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Bilde som er satt sammen av to bilder av blå flagg med gule stjerner i sirkel. EU parlamentet, en høy blokk i stål og glass, er i bakgrunnen

Horisont Europa - Prosjektutvikling 1 (Stavanger)


Universitetet i Stavanger, Kjell Arholms hus- KA U-139

Registration deadline:

11. april 2024

About the event

Dette kurset holdes på norsk. 

This is an experience-based course where the course participants share their experience with EU projects. The course is suitable for anyone interested in EU project development, from beginners to those who have already managed a project. The course participants take you through the background and structure of Horizon Europe. You will also get an introduction to what Missions and Partnerships are, which are two new elements in Horizon Europe. In addition, you get tools for writing Impact in the application and how to navigate both the work program but also tips and tricks when leading or participating in an EU project, both before, during and after.



Inger Nordgard

    Internasjonalt samarbeid

Messages at time of print 14 March 2025, 07:12 CET

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