Information for projects that have been moved from My RCN web to My page (new application system)
All SkatteFUNN projects that were previously on My RCN web have now been moved to our new system, My page. Everyone with a role in these projects has been informed about this change via email. The person with the applicant role has received an email explaining how you can find the project and how to submir reports in the new system.
Below you will find the information we have sent to the person with the applicant role. The information was sent from
Email sent on 17 February 2025:
You have a SkatteFUNN project that has been moved from My RCN web to our new login area, My page. We have posted a task for you on My page: Submit a report.
The report for the SkatteFUNN project must be submitted via My page, by the deadline of 27 March (date postponed from original email sent).
To access the report for the projects that has been moved from the old to the new system, you must connect users who should have access to the project on My page. The person with the applicant role is initially the only one with access to the project on My page.
Here is how to proceed:
- Go to the Research Council's website and go to the login page (Log in). Use the login on the right-hand side of the page to log in to My page, or enter directly via this link.
- If you do not already have a user account on My page, you can create a new user there.
- After logging in to My Page, open My profile, which is located under the person icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Choose to Connect my page user. Then a new image will appear, where you:
- Enter the email address and password that you used to log in to the old system (My RCN web)
- Next, select Verify user
- The My page user will now be authenticated, and your My page user will then have access to the SkatteFUNN project(s) you previously had access to on My RCN web.
After you have been given access, you will find a link to the report for the project under My personal tasks. The deadline for submitting the report is 27 March.
Are you stuck?
If verification of the My RCN web user's email address and password fails, go to the My RCN web login and use the Forgot Password link to set a new password. Then you can do steps 1-3 here again.
Please note that the email address you enter when you want to connect your users must be identical to the one you used to log in to My RCN web.
Please contact us by email at, if you cannot connect the users. Send us the project number of your project and preferably a phone number so that we can reach you nnnnnnn.
The Research Council of Norway
Messages at time of print 26 March 2025, 04:51 CET