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Forskerprosjekt for fornyelse


Formålet er fornyelse og utvikling i forskningen som kan bidra til å flytte den internasjonale forskningsfronten. Utlysningen retter seg derfor mot forskere som har vist evne til å utføre forskning av høy vitenskapelig kvalitet. Utlysningen er åpen for søknader innenfor alle fag- og forskningsområder.

Om søknadsresultatene

Søkt beløp
Kr 16 650 025 000
Tildelte midler
Kr 1 183 520 800
Mottatte søknader
Innvilgede søknader
Innvilgede søknader
Søkt beløp
334266INSTITUTT FOR SAMFUNNSFORSKNINGEU labor immigration and the organization of workArbeids- og velferdsforskningKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334501NTNU SAMFUNNSFORSKNING ASNorwegian labour inclusion of young people at risk: User pathways, street-level bureaucracies and interorganisational collaborationsArbeids- og velferdsforskningKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334628Universitetet i BergenAssessments about children's criminal insanity and violence risk: Exploring and advancing the recognition of children's developmentArbeids- og velferdsforskningKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334711Universitetet i OsloThe use of Expert Reports as evidence in Child Protection Decision-MakingArbeids- og velferdsforskningKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334866STIFTELSEN FRISCHSENTERET FOR SAMFUNNSØKONOMISK FORSKNINGLabor market inclusion and labor productivityArbeids- og velferdsforskningKr 11 981 00002.09.2022
334972NORCE Samfunn/Helse VESTLANDHealth Deterioration and Risks of Labour Market Exits - Young Workers in Double Trouble?Arbeids- og velferdsforskningKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335194Universitetet i BergenLife and Work in Balance: Legal responses to working life in times of change and crisis (LaW-BALANCE)Arbeids- og velferdsforskningKr 9 999 00002.09.2022
335851STIFTELSEN FRISCHSENTERET FOR SAMFUNNSØKONOMISK FORSKNINGRefugee Settlement Locations and Long Run OutcomesArbeids- og velferdsforskningKr 7 986 00002.09.2022
334428FRIDTJOF NANSEN STIFTELSEN PÅ POLHØGDAMaking use of Arctic science - The Case of the Arctic CouncilArktisKr 7 373 00002.09.2022
335863NORSK UTENRIKSPOLITISK INSTITUTTNext Arctic Rush? Critical Materials for the Energy TransitionArktisKr 9 858 00002.09.2022
334005NTNUVisuopathy of Prematurity – Is Retinopathy of Prematurity just the tip of the iceberg?Banebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 10 931 00002.09.2022
334086Stiftelsen Norsk institutt for luftforskningAirborne Microplastic Detection, Origin, Transport and Global Radiative ImpactBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 999 00002.09.2022
334093FolkehelseinstituttetParenthood, childlessness, and mental health in times of falling fertilityBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334119NTNUInternet Gaming and Psychosocial Development from Childhood to Emerging Adulthood—An Ecological Process ModelBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334148UiT - Norges arktiske universitetPersistence or change? Lessons from the introduction of enhetsskolen in Denmark and NorwayBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 10 106 00002.09.2022
334202Universitetet i AgderUltra-Efficient Energy Harvesting with Antiferromagnetic ThermoelectricsBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334323HavforskningsinstituttetFishing-induced eco-evolutionary changes in coastal environments: Atlantic cod as a case studyBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 759 00002.09.2022
334326Universitetet i OsloUncovering novel clinical characteristics, risk factors and brain phenotypes across the spectrum of adolescent psychosis.Banebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334361Universitetet i OsloDefective mitophagy in Alzheimer Tau pathology: Mechanistic studies and AI-based drug development (‘AM-AI’)Banebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334377Universitetet i OsloARCREATE. An Archaeology of Creative Knowledge in Turbulent TimesBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334411Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i OsloProvenance Projected: Architecture Past and Future in the Era of CircularityBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 671 00002.09.2022
334437Universitetet i BergenEpigenetic Control of Obesity-induced Tumor Initiation in Breast CancerBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334466NTNUFourier Methods and Multiplicative AnalysisBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334480NasjonalbiblioteketMade Abroad: Producing Norwegian World Literature in a Time of Rupture, 1900-50Banebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 986 00002.09.2022
334487Universitetet i OsloMachine Learning about the Economy: Labor, Macro and IOBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334585VeterinærinstituttetChronic wasting disease prions from Norwegian cervids: Assessing the pathogenesis, shedding, spillover and zoonotic potentialBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 998 00002.09.2022
334603NTNUReligious and Secular Worldmaking: Narrative Cultures of Utopian Emigration and the Formation of Modern Regimes of AttentionBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 10 776 00002.09.2022
334652NTNUEstablishing next-generation pioneering models for interface mass transfer, breakup and coalescence in turbulent flowBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334654Universitetet i OsloBEYOND ELASTICITY - How inelastic properties of crustal rocks control the propagation of dykes and sills in volcanic plumbing systemsBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334787NTNUDecoding the intracellular complement system in inflammatory reactionsBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334805Universitetet i OsloUnlocking molecular diversity in the brain-to-body gateway: spatial transcriptomics and proteomics of brainstem-to-spinal cord projectionsBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334817Universitetet i BergenThe illusion of empty blind zones: How things may seem to appear out of nowhere in magic shows and road accidentsBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334862Oslo universitetssykehus HFLearning from Deep learningBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 958 00002.09.2022
334953Universitetet i OsloPrivate knowledge, public issues: Digitalization and private economies of knowledge in criminal justiceBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 986 00002.09.2022
334965Universitetet i OsloConditions for earthquake nucleation in the lower crustBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334977Institutt for fredsforskning - PRIOThe Uncertainty of Forecasting Fatalities in Armed Conflict (UFFAC)Banebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 997 00002.09.2022
335017Universitetet i StavangerThe machinery positioning chlorophyll in Cytochrome b6fBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 998 00002.09.2022
335022Universitetet i OsloDiamond and Gallium Oxide Interfaces for Power Electronics DevicesBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335029Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitetSPORE NANOFIBER: Exploring novel extremely heat and chemically resilient nanofibers expressed on bacterial sporesBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335044Universitetet i BergenPaving the way for rational RNA-ligand designBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 999 00002.09.2022
335093Universitetet i BergenPathogenesis of autoimmune Addison’s disease and polyendocrine syndromes – identifying pathologies and pathways for future treatmentBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335162Universitetsmuseet i BergenGamma-ray-glow Effects on Atmospheric Electricity and ChemistryBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 997 00002.09.2022
335204NTNUIntestinal epithelial cells: Central coordinators in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and targets for treatmentBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 907 00002.09.2022
335230Universitetet i BergenThe nutritional regulation of cellular quiescence in animalsBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 9 886 00002.09.2022
335244Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitetBoosting the bee: Leveraging the structural capabilities of the lipoprotein Vitellogenin to support honey bee (Apis mellifera) health.Banebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 985 00002.09.2022
335255Universitetet i BergenOverturning circulation in the new ArcticBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 663 00002.09.2022
335287Universitetet i BergenThe People of Norway (Norges Befolkning)Banebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 10 500 00002.09.2022
335324NTNUFunction of aberrant DNA methylation in shaping neuronal genome during neurodevelopmentBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 996 00002.09.2022
335381Norsk utenrikspolitisk instituttRe-gendering diplomacyBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 996 00002.09.2022
335448Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning ASManagement Practices and Gender gaps: Mechanisms behind the Gender Gap in Career Progression (MAP-GAP)Banebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335530Universitetet i BergenUnderstanding Male GamersBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335582Universitetet i BergenMapping the sensory processes underlying settlement and metamorphosis in a marine environment using the protochordate Ciona intestinalis.Banebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 8 121 00002.09.2022
335600Universitetet i OsloDISTRIBUTE: Do Fundamental Resource Distribution Principles of Need, Effort & Coalition Size Manifest Even in the Infant Mind ?Banebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335700Universitetet i AgderCaReLearner: Causal Reasoning with Logical Interpretable LearningBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335772Universitetet i BergenLife at the periphery: the workings of proteins at the surface of cell and organelle membranesBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335795Universitetet i OsloDJEMBEDANCE - Multimodal rhythm in music and dance from West AfricaBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335832UiT - Norges arktiske universitetA CubeSat formation for space debris characterisationBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335855Stiftelsen Frischsenteret for samfunnsøkonomisk forskningImproving the monitoring, treatment and prevention of population drug abuseBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335901Universitetet i BergenFlickerPRINT for Monitoring Intracellular Droplet OrganellesBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 998 00002.09.2022
335940OsloMetVirtual-Eye - Learning from human eye scanpaths for optimal autonomous searchBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 11 840 00002.09.2022
336050Universitetet i OsloThe influence of experts on public policyBanebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
336078Universitetet i OsloEarly Life SocioEconomic status, mental health, and educational performance: an evaluation of sensitivity to the environment (ELiSE)Banebrytende forskning (FRIPRO)Kr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334552STATISTISK SENTRALBYRÅThe green transition: Instrument design, employment and long-lived capitalDet grønne skiftetKr 7 063 00002.09.2022
335043INSTITUTT FOR SAMFUNNSFORSKNINGGreening the economy- Facilitating Innovation, Economics and Labour DemandDet grønne skiftetKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335878CICERO SENTER FOR KLIMAFORSKNINGNorway in the European green transition - Strategies and policy measures combining cost-effective emission reduction with high acceptabilityDet grønne skiftetKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334097UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN Single Cell Data-derived European Study for Personalised Management of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Children and AdolescentsDiagnostikk, behandling og tjenestetilbudKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334750UNIVERSITETET I BERGENVirtual darkness and digital phenotyping in specialized and municipal dementia care: The DARK.DEM randomized controlled trial.Diagnostikk, behandling og tjenestetilbudKr 10 621 00002.09.2022
335258OSLO UNIVERSITETSSYKEHUS HFPrecisionCare: Improving pathways to care for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorderDiagnostikk, behandling og tjenestetilbudKr 11 995 00002.09.2022
335731NTNUFAMREUN Family Reunification and Unaccompanied Refugee Minors: Psychosocial Health, Integration and Support ServicesDiagnostikk, behandling og tjenestetilbudKr 10 362 00002.09.2022
335495Universitetet i BergenEffectiveness of peer counseling in addressing psychological distress and exposure to violence among LGBTI population in NepalGlobal helseKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335643Universitetet i OsloPRESHA Project - PREventing Severe Hypertensive Adverse events in pregnancy and childbirthGlobal helseKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335788Universitetet i OsloBits, bytes and bodies: Local innovation and digital healthcare in TanzaniaGlobal helseKr 7 643 00002.09.2022
335889NTNURandomised controlled trial in Nepal: Implementing point-of-care-tests and identifying barriers to reduce antibiotics for vaginal dischargeGlobal helseKr 6 898 00002.09.2022
335008Norsk institutt for bioøkonomiFood security through better sanitation: the case of urine recyclingGlobal matsikkerhetKr 10 770 00002.09.2022
336061STIFTELSEN RURALIS INSTITUTT FOR RURAL- OG REGIONALFORSKNINGCreating Inclusive and Sustainable Food Systems in Refugee Hosting Contexts in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)Global matsikkerhetKr 11 993 00002.09.2022
334327NORD UNIVERSITET BODØPriming as a kelp engineering technology to enhance yield and secure production under environmental challengesHavbrukKr 10 575 00002.09.2022
334333NOFIMA ASGenetics of multi-pathogen resistance in Atlantic salmonHavbrukKr 11 976 00002.09.2022
335758NOFIMA ASRegional adipose tissue depots in Atlantic salmon and their importance to fish healthHavbrukKr 8 000 00002.09.2022
335990NOFIMA ASImproving resistance of farmed Atlantic cod to francisellosis: interplay between host-pathogen interactions, environment, and geneticsHavbrukKr 11 996 00002.09.2022
336037VETERINÆRINSTITUTTETMicrobial endocrinology as an instigator of bacterial fish diseaseHavbrukKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
336112NORD UNIVERSITET BODØNovel insights into the epigenetic landscape of puberty onset in Atlantic codHavbrukKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334594Institutt for fredsforskning - PRIODevelopmental Peace? Perceptions of China’s Engagement in Pakistan and Afghanistan [AsiaPeace]Internasjonale relasjoner, utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikkKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334820FRIDTJOF NANSEN STIFTELSEN PÅ POLHØGDAChina’s changing role in global environmental governance. A prism for understanding its key role in other world order issues.Internasjonale relasjoner, utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikkKr 9 686 00002.09.2022
335422NORSK UTENRIKSPOLITISK INSTITUTTChina and Evolving Multilateral Craftmanship in the Age of Digitalization (CHIMULTI)Internasjonale relasjoner, utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikkKr 11 975 00002.09.2022
334541UiT - Norges arktiske universitetReproductive toxicity and transgenerational effects of petroleum mixtures in fishMarinKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334596UiT - Norges arktiske universitetMEltwater release of heavy meTALs from gLacIer to ocean in a Changing ArcticMarinKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334739UNIVERSITETET I BERGENWhales and polar bear in a petri dish: decoding marine mammal toxicology through in vitro and in silico approaches – Marma-detoxMarinKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335371HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTET FORSKNINGSSTASJONEN FLØDEVIGENKelp forests in the Anthropocene: unravelling impacts of warming and marine heatwaves from genes to ecosystemsMarinKr 11 141 00002.09.2022
335391NTNUPlastics as a potential vector for spread of antimicrobial resistance and pathogens from wastewater discharge in the marine environmentMarinKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335512NORSK POLARINSTITUTTI-CRYME: Impact of CRYosphere Melting on Southern Ocean Ecosystems and biogeochemical cyclesMarinKr 11 993 00002.09.2022
335549Naturhistorisk museumThe role of gene flow in the evolution of Antarctic icefishesMarinKr 11 483 00002.09.2022
335887NINA BERGENUnderstanding human-induced trophic cascades in coastal ecosystemsMarinKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335073Universitetet i OsloAccelerating Climate Action and the State: Getting to Net Zero (ACCELZ)NullutslippssamfunnKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335291CICERO SENTER FOR KLIMAFORSKNINGFlying less and well-being. Engaging Norwegians in reducing the flight intensity of social practices.NullutslippssamfunnKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335505CICERO SENTER FOR KLIMAFORSKNINGGoverning under turbulence: The European Green Deal and implications for NorwayNullutslippssamfunnKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335706NTNUCLIMATE RIGHTS: Designing Visual Evidence for Climate CasesNullutslippssamfunnKr 8 921 00002.09.2022
335927IdrettshøgskolenFrom climate knowledge to climate action in sportNullutslippssamfunnKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
336041NINA TRONDHEIMNature-based solutions for end use of degraded peat – impacts on climate, biodiversity and policy (PEATWAY)NullutslippssamfunnKr 11 965 00002.09.2022
336049Universitetet i OsloExposure Assessment and Prevention of Death, Disease and Injuries among Offshore Petroleum WorkersPetroleumKr 10 000 00002.09.2022
334659UNIVERSITETET I BERGENHow Norway Made the World WhiterSamfunnsutviklingens kulturelle forutsetningerKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335129UNIVERSITETET I BERGENExtending Digital NarrativeSamfunnsutviklingens kulturelle forutsetningerKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335436NTNUNon-safety assessments of genome-edited animals: ethical and regulatory challenges and solutionsSamfunnsutviklingens kulturelle forutsetningerKr 11 386 00002.09.2022
335278Universitetet i OsloIndigenous language resilience: From learners to speakersSamiskKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334443Velferdsforskningsinstituttet NOVA - OsloMetTomorrow’s inequalities in the making: Processes of life chance differentiation within and outside of education (LIFECHANCES)UtdanningKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334698Høgskulen på VestlandetTASTE Didactics - Food and Critical ThinkingUtdanningKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
334854NTNUComparing the Organization of Durable Inequalities in Childhood: Inequality in childhoods, schools and associated welfare systemsUtdanningKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335634Universitetet i OsloWhy do educational difficulties run in families? Genetically sensitive observational and intervention research on home learning environmentUtdanningKr 12 000 00002.09.2022
335687Nord UniversitetLearning across boundaries in elderly care (LABCare): Enabling expansive learning in and across vocational education and workplace practicesUtdanningKr 11 993 00002.09.2022
335416 Griegakademiet - Institutt for musikk Sounding Relation: Use of music microanalysis to explore parental contributions to premature infant regulation in the neonatal context Diagnostikk, behandling og tjenestetilbud 15.09.2022
334299VID Vitenskapelige høgskole Transloyalties in Citizenship Education Utdanning 15.09.2022
335647NTNUVisualizing the Deep Sea in the Age of Climate ChangeSamfunnsutviklingens kulturelle forutsetningerKr 12 000 00028.11.2022
335373Universitetet i OsloTranslatability of Oil: The Cultural Work of Critical PetroaestheticsSamfunnsutviklingens kulturelle forutsetningerKr 12 000 00028.11.2022

Meldinger ved utskriftstidspunkt 21. januar 2025, kl. 02.01 CET

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