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En evaluering av det vitenskapelige grunnlaget for trafikklyssystemet for norsk lakse- og ørretoppdrett

Evalueringskomiteen, desember 2021

Evaluation of Biosciences 2022–2023

Impact cases

Evaluation of Biosciences in Norway 2022-2024

National report

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report Advisory and Research Program Unit Institute of Marine Research (IMR)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report – Administrative Unit The Arctic University Museum of Norway The Arctic University Museum of Norway and Academy of Fine Arts (UMAK)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report – Administrative unit University Museum University of Oslo (UiO)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report – Administrative Unit University Museum University of Bergen (UiB)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report – Administrative Unit Faculty of Engineering and Science University of Adger (UiA)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report – Administrative unit Department of Natural History (INH) Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report – Administrative unit Department of Biology (IBI) Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report – Administrative Unit Faculty of Veterinary Science (VET) Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report – Administrative unit Faculty of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resource Management (MINA) Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report Faculty of Biosciences Fisheries and Economics (BFE) University of Tromsø (UiT)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report Department of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering University of Stavanger (UiS)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report Department of Biosciences (IBV) University of Oslo (UiO)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report Computational Biology Unit (CBU) University of Bergen (UiB)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report Department of Biological Sciences (BIO) University of Bergen (UiB)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report Department of Biotechnology and Food Science (IBT) Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report Faculty of Bioscience and Aquaculture (FBA) Nord University (NORD)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report Faculty of Biosciences (BIOVIT) Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science (KBM) Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report Advisory and Research Program Unit Norwegian Food Research Institute (Nofima)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022-2023

Evaluation report Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022–2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022–2023

Evaluation report SINTEF AS Biotechnology and Nanomedicine (BTN)

Evaluation of Life Sciences 2022–2024 Evaluation of Biosciences 2022–2023

Evaluation report Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI)

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2023

Impact Cases

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Atmospheric and Climate Research Department Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU)

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report CICERO

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Climate and Environment Norwegian Research Centre AS (NORCE)

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Department of Chemical Engineering Norwegian University of Science and Technology - Faculty of Science

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Department of Chemistry Norwegian University of Science and Technology - Faculty of Science

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Department of Chemistry University of Bergen

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Department of Chemistry University of Oslo

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Department of Chemistry University of Tromsø - Faculty of Science and Technology

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Department of Earth Sciences University of Bergen

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Department of Energy Resources Faculty of Science and Technology University of Stavanger

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Department of Geoscience University of Tromsø - Faculty of Science and Technology

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Department of Geosciences University of Oslo

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Department of Physics and Technology University of Tromsø - Faculty of Science and Technology

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Department of Physics Norwegian University of Science and Technology - Faculty of Science

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Department of Physics University of Oslo

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Department of Theoretical Astrophysics University of Oslo

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Environmental Chemistry – MILK Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU)

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Geological Survey of Norway (NGU)

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Geophysical Institute University of Bergen

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report INSTITUTION NORSUS

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report NGI - Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report NORSAR Foundation (NORSAR)

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE)

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report UNIS The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS)

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report University of Bergen Department of Physics and Technology (IFT)

Evaluation of Natural Sciences 2022-2024 Evaluation report Weather and Climate Norwegian Meteorological Institute

Evaluation of SIOS Knowledge Centre

Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS)

National report - Evaluation of Natural Sciences in Norway 2022-2024

RCN funding of biosciences

Evaluation of biosciences (EVALBIOVIT) 2022-2023

Underway evaluation FME Social Science


DELRAPPORT 3: Hvordan bidrar porteføljestyring til å synliggjøre Forskningsrådets overordnede måloppnåelse?


Feasibility of the SYNERGY Network against Gender-based and Domestic Violence

Report 2023

Midterm evaluation PETROSENTER 2022

Research Centre for Low-emission Technology for Petroleum Activities on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS)


South Africa – Norway co-operation on ocean research, blue economy, climate change, the environment and sustainable energy

Sluttrapport: Følgeevaluering av innføringen av porteføljestyring i Forskningsrådet


BARNkunne midtveisevaluering

Midtveisevaluering av barnehageforskningssenteret BARNkunne

Delrapport 1: Følgeevaluering av innføringen av porteføljestyring i Forskningsrådet

Delrapport 1

Delrapport 2: Følgeevaluering av innføringen av porteføljestyring i Forskningsrådet

Delrapport 2: Driver Forskningsrådet med porteføljestyring i praksis?

Evaluation of the Fire Research and Innovation Centre (FRIC)

Evaluering av felles søknadsbehandling av forskerprosjekt

Evaluering av overgangen fra én fast søknadsfrist til løpende søknadsfrist for IPN

Rapport fra Menon Economics

FILIORUM Midveisevaluering

Midtveisevaluering av barnehageforskningssenteret FILORUM

Midterm Evaluation of The Norwegian Local Election Studies of 2019 and 2023

Resultatanalyse 2022. Utvalgte virkemidler

Resultater og effekter av innovasjonsprosjekter og andre utvalgte virkemidler

Societal impact of research financed by RCN What can altmetrics tell us ?

Analysis for the Annual Report 2021


An evaluation of the Scientific Basis of the Traffic Light System for Norwegian Salmonid Aquaculture

Artificial intelligence and gender equality

A review of Norwegian research

Evaluation of KLIMAFORSK

Evaluation of Legal Research in Norway

Report from the Evaluation Committee

Evaluation of Legal Research in Norway BI

Department of Law and Governance, Norwegian Business School BI

Evaluation of Legal Research in Norway Impact cases

Impact cases

Evaluation of Legal Research in Norway UiA

Department of Law, University of Agder

Evaluation of Legal Research in Norway UiB

Faculty of Law, University of Bergen

Evaluation of Legal Research in Norway UiO

Faculty of Law, University of Oslo

Evaluation of Legal Research in Norway UiT

Faculty of Law, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Evaluation of Legal Research in Norway USN

Department of Business, Marketing and Law The University of South-Eastern Norway

Evaluering av Nasjonal forskerskole for lærerutdanning (NAFOL) NIFU

Aktivitet og kvalitet

Evalueringsrapport INFRASTRUKTUR

Evaluation of the INFRASTRUKTUR initiative as a funding instrument

FORKOMMUNE Gevinstrealisering innovasjon i offentlig sektor

Gevinstrealisering av innovasjon i offentlig sektor

KLIMAFORSK Bibliometrisk analyse 2014-2019

Bibliometrisk analyse

Midtveisevaluering av Arven etter Nansen

Midway Evaluation of eight Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research

Midtveisevaluering av Forskningssentre for miljøvennlig energi (FME)

Sluttrapport FORKOMMUNE-programmet

Følgeevaluering av FORKOMMUNE-programmet


Effekter av forskningsrådets målrettede aktiviteter innen petroleum

Evaluation of the Norwegian Centre of Excellence (SFF) Funding Scheme

Impact cases

Evaluation of the Norwegian Centres of Excellence (SFF) Funding Scheme

Self-Assessment report from the Research Council of Norway

Evaluation of the Norwegian Centres of Excellence (SFF) Funding Scheme

Report from the evaluation committee (2020)

Evalueringen av norsk polarforskning - Oppfølgingsplan


FORKOMMUNE Delrapport 2

Hvordan lykkes med gjennomføring av innovasjonprosjekter i kommunesektoren

Intervention Logic

Evaluation of the introduction of theorybased planning at RCN

Kompetansemegling i FORREGION – teoretisk fundament og veier fremover


Mid -term evaluation of eleven research schools

The National Research School Scheme

Midterm assessment of the second phase of the Centers for Public Economics

The Research Programme on Taxation Economics - SKATT

Midterm evaluation of FORINNPOL centres 2020

R-Quest and OSIRIS. Research for Research and Innovation Policy - FORINNPOL

Midterm Evaluation of The Norwegian National Election Studies of 2017 and 2021

Demokratisk og effektiv styring, planlegging og forvaltning (DEMOS)

Midtveisvurdering – av Kapasitetsløftprosjektene i FORREGION

Resultat- og effektmåling av innovasjonsprosjekter i næringslivet 2020


Evaluation of the Norwegian Centres of Excellence (SFF) Funding Scheme

Impacts of the SFF scheme on the Norwegian research system

Evaluation of the Norwegian Centres of Excellence (SFF) Funding Scheme

Bibliometric analysis and career mapping of the SFF scheme

Evaluation of UNINETT Sigma2


Evaluation STIM-EU and PES2020

Impact evaluation of the Research Council of Norway’s main measures to support Norwegian participation, PES2020 and STIM-EU

Evaluering av JEEP II

Utredning og evaluering av reaktorens nytteverdi

Evaluering av Senter for ekstremismeforskning (C-REX) 2019

SAMRISK - Samfunnssikkerhet

Lange spor i velferdsforskningen

En analyse av Forskningsrådets programmer for velferd og arbeidsliv fra 2000-2014

Midway evaluation of 17 Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI-III)

Evaluation, Science and the Research System

Norwegian industry-related R&I policy agencies, measures and beneficiaries

A mapping conducted as a part of the study on “Raising the ambitionlevel in Norwegian research and innovation policy”

Oppfølging av Evaluering av humanistisk forskning i Norge

Rapport fra oppfølgingsutvalg oppnevnt av Forskningsrådet

Raising the Ambition Level in Norwegian Innovation Policy

Final Report


Nullpunktanalyse av Kapasitetsløftprosjektene i FORREGION


Mobilisering, kapasitetsløft og dialog


Bedrifters møte med kompetansemegling i FORREGION

The FRAM – High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment

Evaluation Report


Analyse av hvilken effekt tildeling av FRIPRO-midler har på forskernes vitenskapelige produksjon

Effekter av energiforskningen


Evaluation - Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway

Evaluation of NCMM - 2018

Evaluation of Norwegian education research

Report from the international expert committee Final Report 22 February 2018

Evaluation of the Scheme for Research-based Innovation (SFI)

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL)

Report from the Principal Evaluation Committee

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL) - Impact Cases

Impact Cases

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL) - Panel 1

Report from Panel 1 – Geography

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL) - Panel 2

Report from Panel 2 – Economics

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL) - Panel 3

Report from Panel 3 – Political Science

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL) - Panel 4

Report from Panel 4 – Sociology

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL) - Panel 5

Report from Panel 5 – Social Anthropology

Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway (SAMEVAL) - Panel 6

Report from Panel 6 – Economic-Administrative Research Area

Evaluering av primærnæringsinstituttene - Hovedrapport


Evaluering av primærnæringsinstituttene - Samfunnseffekter av instituttenes forskning

Samfunnseffekter av instituttenes forskning

Ex-post evaluation of research programme on Latin America

Latin America programme - LATINAMERIKA

FORKOMMUNE Delrapport 1

Evaluering av forprosjekter

FORKOMMUNE Nåtidsanalyse

Nåtidsanalyse av innovasjonsaktiviteter i kommunesektoren

Midtveisevaluering BALANSE For perioden 2013-2017

Tilleggsrapport til evaluering av miljøinstituttene i Norge

Eksempler på samfunnseffekter

Undersøkelse av nytten av BIONÆR-programmet for forskning, næringsliv og forvaltning

Lønnsomt og nyttig samarbeid


Bibliometric analyses of the social Science research institutes in Norway

Casestudier over effektene av de samfunnsvitenskapelige instituttenes forskning

Vedlegg til evalueringsrapport

Evaluation - Norwegian Polar Research

An evaluation

Evaluation - Simula Research Laboratory

An evaluation 2016/2017

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway

Report from the Principal Evaluation Committee

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Impact Cases

Impact Cases

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Panel 1

Report from Panel 1 – Aesthetic Studies

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Panel 2

Report from Panel 2 – Nordic Languages and Linguistics

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Panel 3

Report from Panel 3 – Nordic and Comparative Literature

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Panel 4

Report from Panel 4 – Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and Area Studies

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Panel 5

Report from Panel 5 – Archaeology, History and Cultural Studies

Evaluation of the Humanities in Norway - Panel 7

Report from Panel 7 – Religion and Theology

Evaluation of the Norwegian Social Science Research Institutes

Principal report

Evaluation of the RCN’s NANO2021 programme

Final report

Evaluering av BIA

Resultater, effekter og anbefalinger for fremtiden

Evaluering av de samfunnsvitenskapelige instituttene



Evaluering av primærnæringsinstituttene - Faktarapport – nøkkeltall og beskrive

Faktarapport – nøkkeltall og beskrivelser

Evaluering av REGMODELL

Evaluering av VAM-programmet

Rapport fra evalueringskomité 2017

Follow-up Plan for the Evaluation of Basic and Long-Term Research within Engineering Science in Norway

Report from the Follow-Up Committee on Recommended Actions

Midterm evaluation of research centres for petroleum activities

Research Centres for petroleum – PETROSENTER

Midterm evaluation of ten National Research Schools

Report submitted by the evaluation panel

Midterm Evaluation of thirteen Centres of Excellence (SFF-III)

Porteføljeanalyse - Evaluering av BIA

Evaluering av BIA - intern delrapport

Resultatmåling av brukerstyrt forskning

Tracing the impacts of development research funded by the Research Council of Norway

Pathways to global impact

User survey and impact assessment of the Norwegian social science institutes


Evaluation of Norwegian Technical Industrial Institutes - Publication and citation analysis

Evaluation of Norwegian Technical Industrial Research Institutes - Principal report

Principal report

Evaluation of Norwegian Technical Industrial Research Institutes. Facts report. Key R&D indicators. Public version

Evaluering - Atferdssenteret. Norsk senter for studier av problematferd og innovativ praksis AS

Hovedrapport fra evalueringen

Evaluering av programmet Økt verdiskaping i naturgasskjeden (GASSMAKS)

Evaluering av samhandlingsreformen

Sluttrapport fra styringsgruppen for forskningsbasert følgeevaluering av samhandlingsreformen (EVASAM)

External review report of the NORGLOBAL/humanitarian policy research activity (HUMPOL)

Gjennomgang av Atferdssenterets implementeringsvirksomhet Atferdssenteret. Norsk senter for studier av problematferd og innovativ praksis AS

Vedlegg til hovedrapport

Impact analysis of the technical-industrial research institutes in Norway

Mid-term evaluation of the second Programme for Global Health and Vaccination Research (GLOBVAC2)

Midterm External Evaluation - GLOBVAC 2

GLOBVAC 2 – the second Programme for Research for Global Health and Vaccination

Underveisevaluering av ENERGIX

Sekretariatets rapport til ekspertgruppen

User-survey of the technical-industrial research institutes in Norway


Basic and long-term research within engineering Science in Norway

Report from Panel 3: Civil Engineering and Marine Structures

Basic and long-term research within Engineering Science in Norway

Report from Panel 1: Energy and Process Technology

Basic and long-term research within Engineering Science in Norway

Report from Panel 2: Products, Production, Project Management, Marine Systems and Renewable Energy

Basic and long-term research within Engineering Science in Norway

Report from the principal evaluation committee

Evaluation of Centres for Social Science-related Energy Research - FME Samfunn

Midterm Evaluation of Centres for Social Science-related Energy Research

Midterm evaluation of the NORSI research school

Midway evaluation of seven Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI-II)

Miljøinstituttene i Norge


Research-based evaluation of the Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening Program

Final report


Bibliometric Study in Support of Norway`s Strategy for International Research Collaboration

Final report

Evaluering av FORFI

Kunnskapsgrunnnlaget for forsknings- og innovasjonspolitikken - FORFI

Evaluering av SMARTRANS


Follow-up plan for the Evaluation of research in Earth Sciences in Norway

Report prepared by a national committee

Follow-up plan for the evaluation of basic research in ICT

Report from the follow-up Committee of the international report: Research in Information and Communication Technology- An evaluation

Follow-up plan for the evaluation of research in mathematics

Report prepared by a national committee

Oppmerksomhetspunkter ved evaluering av politiske reformer

Rapport fra metaevalueringen av evalueringen av NAV-reformen i Norge. Metaevalueringens ekspertpanel jui 2014

Room for increased ambitions. Governing breakthrough research in Norway 1990-2013

Report to the Research Council of Norway, September 24 2013


Evaluation Report - Centre for Molecular Medicine - NCMM

Report of the Evaluation Committee

Evaluering av forskningsprogrammene PRAKSISFOU og UTDANNING 2020


Instituttevalueringer - Overordnet plan


Midterm Evaluation of Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME)

Midterm Evaluation of Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME)

Midterm Evaluation of Five National Research Schools

Report submitted by the evaluation panel

Nasjonal forskerskola for lærerutdanningene (NAFOL)

En utvärdering efter halva tiden

Oppfølging av fagevalueringen av biologi, medisin og helsefag 2011 - biologiske fag

Rapport fra nasjonalt oppfølgingsutvalg for biologiske fag

Oppfølging av fagevalueringen av biologi, medisin og helsefag 2011 - humanmedisin og helsefag

Rapport fra nasjonalt oppgølgingsutvalg for humanmedisin og helsefag


Evaluation - Norwegian Climate Research

An evaluation

Evaluation - Research in Information and Communication Technology at Norwegian Universities, University Colleges and Selected Research Institutes

An evaluation

Evaluation - Research in Mathematics in Norwegian Universities

An evaluation

Evaluation of the Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research

Report for the Evaluation Committee

Evaluering av de tolv regionale forskningsinstituttene

Research in Information and Communication Technology in Norway

Bibliometric analysis

Research in Mathematics at Norwegian Universities - Bibliometric analysis

Bibliometric analysis


Botany, Zoology and Ecology-related Disciplines. Panel1 1

Clinical research - Panel 4B

All internal medicine (cardiology, nephrology/urology, gasteroenterology, endocrinology, haematology, infectious diseases, respiratory tract diseases, geriatric medicine), neurology, rheumatology, radiology and medical imaging and other clinical medical disciplines including corresponding translational research

Clinical Research. Panel 4A

All surgery, anaesthesiology, oncology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, gynaecology, paediatrics, dermatology and venereology, opthalmology, otolaryngology and all clinical odontology, including corresponding translational research

Doktorgradsutdanningen og instituttsektoren

Innstilling av 15.08.2011 til Kunnskapsdepartementet fra et utvalg oppnevnt av Universitets- og høskolerådet (UHR), Forskningsinstituttenes fellesarena (FFA) og Norges forskningsraåd

Evaluation - Geography Research in Norway

An evaluation

Evaluation - Research in Earth Scinces in Norway

An evaluation

Evaluation - Social and cultural anthropological research in Norway

An evaluation

Evaluation of Biology, Medicine and Health Research in Norway (2011)

Report of the principal evaluation committee

Evaluering av FUGE

Evaluering av NANOMAT

Midterm Evaluation of Eight Centres of Excellence (SFF-II)

Molecular Biology. Panel 3

Microbiology, immunology, cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, genomics, biotechnology including breeding and bioinformatics

Oppfølging av fysikkevaueringen 2010

Rapport fra oppnevnt oppfølgingsutvalg

Physiology-related Disciplines. Panel 2

Anatomy, physiology, neurobiology, toxicology, pharmacology, embryology, nutritional physiology, pathology, basic odontological research, veterinary medicine, fish health including corresponding transational research

Psychology and Psychiatry - Panel 6

Clinical paychology, social-, community- and workplace psychology, organizational psychology, personality psychology, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, biological psychology and forensic psychology. Psychiatry, including geriatric psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, biological psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry. Behaviour research.

Public Health and Health-related Research. Panel 5

Public health, community dentistry and community nutrition.Epidemiology and medical statistics. Health services research, preventive medicine, nursing research, physiotherapy, occupational medicine, behavioural research and ethics, other health related research.

Research in Earth Sciences in Norway

Bibliometric analysis

Social and cultural anthropological research in Norway

An evaluation


Basic Physics Research i Norway

Bibliometric analysis

Basic Physics Research in Norway. An evaluation

Evaluation - Philosophy and history of ideas in Norway

Evaluation of research 2004-2008

Evaluation - Simula Research Laboratory

An evaluation

Evaluation - Sociological research in Norway

An evaluation

Evaluation of Added Value and Financial Aspects

The Norwegian Centre of Excellence Scheme(SFF)

Evaluering - En satsing for fremtiden

Evaluering av Strategiske høgskoleprosjekter (SHP)

Evaluering av norsk økologisk landbruksforskning (1999-2009)

Midway Evalutaion of the Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI)

Rettsforskningens framtid

Oppfølging av evalueringsrapportenrapporten "Rettsvitenskspelig forskning i Norge".

Vitenskapelig kvalitet

Gjennongang av forskningsinstitusjonene under Landbruks- og matdepartementet, inkludert Bygdeforskning


Evaluation of Basic Chemistry Research in Norway

Evaluering - Rettsvitenskapelig forskning i Norge

En evaluering

Sats på forandring

Midtveisevaluering av store programmer


Basic Chemistry Research in Norway

Evaluering av historiefaglig forskning

Bortenfor nasjonen i tid og rom: fortidens makt og fremtidens muligheter i norsk historieforskning

Second Evaluation of NOTUR

Norwegian High Performance Computing Infrastructure


De nasjonale forskningsetiske komiteer i Norge

Styrker, svakheter, trusler og muligheter

Economic Research in Norway. Bibliometric analysis

Bibliometric analysis

Evaluation - Economic Research in Norway

An evaluation

Evaluation of Norwegian Development Research

Report commissioned by the Research Council of Norway

Evaluering av kvalitetsreformen


Evaluering av Magne Lerheim-stipendiet




Midway Evaluation of the Norwegian Centres of Excellence

A report submitted by an International evaluation Comittee, 10 November 2006

Nordisk i nåtid

Innstilling fra oppfølgingsutvalget etter evalueringen av norsk forskning i nordisk språk og litteratur

Resultatevaluering av sykehusreformen

Tilgjengelighet, prioritering, effektivitet, brukermedvirkning og medbestemmelse


Arbeids- og sosialpolitiske institutter

En gjennomgang

Egenvurdering av satsingen på foresight og dialogbaserte arbeidsformer i Norges forskningråd 2003 - 2005

Evaluation - Chr. Michelsen Institute

Evaluation of its activities 1997 - 2006

Evaluation - Pharmaceutical Research in Norway

An evaluation

Evaluering av fastlegereformen 2001-2005

Sammenfatning og analyse av evalueringens delprosjekter

Evaluering av Senter for miljø og samarbeid i Polarområdene og B

Rapport fra evalueringskomitéen

Statens institutt for forbruksforskning(SIFO) - en evaluering

Utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitiske institutter

En gjennomgang


Evaluering - Ett forskningspolitiskt experiment

En utvärdering av Arbeids- og sosialdepartementets stöd til trygdeforskartjänster vid tre forskningsenheter

Evaluering - Nordisk språk og litteratur

En evaluering av forskningen ved utvalgte universitetene og utvalgte høgskoler i Norge

Evaluering av byggesaksreformen

- på vei til bedre bygg

Strategiske høgskoleprosjekter - en underveisevaluering


Construction Engineering,Production and Operation . Panel 1

Evaluation of research in engineering science in Norway

Evaluation - Energy and Process Technology - Panel 3

Evaluation of research in engineering science in Norway

Evaluation of Clinical, Epidemiological, Public Health, Health-related and Psychological Research - Joint Committee Report

in Norway: Joint Committee Report: Structural issues arising from the panel evaluations

Evaluation of Clinical, Epidemiological, Public Health, Health-related and Psychological Research - Panel 2

in Norway: Public Health and Health Services Research. Public health, epidemiology, relevant psychology, behavioural research, health services research, ethics and other health-related research - Panel 2

Evaluation of Clinical, Epidemiological, Public Health, Health-related and Psychological Research - Panel 1

in Norway: Clinical Research. Clinical medicine, clinical odontology, clinical pharmacology. Panel 1

Evaluation of Clinical, Epidemiological, Public Health, Health-related and Psychological Research - Panel 3

in Norway: Psychology and Psychiatry - Panel 3

Evaluation of NOTUR May 2004

A Norwegian High Performance Computational Infrastructure

Evaluation of research in engineering science - Factual information

Evaluation of research in engineering science in Norway

Evaluation of research in engineering science - Report of the Principal Evaluation Committee

Evaluation of research in engineering science in Norway

Evaluation of the Health Economics Research Initiative of The Norwegian Research Council

Report of the evaluation committee January 2004

Evaluering - Norsk pedagogisk forskning

En evaluering av forskningen ved utvalgte universiteter og høgskoler

Evaluering av norsk pedagogisk forskning


Evaluering av Opptrappingsplanen for psykisk helse - konklusjoner og policyutfordringer

Sammenfatning og analyse av 10 evalueringsprosjekter

Structures, Materials, Product Development and Design - Panel 2

Evaluation of research in engineering science in Norway


Evaluering av reform 97

Sluttrapport frå styret for Program for evaluering av Reform 97

Rapport for evaluering av intervensjonsforskning 1995-2000


Evaluering - Norsk lingvistikk

En evaluering av forskningen ved fem universitetsinstitutter

Evaluering av norsk forskerutdanning

Research in Information and Communication Technology in Norwegian Universities and Colleges

A review

Research in mathematics in Norwegian Universities and Colleges

A review

Research in Mathematics in Norwegian Universities and Colleges


Evaluering av kontantstøtte reformen

Evaluering av NIFU 2001

Gjennomført av Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut etter oppdrag fra Norges forskningsråd

Evaluering av STEP-gruppen

Gjennomført av Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut etter oppdrag fra Norges forskningsråd

Evalueringsrapport Havforskningsinstituttet


Physics Research at Norwegian Universities, Colleges and Research Institutes - Volume I

A review - Volume 1

Research in Biology and relevant areas of Biochemistry in Norwegian Universities, Colleges and Research Institutes

Report of the Principal Evaluation Committee

Research in Biology and relevant areas of Biochemistry in Norwegian Universities, Colleges and Research institutes - Panel 1

A review Panel 1 'Zoology, botany, ecology, plant physiolgy, marine zoology, marine botany and limnologi'

Research in Biology and relevant areas of Biochemistry in Norwegian Universities, Colleges and Research institutes - Panel 2

A review - Panel 2 - (Physiology, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, anatomy, toxicology and pharmacology)


Evaluation - Chr. Michelsen Institute

An evaluation

Meldinger ved utskriftstidspunkt 22. desember 2024, kl. 03.18 CET

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