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How to Develop a Successful Horizon Europe Proposal (Hamar)


Høgskolen Innlandet, Hamar,Auditorium 3

Target group:

Level 2 (intermediate)


No course fee, but registration is binding. A fee on NOK 1000 is charged for no show, as well as cancellation later than the registration deadline. Only absence with medical sick leave certificate, court summons or military service are accepted as valid absences.

Registration deadline:

11. april 2024, kl. 15.00

About the event

The course is fundamentally about how you transform a research & innovation idea into an attractive proposal. It explains with what you have to write and provides advice on how to structure and present your ideas. A hands-on exercise on evaluating a proposal helps to emphasise some key lessons.



08:30-09:00        Registration and coffee/tea

09:00-09:05        Welcome

09:05-09:20        Short presentation of the participants

09:20-09:30        Introduction to the course agenda and the lecturers

09:30-10:00        Motivation – why are you writing a proposal?  What do you have to write? The HEU proposal template. Parallel processes in proposal development.

(10:25-10:45      Break)

10:00-10:25        Objectives results outcomes –>impact vision.

10:45-11:15        Planning for impact:

The meaning behind commission terminology: dissemination & exploitation planning exploitation impact;  IP & IPR

11:15-11:45        Planning for impact:

Questions you should ask yourself.

(11:45-12:15      Lunch)

12:15-12:30          What is the “TRL” scale and how can I use it effectively?

12:30-12:50        Consortium: What makes a good one?  How do you build it?

12:50-13:20        Miscellaneous advice on proposal content and application process

(13:20-13:30      Break)

13:30-13:40        Support and help from the Research Council

13:40-14:00        Who are you writing for? The proposal evaluation process

14:00-14:50        Proposal evaluation exercise: introduction + participants read proposal

14:50-15:20        Proposal evaluation exercise: consensus meetings

15:20-15:45        Proposal evaluation exercise: short reports from consensus meetings + compare with ESR + reflections on the process

15:45-16:00        Final words: first impressions

16:00-16:00        End of course – Have a nice trip home!

If travel logistic allow, course presenters will remain behind for a little while after the end of the course to answer any remaining questions.




Inger Nordgard

    Internasjonalt samarbeid

Messages at time of print 12 March 2025, 05:21 CET

Important message

For the call for proposals with an application deadline 12 March at 13:00 CET, we manage our hotline +47 22 03 72 00 Monday 10 March and Tuesday 11 March at CET 08:00–15:45 and Wednesday 12 March at CET 08:00-13:00.