Registration of hourly rates from the institute sector
Research institutes and other approved research organisations can register hourly rates that they have calculated and approved themselves. Rates must be based on actual costs and efficient productivity.
Institutes that are covered by "the Guidelines for state basic funding" must report hourly rates. Regardless of whether the institute leads the project or enters as a partner in a so-called actual collaboration with the applicant that is responsible for project - the hourly rates must be reported to the Research Council each year and must be used in all R&D projects financed by the Research Council. The hourly rates must also be used in projects financed through a basic funding from the Research Council.
Other approved research organisations can choose whether they want to register hourly rates, provided they meet the requirements defined in the guidelines for this.
Organisations that do not report hourly rates must calculate the hourly rate based on the fixed rate for researcher time in the university and university college sector.
This is how you report hourly rates to the Research Council
The research institutes that will report hourly rates to the Research Council are assigned a separate guest user. This user gets access to a web-based form, where the hourly rates must be entered. Username and password for the guest user have been sent to the Research Council's contact person at the institutes.
Use the fixed rate if you do not report hourly rates
Research organisations that do not wish to report hourly rates or do not meet the requirements, must use a fixed rate for personnel costs in projects funded by the Research Council. The fixed rate for personnel costs is determined by the Ministry of Education and Research, and is the same as that used in the university and university college sector.
Messages at time of print 22 January 2025, 11:11 CET