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Horizon Europe course offerings

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

C.3 Horizon Europe Project Management and Reporting (Oslo)

This course will introduce you to the life cycle of an EU project (with a HE focus), how to get your project started, reporting and other management duties during the project period. You will be introduced to the Funding and tender's Portal, and receive valuable tips for successful communication and dissemination during the lifetime of your project. The course also includes a practical exercise on project management, where we will discuss how to handle difficult situation that can occur during a project. The course will be useful for all types of EU projects, but focuses specifically on collaborative projects in Horizon Europe.

C.3 Horizon Europe Project Management and Reporting (Oslo)

This course will introduce you to the life cycle of an EU project (with a HE focus), how to get your project started, reporting and other management duties during the project period. You will be introduced to the Funding and tender's Portal, and receive valuable tips for successful communication and dissemination during the lifetime of your project. The course also includes a practical exercise on project management, where we will discuss how to handle difficult situation that can occur during a project. The course will be useful for all types of EU projects, but focuses specifically on collaborative projects in Horizon Europe.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

B.1 Horizon Europe Proposal Writing: the first steps (Tromsø)

This course helps you understand the key success features of EU research and innovation projects (Horizon Europe), which preparatory steps to take, and explains the tasks and responsibilities of the partners. The course also covers how to build a winning consortium, the steps in proposal writing and how to smoothly lead a proposal to submission. At the end of the course there will be a practical exercise.

B.1 Horizon Europe Proposal Writing: the first steps (Tromsø)

This course helps you understand the key success features of EU research and innovation projects (Horizon Europe), which preparatory steps to take, and explains the tasks and responsibilities of the partners. The course also covers how to build a winning consortium, the steps in proposal writing and how to smoothly lead a proposal to submission. At the end of the course there will be a practical exercise.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

D.2 Financial rules of Horizon Europe and H2020 (Oslo)

The course gives you a detailed explanation of the financial rules of Horizon Europe. We will explain which costs are eligible for reimbursement and which are not. Then, we will explain different ways to calculate personnel costs, and other costs such as travel expenses, equipment and internally invoiced items. During day two of the course, we dive into more details of financial reporting and how to deal with financial issues in the periodic reports, illustrated with practical examples. A full workshop on calculating costs for the financial statements will make sure you can apply the gained knowledge in practice.

D.2 Financial rules of Horizon Europe and H2020 (Oslo)

The course gives you a detailed explanation of the financial rules of Horizon Europe. We will explain which costs are eligible for reimbursement and which are not. Then, we will explain different ways to calculate personnel costs, and other costs such as travel expenses, equipment and internally invoiced items. During day two of the course, we dive into more details of financial reporting and how to deal with financial issues in the periodic reports, illustrated with practical examples. A full workshop on calculating costs for the financial statements will make sure you can apply the gained knowledge in practice.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

C.1 Project Management and Reporting - The first steps (Tromsø)

This course will introduce you to the life cycle of an EU project (with a HE focus), how to get your project started, reporting and other management duties during the project period. You will be introduced to the Funding and tender's Portal, and receive valuable tips for successful communication and dissemination during the lifetime of your project. The course also includes a practical exercise on project management, where we will discuss how to handle difficult situation that can occur during a project. The course will be useful for all types of EU projects, but focuses specifically on collaborative projects in Horizon Europe.

C.1 Project Management and Reporting - The first steps (Tromsø)

This course will introduce you to the life cycle of an EU project (with a HE focus), how to get your project started, reporting and other management duties during the project period. You will be introduced to the Funding and tender's Portal, and receive valuable tips for successful communication and dissemination during the lifetime of your project. The course also includes a practical exercise on project management, where we will discuss how to handle difficult situation that can occur during a project. The course will be useful for all types of EU projects, but focuses specifically on collaborative projects in Horizon Europe.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

D.1 Basic Finance and Budgeting in Horizon Europe (Tromsø)

The course gives you an introduction to finances in Horizon Europe and explains the key principles of EU funding in R&I projects. We will explain how budgeting in Horizon Europe differs from budgeting in Horizon 2020, and how to set up a good resource plan and budget. The course closes with a practical workshop, where participants learn how to set up a budget and calculate their costs

D.1 Basic Finance and Budgeting in Horizon Europe (Tromsø)

The course gives you an introduction to finances in Horizon Europe and explains the key principles of EU funding in R&I projects. We will explain how budgeting in Horizon Europe differs from budgeting in Horizon 2020, and how to set up a good resource plan and budget. The course closes with a practical workshop, where participants learn how to set up a budget and calculate their costs

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

C.2 Legal Agreements in Horizon Europe (GA, CA) (Oslo)

This course gives you insight in the formal agreements related to Horizon Europe projects. This is essential information not only for coordinators of Horizon Europe projects, but equally important for the project partners.

C.2 Legal Agreements in Horizon Europe (GA, CA) (Oslo)

This course gives you insight in the formal agreements related to Horizon Europe projects. This is essential information not only for coordinators of Horizon Europe projects, but equally important for the project partners.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

B.3 Lump sum proposals and projects in Horizon Europe (Oslo)

Lump sum funding is increasingly used in Horizon Europe. This 1-day course will dig into the details of writing proposals, lump sum budget development and will introduce the key aspects of project management (focusing on monitoring and reporting). The course consists of practical presentations and a workshop.

B.3 Lump sum proposals and projects in Horizon Europe (Oslo)

Lump sum funding is increasingly used in Horizon Europe. This 1-day course will dig into the details of writing proposals, lump sum budget development and will introduce the key aspects of project management (focusing on monitoring and reporting). The course consists of practical presentations and a workshop.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

B.2 Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Focus: Impact (Oslo)

The course gives an introduction to proposal development in Horizon Europe (work programmes, calls and topics, submission process etc, general principles and features of Horizon Europe proposals, different project types, and proposal preparation). During the course you will be guided through the process from idea to a proposal in a practical workshop exercise. The course also focuses on the expected impact, innovation and exploitation of project results, and also how to tailor an effective disseminate and communication plan to maximise the potential impact of your Horizon Europe project.

B.2 Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Focus: Impact (Oslo)

The course gives an introduction to proposal development in Horizon Europe (work programmes, calls and topics, submission process etc, general principles and features of Horizon Europe proposals, different project types, and proposal preparation). During the course you will be guided through the process from idea to a proposal in a practical workshop exercise. The course also focuses on the expected impact, innovation and exploitation of project results, and also how to tailor an effective disseminate and communication plan to maximise the potential impact of your Horizon Europe project.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

B.4 Dissemination, Exploitation, Open science and Research Data Management in HE (Oslo)

Dagskurset gir en innføring i tverrgående problemstillinger i Horisont Europa som kan bidra til å øke effekten av forskningsprosjektet ditt. I løpet av kurset vil både søknadsskriving og prosjektledelse bli dekket. Fire temaer blir tatt opp: hvordan utnytte prosjektresultater og håndtere IP, hvordan skreddersy en effektiv formidlings- og kommunikasjonsplan for å få største mulig effekt av Horisont Europa-prosjektet ditt; hvordan innfri krav som stilles til Open Science; og hvordan vurdere effektiv håndtering av forskningsdata.

B.4 Dissemination, Exploitation, Open science and Research Data Management in HE (Oslo)

Dagskurset gir en innføring i tverrgående problemstillinger i Horisont Europa som kan bidra til å øke effekten av forskningsprosjektet ditt. I løpet av kurset vil både søknadsskriving og prosjektledelse bli dekket. Fire temaer blir tatt opp: hvordan utnytte prosjektresultater og håndtere IP, hvordan skreddersy en effektiv formidlings- og kommunikasjonsplan for å få største mulig effekt av Horisont Europa-prosjektet ditt; hvordan innfri krav som stilles til Open Science; og hvordan vurdere effektiv håndtering av forskningsdata.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

B.2 Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Focus: Impact (Stavanger)

The course gives an introduction to proposal development in Horizon Europe (work programmes, calls and topics, submission process etc, general principles and features of Horizon Europe proposals, different project types, and proposal preparation). During the course you will be guided through the process from idea to a proposal in a practical workshop exercise. The course also focuses on the expected impact, innovation and exploitation of project results, and also how to tailor an effective disseminate and communication plan to maximise the potential impact of your Horizon Europe project.

B.2 Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Focus: Impact (Stavanger)

The course gives an introduction to proposal development in Horizon Europe (work programmes, calls and topics, submission process etc, general principles and features of Horizon Europe proposals, different project types, and proposal preparation). During the course you will be guided through the process from idea to a proposal in a practical workshop exercise. The course also focuses on the expected impact, innovation and exploitation of project results, and also how to tailor an effective disseminate and communication plan to maximise the potential impact of your Horizon Europe project.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

B.2 Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Focus: Impact (Oslo)

The course gives an introduction to proposal development in Horizon Europe (work programmes, calls and topics, submission process etc, general principles and features of Horizon Europe proposals, different project types, and proposal preparation). During the course you will be guided through the process from idea to a proposal in a practical workshop exercise. The course also focuses on the expected impact, innovation and exploitation of project results, and also how to tailor an effective disseminate and communication plan to maximise the potential impact of your Horizon Europe project.

B.2 Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Focus: Impact (Oslo)

The course gives an introduction to proposal development in Horizon Europe (work programmes, calls and topics, submission process etc, general principles and features of Horizon Europe proposals, different project types, and proposal preparation). During the course you will be guided through the process from idea to a proposal in a practical workshop exercise. The course also focuses on the expected impact, innovation and exploitation of project results, and also how to tailor an effective disseminate and communication plan to maximise the potential impact of your Horizon Europe project.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

D.2 Financial rules of Horizon Europe and H2020 (Oslo)

The course gives you a detailed explanation of the financial rules of Horizon Europe. We will explain which costs are eligible for reimbursement and which are not. Then, we will explain different ways to calculate personnel costs, and other costs such as travel expenses, equipment and internally invoiced items. During day two of the course, we dive into more details of financial reporting and how to deal with financial issues in the periodic reports, illustrated with practical examples. A full workshop on calculating costs for the financial statements will make sure you can apply the gained knowledge in practice.

D.2 Financial rules of Horizon Europe and H2020 (Oslo)

The course gives you a detailed explanation of the financial rules of Horizon Europe. We will explain which costs are eligible for reimbursement and which are not. Then, we will explain different ways to calculate personnel costs, and other costs such as travel expenses, equipment and internally invoiced items. During day two of the course, we dive into more details of financial reporting and how to deal with financial issues in the periodic reports, illustrated with practical examples. A full workshop on calculating costs for the financial statements will make sure you can apply the gained knowledge in practice.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

C.3 Horizon Europe Project Management and Reporting (Oslo)

This course will introduce you to the life cycle of an EU project (with a HE focus), how to get your project started, reporting and other management duties during the project period. You will be introduced to the Funding and tender's Portal, and receive valuable tips for successful communication and dissemination during the lifetime of your project. The course also includes a practical exercise on project management, where we will discuss how to handle difficult situation that can occur during a project. The course will be useful for all types of EU projects, but focuses specifically on collaborative projects in Horizon Europe.

C.3 Horizon Europe Project Management and Reporting (Oslo)

This course will introduce you to the life cycle of an EU project (with a HE focus), how to get your project started, reporting and other management duties during the project period. You will be introduced to the Funding and tender's Portal, and receive valuable tips for successful communication and dissemination during the lifetime of your project. The course also includes a practical exercise on project management, where we will discuss how to handle difficult situation that can occur during a project. The course will be useful for all types of EU projects, but focuses specifically on collaborative projects in Horizon Europe.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

A.3 Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe (webinar)

Lump sum funding is increasingly used in Horizon Europe to make the programme simpler by removing the need to report actual costs and reduce the financial error rate. It is meant to simplify the funding mechanism while all the main features of the research funding stay the same. However, the details are always important; simplification comes at a price, and these are the specific extra tasks and rules that everyone applying for lump sum funding should be aware of – both when writing a proposal and implementing a project.

A.3 Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe (webinar)

Lump sum funding is increasingly used in Horizon Europe to make the programme simpler by removing the need to report actual costs and reduce the financial error rate. It is meant to simplify the funding mechanism while all the main features of the research funding stay the same. However, the details are always important; simplification comes at a price, and these are the specific extra tasks and rules that everyone applying for lump sum funding should be aware of – both when writing a proposal and implementing a project.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

A.2 Looking for partners and joining consortia (webinar)

This webinar will help you to understand what type of partners to look for in Horizon Europe, if you are proposing a joint project in Horizon Europe og simply are looking for a consortium to join. You will understand what characterizes a winning consortium in Horizon Europe, and you will get practical advice and tools that you can use when searching for project partners.

A.2 Looking for partners and joining consortia (webinar)

This webinar will help you to understand what type of partners to look for in Horizon Europe, if you are proposing a joint project in Horizon Europe og simply are looking for a consortium to join. You will understand what characterizes a winning consortium in Horizon Europe, and you will get practical advice and tools that you can use when searching for project partners.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

B.5 Evaluation of Horizon Europe collaborative projects (webinar)

You will learn all about the features of winning Horizon Europe proposals and the success criteria to receive high scores and positive comments during evaluation. The combination of practical presentations and hands-on tips and stories, as well as analyses of real evaluation summary reports (ESRs) will ensure that you grasp the essential elements to have in place in your proposal to make it as competitive as possible. You can become an evaluator and give scores and comments.  This online course will dig into the details of the evaluation procedure and what mistakes you should avoid during proposal writing.

B.5 Evaluation of Horizon Europe collaborative projects (webinar)

You will learn all about the features of winning Horizon Europe proposals and the success criteria to receive high scores and positive comments during evaluation. The combination of practical presentations and hands-on tips and stories, as well as analyses of real evaluation summary reports (ESRs) will ensure that you grasp the essential elements to have in place in your proposal to make it as competitive as possible. You can become an evaluator and give scores and comments.  This online course will dig into the details of the evaluation procedure and what mistakes you should avoid during proposal writing.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

B.1 Horizon Europe Proposal Writing: the first steps (Oslo)

This course helps you understand the key success features of EU research and innovation projects (Horizon Europe), which preparatory steps to take, and explains the tasks and responsibilities of the partners. The course also covers how to build a winning consortium, the steps in proposal writing and how to smoothly lead a proposal to submission. At the end of the course there will be a practical exercise.

B.1 Horizon Europe Proposal Writing: the first steps (Oslo)

This course helps you understand the key success features of EU research and innovation projects (Horizon Europe), which preparatory steps to take, and explains the tasks and responsibilities of the partners. The course also covers how to build a winning consortium, the steps in proposal writing and how to smoothly lead a proposal to submission. At the end of the course there will be a practical exercise.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

C.1 Project Management and Reporting - The first steps (Oslo)

This course will introduce you to the life cycle of an EU project (with a HE focus), how to get your project started, reporting and other management duties during the project period. You will be introduced to the Funding and tender's Portal, and receive valuable tips for successful communication and dissemination during the lifetime of your project. The course also includes a practical exercise on project management, where we will discuss how to handle difficult situation that can occur during a project. The course will be useful for all types of EU projects, but focuses specifically on collaborative projects in Horizon Europe.

C.1 Project Management and Reporting - The first steps (Oslo)

This course will introduce you to the life cycle of an EU project (with a HE focus), how to get your project started, reporting and other management duties during the project period. You will be introduced to the Funding and tender's Portal, and receive valuable tips for successful communication and dissemination during the lifetime of your project. The course also includes a practical exercise on project management, where we will discuss how to handle difficult situation that can occur during a project. The course will be useful for all types of EU projects, but focuses specifically on collaborative projects in Horizon Europe.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

D.1 Basic Finance and Budgeting in Horizon Europe (Oslo)

The course gives you an introduction to finances in Horizon Europe and explains the key principles of EU funding in R&I projects. We will explain how budgeting in Horizon Europe differs from budgeting in Horizon 2020, and how to set up a good resource plan and budget. The course closes with a practical workshop, where participants learn how to set up a budget and calculate their costs

D.1 Basic Finance and Budgeting in Horizon Europe (Oslo)

The course gives you an introduction to finances in Horizon Europe and explains the key principles of EU funding in R&I projects. We will explain how budgeting in Horizon Europe differs from budgeting in Horizon 2020, and how to set up a good resource plan and budget. The course closes with a practical workshop, where participants learn how to set up a budget and calculate their costs

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

B.3 Lump sum proposals and projects in Horizon Europe (Oslo)

Lump sum funding is increasingly used in Horizon Europe. This 1-day course will dig into the details of writing proposals, lump sum budget development and will introduce the key aspects of project management (focusing on monitoring and reporting). The course consists of practical presentations and a workshop.

B.3 Lump sum proposals and projects in Horizon Europe (Oslo)

Lump sum funding is increasingly used in Horizon Europe. This 1-day course will dig into the details of writing proposals, lump sum budget development and will introduce the key aspects of project management (focusing on monitoring and reporting). The course consists of practical presentations and a workshop.

Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

D.2 Financial rules of Horizon Europe and H2020 (Stavanger)

The course gives you a detailed explanation of the financial rules of Horizon Europe. We will explain which costs are eligible for reimbursement and which are not. Then, we will explain different ways to calculate personnel costs, and other costs such as travel expenses, equipment and internally invoiced items. During day two of the course, we dive into more details of financial reporting and how to deal with financial issues in the periodic reports, illustrated with practical examples. A full workshop on calculating costs for the financial statements will make sure you can apply the gained knowledge in practice.

D.2 Financial rules of Horizon Europe and H2020 (Stavanger)

The course gives you a detailed explanation of the financial rules of Horizon Europe. We will explain which costs are eligible for reimbursement and which are not. Then, we will explain different ways to calculate personnel costs, and other costs such as travel expenses, equipment and internally invoiced items. During day two of the course, we dive into more details of financial reporting and how to deal with financial issues in the periodic reports, illustrated with practical examples. A full workshop on calculating costs for the financial statements will make sure you can apply the gained knowledge in practice.

Messages at time of print 10 March 2025, 11:59 CET

Important message

For the call for proposals with an application deadline 12 March at 13:00 CET, we manage our hotline +47 22 03 72 00 Monday 10 March and Tuesday 11 March at CET 08:00–15:45 and Wednesday 12 March at CET 08:00-13:00.