Open Science
The Research Council seeks to lead the way in making research as open as possible and as closed as necessary.

These are our key areas of our work for Open Science:
- Participation, involvement and citizen science
- Reforming research assessment
- Making research data FAIR
- Datainfrastructure and European Open Science Cloud
- Open access to publications and Plan S
The Research Council is taking steps to ensure that the results of publicly funded research are made as openly accessible as possible for all interested users. Calls for proposals in 2020 will stipulate that articles based on projects funded by the Research Council are to be made immediately accessible.
Here you will find information on how to meet our requirements for open access publishing.
The Research Council’s Policy on Open Access to Research Data aims to ensure that research data are accessible to relevant users, on equal terms, and at the lowest possible cost. Projects that receive funding from the Research Council who manage data need to draw up a data management plan.
Here you will find guides to data management and what a data management plan should include.
Responsible research and innovation
It is important to us that all actors in the research system cooperate well and that the results from the projects we fund will benefit society in the best possible way. The RRI methodology is a good approach to achieving just that.
Medical and health-related studies involving human participants
There are specific requirements and guidelines for registration and disclosure of medical and health-related studies involving human participants. Read about the requirements.
Join the Norwegian EOSC Forum
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an initiative of the European Commission that aims to develop and coordinate existing infrastructure and services to promote open science. The Research Council of Norway invites Norwegian members of the EOSC Association and other relevant actors to a national forum to coordinate Norway's efforts.