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Information for referees for Commercialisation Project – Proof-of-Concept

We recruit referees from leading national and international research and innovation environments. The referees assess applications on the basis of the assessment criteria and the priorities described in the call. Applications are assessed by a panel of several referees.

The information on this page applies to referees for applications for the call Proof-of-Concept – Research Commercialisation from Publicly Funded Research – Commercialisation Project.

The referees assess applications on the basis of the assessment criteria. The applications are assessed by a panel of several referees.


Do you want to be a referee for Commercialisation Project – Proof-of-Concept?

We want to expand our database of referees to include more people who are experts in their field and who have the competence required to assess Proof-of-Concept applications for the Research Council.

We need referees who are early-phase investors, entrepreneurs, industry leaders and specialists who are familiar with the state-of-the-art and the field of practice in most fields. The referees are thereby considered representatives of the environments that are the target of the project’s trigger effect.

The applications are written in English, but the referees can write their assessments in Norwegian or English.

If you want to be part of our referee database and be contacted to assess applications on our behalf, send an email to this address. You will be sent a form where you can describe your expertise in more detail, indicate your availability and the number of applications you can assess.

Your answer will be saved in our system in accordance with the privacy statement (PDF)​​, and you will be contacted if we receive applications that are relevant to your area of expertise.

If you want to be a referee, you will enter into an agreement with the Research Council (PDF). The agreement is updated every year and describes the Research Council’s rules regarding the duty of confidentiality, but it does not oblige the Research Council to appoint you as a referee.

During the referee assignment

If we receive applications that we believe you have the right expertise to assess, we will send you an email with information about the applications in question. We will also ask you to consider your impartiality in relation to the Research Council’s regulations on impartiality and confidence.

Once your impartiality has been clarified, you will be given access to the applications we would like you to assess. The applications are available at My RCN web. You will receive an automatically generated email once the applications are available. This email also contains the deadline for submitting your assessments.

Use the ‘Forgot password’ function if you do not already have a password. If for any reason you are unable to assess some of the applications, or you have problems accessing the applications, please notify your contact person at the Research Council as soon as possible.

As referee, you have consented to ensuring that the information that comes to your attention as part of your assignment is deleted if you have stored it, and that you will not spread or use it further after the panel meeting. We encourage you to only read applications via My RCN web, which is encrypted. If you are unable to read an application on a screen, you must only print it once and shred it once the assessment process is concluded. You must not read the applications in a place where the information it contains can be seen by others.

Guidelines for assessing Commercialisation Project – Proof of Concept

We have prepared guidelines for the referee work for all calls. It is important that you read these guidelines carefully before you start the assessment process.

Guidelines for referees on the assessment of grant applications - Commercialisation Project - Proof-of-Concept.pdf

The guidelines contain information about the processing of applications, the assessment criteria and what is expected of the assessment of applications.

If you have any questions about the call or the processing of applications, you can send an email to

See also the general information for referees.

After the referee assignment


The Research Council will fill in the remuneration form after each assessment round (approximately once a month). You do not need to register a remuneration form.

Rates (see the guidelines for details about the assessment process):

  • Referee assessment, Stage 1 – individual referee assessment via My RCN web:
    • for assessment of more than one application: NOK 545 x 3 hours (i.e. NOK 1 635) per application
    • for assessment of only one application: NOK 1 800
  • Referee assessment, Stage 2 – virtual referee panel (only for applications in group 2 following individual assessment):
    • preparation for the meeting: NOK 545 x 1 hour
    • participation in the meeting: NOK 545 per hour

Messages at time of print 14 March 2025, 18:18 CET

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