Changes along the way for SkatteFUNN projects
It is important that the Research Council's information about the project is up-to-date and correct, both in terms of project content and administrative details. Check here if you have everything in order.
Changes in the main objectives or content of the project
If there are changes in the project that affect the main goal/sub-goal or the content of the project, you must contact the case officer. This must also be reported via the status report and the final report.
Change of organisation number or transfer of the project to a new company
The approval of an R&D project through SkatteFUNN is linked to the organisation number that was provided when the application was submitted. If the approval is linked to the wrong organisation number, the Tax Administration will not be able to meet the claim for a deduction for the expenses in the R&D project.
If the organisation number is no longer correct, you must
- Cancel the project on the logged-in site
- Submit a final report
- Submit a new application
If the project is to be transferred to a new company, you must submit a new application with an updated organisation number. The new application must only be about what remains of the project – not what you have already received a tax deduction for. The application must be submitted in the same year as the change takes place and well in advance of the New Year.
The new application will not be processed until the final report for the originating project has been submitted.
Extend the project? No, you must apply again
If it says that R&D activities will take place in the project after the approval period has ended, submit the final report as planned. Afterwards, you can submit a new application describing the activities that are included in the R&D project.
The new application will receive an independent assessment and will be processed in the usual way. The Research Council will not automatically grant a new approval of the project.
For example: If the project is approved for 2020 and 2021, they must apply again for the R&D activities that are listed after the final report has been submitted in 2022. Note that the applicant company cannot be a company in difficulty at the time of the decision. The new application will not be processed until the final report for the originating project has been submitted.
Change of contact persons on "My page" (for SkatteFUNN applications created after 21 May 2024)
We send out notifications by e-mail to those who are listed with the roles created by application, project tenant and organization representative. It is therefore important that this information is correct and up-to-date.
We have registered five different roles in a SkatteFUNN project:
- Creator of application: The creator of application can edit and submit the application.
- Project manager: The project manager has full access to the project via "My page" and can submit reports.
- Project participant: Participants can read and edit both the application and the project.
- Head of organisation: We pick up this person from the Register of Legal Advisers.
- Organisation representative: This is the company's representative in the project. The person in question can give permission to change roles when someone leaves or is not available for other reasons.
If they want to change the roles in the project, the project manager or organisation representative must change this from "My project".
Change of contact persons on "My RCN web" (for SkatteFUNN applications created before 22 May 2024)
We send out notifications by email to those who are listed with the roles of applicant, project manager and daily tenant. It is therefore important that this information is correct and up-to-date.
We have thus registered three different roles in a SkatteFUNN project:
- Applicant: receives notification by email. Have full access to the project via "My RCN web" and can submit reports
- Project manager: will receive notification by e-mail. The project manager does not have access to the project on "My RCN web".
- CEO: receives a notification by email, and can give permission to change roles when someone quits or is not available for other reasons. CEOs do not have access to the project on "My RCN web".
The transfer of the applicant role to a new person must be done via "My RCN web" from the user to the person who holds the applicant role.
A change of daily tenant or project manager or new contact information must be reported to us, so that we can add it to the project.
How to change the applicant role and transfer full access to a project
- The person who is to take over the applicant role must first have created their own user.
- Then log in to the user of the person who per no sit with the applicant role and who has this access.
- Go to the tab "Project/report" and use the button "Change SkatteFUNN applicant" and fill in the details about the person who will take over.
- When this is done, the person who is to take over the role can log in to their user.
- Go to the "Role management" tab and accept the invitation.
- Log in and then go out again. Then the person in question must have been given access.
Please contact us at SkatteFUNN if there are any changes in the contact information for the daily tenant or project manager, or if the person listed with the applicant role is not easy to get hold of.
If the person who currently has the applicant role has left or for other reasons is not possible to get hold of, we will of course help with this. Then we need a confirmation from the xxxxx that the role change is ok.
Messages at time of print 5 February 2025, 11:01 CET