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Join the Norwegian EOSC Forum

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an initiative of the European Commission that aims to develop and coordinate existing infrastructure and services to promote open science. The Research Council of Norway invites Norwegian members of the EOSC Association and other relevant actors to a national forum to coordinate Norway's efforts.

The Research Council of Norway has established a national EOSC- forum for Norwegian members of the EOSC Association and other relevant Norwegian actors. The aim of the forum is to gather, share and use knowledge about EOSC, coordinate national participation in the EOSC Association and safeguard Norwegian interests in the development of the EOSC.

The forum will contribute to:

Anyone with an interest in EOSC – be it representatives from Norwegian research organizations or individual researchers who want to gain more knowledge about EOSC – is welcome to join. The forum uses Teams for information exchange, informal contact, and meetings when needed.

To join the Teams-channel of the national EOSC Forum, contact

The role of the Research Council of Norway in the EOSC Association

In autumn 2021, the Ministry of Education and Research appointed the Research Council as a mandated organization, and the Research Council was formally admitted as a member of the EOSC Association in December 2021. The Research Council thus has a statutory role where we represent the interests of the Norwegian research system in the EOSC Association.

Support for membership of the EOSC Association

The Research Council provides support for membership of the EOSC Association for Norwegian research organizations. There is no active call for proposals at the moment. 

Messages at time of print 9 March 2025, 22:59 CET

Important message

For the call for proposals with an application deadline 12 March at 13:00 CET, we manage our hotline +47 22 03 72 00 Monday 10 March and Tuesday 11 March at CET 08:00–15:45 and Wednesday 12 March at CET 08:00-13:00.