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C.3 Horizon Europe Project Management and Reporting (Trondheim)


Scandic Lerkendal Hotel, Klæbuveien 127, 7031 Trondheim

Target group:

Research organizations, public sector and private sector

Registration deadline:

6. november 2024, kl 15.00

About the event

This is a 2-day practice-heavy, hands-on course that will assist you in gaining a comprehensive understanding of project management, reporting protocols and their practical application in day-to-day operations. During the programme, you will learn all about the project management duties and practices and gain an understanding of the financial rules and reporting protocols of Horizon Europe. 

The course covers how to manage innovation activities in HE projects, and what you can do to make the most out of your project results. We will explain intellectual property and  how to protect it, how to develop a good business plan and different ways of exploiting project results commercially.

In addition, the course will discuss the different reporting requirement; the continuous reporting, the periodic reports  and the last periodic report, including the introduction of financial rules and financial reporting. The course finishes with an overview of what goes on in a review meeting.

The combination of practical presentations and hands-on workshops will introduce all the aspects you need to know. 

The course language is English, and trainers are from Europa Media.

Our Horizon Europe seminars are distributed into 5 topics (A-E) on three knowledge levels (1-3). Read more about the different courses.





Inger Nordgard

    Internasjonalt samarbeid

Randi Aarekol Basmadjian

    Internasjonalt samarbeid

Messages at time of print 22 February 2025, 06:55 CET

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