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A.2 Looking for partners and joining consortia (webinar)


Live streaming

About the event

The webinar will answer and discuss with the participants the following questions and issues:

  • How to find the key actors in a specific field? Which websites or portals to check if you want to find information on Horizon Europe, scientific achievements or key results? How can you join a consortium that is preparing a proposal?
  • How can you make yourself more visible for European researchers and key organisations?

The course language is English, and the course is delivered by Europa Media.


08:45–09:00 Accessing the ZOOM Online Meeting Room

09:00–09:15 Event Opening and introduction to the course

09:15–10:45 Looking for partners, coordinators

  • How to start?
  • CORDIS, F&T portal, R&I Community Portal, HE Results Platform
  • Joining networks, events, expert groups, working groups
  • Increasing visibility


Inger Nordgard

    Internasjonalt samarbeid

Messages at time of print 10 March 2025, 11:56 CET

Important message

For the call for proposals with an application deadline 12 March at 13:00 CET, we manage our hotline +47 22 03 72 00 Monday 10 March and Tuesday 11 March at CET 08:00–15:45 and Wednesday 12 March at CET 08:00-13:00.