025 template.
- CVs for the project manager and key project participants, maximum four pages each. You decide which project participants are the most important. Key project participants who are researchers can use the CV template called "Template for CV researchers". Other key project participants can use the CV template called "Template for CV".
- Letters of intent from all the partners. See sample letter of intent on our guide page. The cash contribution from business actors must be specified in the letter of intent. Cash contributions that are listed in the project budget, but not specified in the letter of intent, will not be included when we assess the application.
- Description of relevance of a maximum of one page. Uploaded as attachment type "Other"
You must use standard templates for all required attachments. The templates can be found at the bottom of the call.
All requirements set out in the call must be met. Grant applications that do not satisfy the formal requirements or requirements relating to the Project Owner and requirements relating to collaboration and roles in the project will be rejected.
We will not consider attachments other than those specified above, or documents and websites linked to in the application. The system does not do any technical validation on the content of the attachments you upload, so make sure to upload the correct file for the correct attachment type.
Optional attachment
You may attach suggestions for up to three referees (possibly academic communities) who you believe have the competence to assess the application. Alternatively, you may attach a brief description of the competence that you believe will be suitable to assess it. We are not obliged to use the suggestions, but can use them if necessary. We encourage gender balance in the proposals.
All attachments must be submitted with the application. We do not accept attachments submitted after the application deadline unless we have requested additional documentation.
Assessment criteria
Applications will be assessed in light of the purpose of the call and the following criteria:
• Scientific creativity and originality.
• Novelty and boldness of hypotheses or research questions.
• Potential for development of new knowledge beyond the current state of the art, including significant theoretical, methodological, experimental or empirical advancement.
The quality of the proposed R&D activities
• Quality of the research questions, hypotheses and project objectives, and the extent to which they are clearly and adequately specified.
• Credibility and appropriateness of the theoretical approach, research design and use of scientific methods. Appropriate consideration of interdisciplinary approaches.
• The extent to which appropriate consideration has been given to societal responsibility, ethical issues and gender dimensions in research content.
• The extent to which appropriate consideration has been given to the use of stakeholder/user knowledge.
• The extent to which the planned outputs of the project address important present and/or future scientific challenges.
• The extent to which the planned outputs are openly accessible to ensure reusability of the research outputs and enhance reproducibility.
• The extent to which the planned outputs of the project address important present and/or future challenges for the sector(s).
• The extent to which the competence developed and planned outputs of the project will provide the basis for value creation in Norwegian business and/or development of the public sector.
• The extent to which the planned outputs of the project address UN Sustainable Development Goals or other important present and/or future societal challenges.
• The extent to which the potential impacts are clearly formulated and plausible.
Communication and exploitation
• The extent to which the appropriate open science practices are implemented as an integral part of the proposed project to ensure open sharing and wide distribution of research outputs.
• Quality and scope of communication and engagement activities targeted towards relevant stakeholders/users.
• The extent to which the partners are involved in dissemination and utilisation of the project results.
• The extent to which the project manager has relevant expertise and experience and demonstrated ability to perform high-quality research (as appropriate to the career stage).
• The degree of complementarity of the participants and the extent to which the project group has the necessary expertise needed to undertake the research effectively.
The quality of the project organisation and management
• Effectiveness of the project organisation, including the extent to which resources assigned to work packages are aligned with project objectives and deliverables.
• Appropriateness of the allocation of tasks, ensuring that all participants have a valid role and adequate resources in the project to fulfil that role.
• Appropriateness of the proposed management structures and governance.
• Appropriateness of the partners' contribution to the governance and execution of the project.
Relevance to the chosen topic
• The extent to which the project satisfies any other priorities in the text for the chosen topic.
Administrative procedures
We will assess your application as it has been submitted.
Once the application deadline has passed, we will first check that all formal requirements have been met. Applications that do not satisfy the formal requirements will be rejected.
In addition, applications that are outside the thematic delimitations set out in the call will not be eligible for funding. Decisions on this are made by the individual portfolio boards.
Where the requirements are met, we will make the application, with all mandatory attachments, available online for referees who individually assess the criteria "Excellence", "Impact" and "Implementation". The referees will then meet in thematic panels where they will reach a consensus assessment of the application for each of the three criteria.
If the referee panel assesses all criteria for a mark of 4 or higher, the application will also be assessed on the basis of the criterion "Relevance to the call" by the Research Council's case officers.
The assessment of the four above criteria is summarised in an overall mark for the application. The Research Council's administration then makes ranking lists based on this grade.
Finally, it is the portfolio boards that decide whether the applications will be awarded funding or not. Their decisions are based on the ranking lists and an overall portfolio assessment. Under the individual topics in this call, the considerations taken by the portfolio boards will be stated.
The portfolio boards will generally have decision meetings after the summer of 2025. We will publish the results of the application processing after these meetings.
On the Research Council's website, you can read more about the administrative procedure for Collaborative and Knowledge-building Projects.
Messages at time of print 15 January 2025, 14:09 CET
Important message
For the call for proposals with an application deadline 15 January at 13:00 CET, we manage our hotline +47 22 03 72 00 Monday 13 January and Tuesday 14 January at CET 08:00–15:45 and Wednesday 15 January at CET 08:00-13:00.