Coordinators Forum Horizon Europe
The Research Council established an open forum for Norwegian coordinators of Horizon Europe projects in 2023. We have had two meetings, one on June 21st and the other on September 19th 2024, both at Lysaker. The Coordinators Forum was established as coordinators of Horizon Europe projects. The intention is to provide meeting places where coordinators can learn from each other, discuss and ask each other questions related to running large projects, and share project management tools, templates and other useful information/tips.
Who is this Coordinators Forum for?
The Coordinators Forum is for Coordinators of Horizon Europe collaborative projects, mainly in Pilar 2, or staff directly involved in reporting and communication with Commission services in connection with such projects. You are also welcome if you are likely to have one of these roles in the near future.
These are the meeting places:
Annual physical meeting: At the Research Council of Norway.
EROOM: This is a closed digital forum for written discussions and knowledge sharing. Here you will also find presentations from the physical meetings and other useful materials.
Digital café: Digital meetings organized approximately every two months on Teams. The agenda is open, but we can also focus on specific topics at certain meetings, based on input from you.
The Forum is administered by the Research Council of Norway in collaboration with SINTEF and Europa Media, both of whom provide experienced staff to assist the work of the Forum. The discussions and activities in the Forum will always reflect the interests and priorities of the participating coordinators.
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Messages at time of print 22 February 2025, 07:02 CET