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Lump sum proposals and projects in Horizon Europe (Oslo)


Abel 2+3


No course fee, but registration is binding. A fee on NOK 1000 is charged for no show, as well as cancellation later than the registration deadline. Only absence with medical sick leave certificate, court summons or military service are accepted as valid absences.

Registration deadline:

6 June 2024, 3 PM

About the event

Lump sum proposals and projects in Horizon Europe (without workshop)
Lump sum funding is increasingly used in Horizon Europe to make the programme simpler by removing the need to report actual costs and reduce the financial error rate. It is meant to simplify the funding mechanism while all the main features of the research funding stay the same.  
However, the details are always important; simplification comes at a price, and these are the specific extra tasks and rules that everyone applying for lump sum funding should be aware of – both when writing a proposal and implementing a project. 

This 1 day course will dig into the details of writing proposals and managing projects with a lump sum budget. Consisting of practical presentations and workshops, it will cover the following topics:
•    The main features of lump sum funding
•    How to define the lump sum in your proposal – tips to define units and estimate sufficient budget and resources for your lump sum budget 
•    Distribution of tasks and planning of work packages in your proposal and how it is linked to the payment system of lump sum projects 
•    Evaluation of the lump sum proposals – how your estimated costs and planned resources will be assessed and scored 
•    Grant Agreement preparation in lump sum projects – specific articles in your Grant Agreement and tips to specify lump sum features in your Consortium Agreement 
•    Changes in your lump sum project implementation – how to amend your lump sum grant?  
•    How to report your lump sum project, with a detailed introduction to periodic reporting 
•    How to deal with partially completed work packages and how to report deviations in your lump sum projects 
•    Keeping records – what you need and don’t need to keep for reviews, checks and audits 
•    Payment schedule and partial payment in lump sum grants

The course is delivered by Europa Media.

Our Horizon Europe seminars are distributed into 5 topics (A-E) on three knowledge levels (1-3)

Read more about the different courses.


AGENDA DAY 1      
08:30 – 09:00 Arrival and registration

09:00 – 09:15 Event opening and introduction to the course

09:15 – 10:00 Introduction to lump sum funding
• Why the EC uses lump sum finding – Basic principles
• Lump sum topics in 2023 and beyond
• Misunderstandings about lump sum
• Improvements since the pilot period
• First feedback and statistics
(10:00 – 10:15 Coffee Break)
10:15 – 11:00 Lump sum proposals: Hands-on tips for Part B and Budgeting (Part 1)
• Proposal forms: proposal template and the detailed budget table 
• Work package distribution and timing of the work packages considering the payment system
• What to do with horizontal work packages? 
• How to define and justify the lump sum amount? 
• How to sufficiently estimate the cost for each cost category?
• Evaluation of lump sum proposals 
• Step-by-step introduction on how to use the lump sum budget table
• Small budget planning exercise with the participant on how to define units and how explain them;
• Showcasing a real proposal
11:00 – 12:00 Lump sum proposals: Hands-on tips for Part B and Budgeting (Part 2)
(12:00 – 12:45 Lunch Break)
12:45 – 15:00 Workshop: Preparing a lump sum budget for a Horizon Europe proposal
Participants will go through exercises to estimate their budget and fill in the HE lump sum budget template for a virtual proposal in which they are a partner. They will have to calculate their person-month rate correctly for different staff categories, plan and estimate purchase costs such as travel, consumables, equipment, subcontracting, and try to justify these correctly in the “Comments” section of the lump sum budget template.

09:00 – 09:45 Grant Agreement Preparation and Consortium Agreement in lump sum projects
• Invitation to GAP and evaluators’ comments in the ESR: What feedback and comments can you receive? What is your room for negotiation?
• Tips to specify lump sum features in your Consortium Agreement
(09:45 – 10:00 Coffee Break)
10:00 – 10:45 Project management and reporting in lump sum projects
• Changes in your lumps sum project implementation – How to amend your lump sum grant?  
• How to report your lump sum project? Detailed introduction to periodic reporting.  
• How to deal with partially completed work packages? How to report deviations of your lump sum projects?  
• Keeping records – list of docs you need, and you don’t need to keep
• Payment schedule – Partial payment
(10:45 – 11:00 Break)
11:00 – 12:00 Workshop: Project Management Case Studies in Lump Sum projects
Participants will go through real-life scenarios with various challenges to tackle during grant agreement preparation, project implementation, reporting and amendments of projects with a lump sum grant.

12:00 Final Q&A and close of event


Inger Nordgard

    Internasjonalt samarbeid

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