This webinar will help you to understand what type of partners to look for in Horizon Europe, if you are proposing a joint project in Horizon Europe og simply are looking for a consortium to join. You will understand what characterizes a winning consortium in Horizon Europe, and you will get practical advice and tools that you can use when searching for project partners.
The course gives you a detailed explanation of the financial rules of Horizon Europe. We will explain which costs are eligible for reimbursement and which are not. Then, we will explain different ways to calculate personnel costs, and other costs such as travel expenses, equipment and internally invoiced items. During day two of the course, we dive into more details of financial reporting and how to deal with financial issues in the periodic reports, illustrated with practical examples. A full workshop on calculating costs for the financial statements will make sure you can apply the gained knowledge in practice.
This online course webinar will introduce you the lifecycle of a Lump sum Horizon Europe project from Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP) to final reporting, clarifying all the essential steps to manage your Horizon Europe project effectively. It will cover all the key tasks and obligations of the beneficiaries during project management and implementation, including the division of responsibilities between the partners and the coordinator. The webinar will address specific processes such as amendments, reporting and reviews, focusing on the common challenges faced during the administration of these procedures.
This is a 2-day practice-heavy, hands-on course that will assist you in gaining a comprehensive understanding of project management, reporting protocols and their practical application in day-to-day operations. During the programme, you will learn all about the project management duties and practices and gain an understanding of the financial rules and reporting protocols of Horizon Europe
Messages at time of print 23 November 2024, 22:11 CET