Svalbard Strategic Grant (SSG)

The Svalbard Strategic Grant is a seed money program aimed at advancing coordination, collaboration and data sharing between researchers with a relevance to Svalbard.

The program is financed by the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and administered by the Svalbard Science Forum (SSF) secretariat in Longyearbyen. A call for proposals is made annually.

The 2025 call opens in February 2025. The deadline for the call is 12 March 2025.

The program encourages workshops and network projects that advance coordination, collaboration and open sharing of data. Such activities could also include pre-projects and the planning of larger applications and/or projects.

A total of up to NOK 4 million is made available for workshops and network projects. Each proposal may receive a maximum of NOK 500 000.

The call is open to approved Norwegian research organisations, public sector entities and non-governmental organisations.


Priority in this call will be given to activities that contribute to the following:

  • establishing new scientific cooperation and/or monitoring initiatives in Svalbard to fill current knowledge gaps;
  • increased mobility and cooperation between research localities in Svalbard (Longyearbyen, Ny-Ålesund, Hornsund, Bjørnøya, Hopen and Jan Mayen) ;
  • placing Svalbard research in a pan-Arctic and global perspective;
  • developing the four Ny-Ålesund flagship programs and other existing scientific cooperation projects in Svalbard;
  • data management compliant with SIOS data policy and FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management;
  • developing sustainable cooperation under the auspices of SIOS.
  • workshops that are to be held back-to-back to the Svalbard Science Conference 2025.

See the call and apply here.

Messages at time of print 28 March 2025, 23:48 CET

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