Application dates

For applications to the Governor of Svalbard, they must be sent through the Research in Svalbard (RiS) portal following these deadlines:

  • 1 March for fieldwork in June, July and August.
  • 1 July for fieldwork in September, October and November.
  • 1 October for fieldwork December, January and February.
  • 1 January for fieldwork in March, April and May.

Here you can find information about bodies that may be relevant if you are conducting research in Svalbard: Research permissions, relevant bodies.

Regulations to consider for researchers

Most of Norway's legislation applies to the Svalbard islands and regulates a number of research-relevant activities in the archipelago. Researchers and research institutions must familiarise themselves with applicable regulations and obtain all relevant permits from Norwegian authorities before initiating their research activities in Svalbard.

Svalbard-specific Norwegian legislation, notably the Svalbard Environmental Protection Act (2001) and regulations, is highly relevant to all field research in the archipelago.

More often than not, field research will require an exemption from the environmental regulations and/or a permit from the Governor of Svalbard. For more information about activities that require the Governor's consent, see the Governor's guide to researchers in Svalbard.

Messages at time of print 21 February 2025, 14:17 CET

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