C.3 Horizon Europe Project Management and Reporting (Oslo)
- Where:
Norwegian Research Council - Drammensveien 288
- Target group:
Research organizations, public sector and private sector
- Registration deadline:
26 August, 3pm
About the event
This is a 2-day practice-heavy, hands-on course that helps you gain a comprehensive understanding of project management, reporting protocols and their practical application in day-to-day operations.
During the course, you will learn about the project management duties and practices and gain an understanding of the financial rules and reporting protocols of Horizon Europe.
This course covers how you manage innovation activities in HE projects, and what you can do to make the most out of your project results.
- we will explain intellectual property and how to protect it
- how to develop a good business plan
- different ways of exploiting project results commercially.
In addition, the course will discuss the different reporting requirement; the continuous reporting, the periodic reports and the last periodic report, including the introduction of financial rules and financial reporting. The course finishes with an overview of what goes on in a review meeting.
The combination of practical presentations and hands-on workshops will introduce all the aspects you need to know.
Who is this for?
These courses are suitable for those who work as researchers, EU advisors at a university or university college, work in business or the public sector and want to gain more knowledge about the opportunities in Horizon Europe. The courses are for participants working for Norwegian organizations.
There are three levels of knowledge. In order for everyone to get the most out of the courses, it is important that you choose the right level.
Level 3: Advanced. Our most advanced courses. For you who are already a coordinator or project manager, or you who will support others in your organisation. In order to benefit from the courses at this level, it is important that you have taken the level 2 courses previously, or have equivalent competence.
Why should you take part?
In-depth training in all phases of Horizon Europe from coming up with project ideas to post-project reporting. We offer courses from Europa Media and Sintef having first-hand knowledge in developing and leading successful projects within Horizon Europe. In addition, The Research Council can organize courses on request.
The courses are free, but registration is binding. We charge a fee of NOK 1,000 for registered participants who do not show up or who cancel after the registration deadline has expired.
Some of the courses are held digitally, while other courses have physical attendance. Most courses are in English. For webinars, a link to login and to the course material will be sent to registered participants a few days before the course starts.
The course language is English, and trainers are from Europa Media.
Our Horizon Europe seminars are distributed into 5 topics (A-E) on three knowledge levels (1-3). Read more about the different courses.
Arrival of participants
Event Opening and introduction
The legal obligations – from GA to CA
Understanding your obligations coming from the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement is essential. This presentation will introduce those articles of the GA and sections of the CA from the project management perspective that need to be considered the most during the implementation of your projects: such as financial clauses, budget distribution and management, dealing with defaulting parties, ownership of the results, access rights, IPR issues etc.
Coffee break
Setting up the project - The first tasks and deliverables
The project Management Handbook, Data management Plan (DMP) and Exploitation and Dissemination of Results inc. Communication (PEDR)
Having a good management system (for monitoring and reporting) supported by clear and practical tools will enable you to efficiently deliver your project results. We will show you the essential tools that we crafted based on our extensive experience with managing projects and various consortia. The first deliverables you need to prepare by M6 is the DMP and the PEDR based on the draft strategies included in the proposal. Both relate to your 1.2 section in the proposal on open science. These are strategic, live documents, introducing all the key research data management, dissemination, exploitation and communication activities and measures planned to support the achievement of the expected outcomes and the long-term impact of the project, taking into consideration the open science principles.
Lunch break
IP, Exploitation and Innovation management in running projects
Introduction to the innovation management activities in Horizon Europe projects including best practices to make the most out of your project results. During this presentation we will discuss how innovation management is linked to the daily management and the reporting activities; how to follow IP development, capture and manage results; how to assess novelty elements and how to decide on the best exploitation route?
Coffee break
Reporting from A to Z: Continuous Reporting
In this session, we will introduce all remaining tabs of Horizon Europe Continuous Reporting tool. We will introduce the responsibilities of the partners and the coordinator in the Continuous Reporting and showcase powerful templates and tools for coordinators. Internal reporting: when and how the internal reporting should be completed to be able to identify “problems”.
Workshop: Project Management Case Studies
In this day-closing session, we will go through various project management cases that have happened in our own projects. Together we will go through the scenarios and discuss how to deal with such situation and what tools we have at our disposal as a partner or as a coordinator. Get ready for advanced scenarios.
Remaining questions, end of course
Financial Rules of HE
- Basic facts – funding schemes: cost reporting vs lump-sum funding
- Importance of the budget and of the resources considering reporting
- Basic financial principles in theory and practice
- Form of Grants, Forms of Costs
- Eligible and non-eligible costs with comparison and all exceptions
- Direct and indirect costs
Short introduction and analysis of the available personnel cost calculation options in HE, focusing on the practical pros-and.-cons.
Coffee break
Reporting from A to Z: Periodic Reporting Part 1
Detailed introduction on how to prepare the periodic technical and financial reports: what to and how to report, irregularities and deviation management, internal quality assurance, tips and tools for effective internal management of your partners and their reporting obligations. Detailed comparison of H2020 vs Horizon Europe Periodic Reporting.
EU assessment of the periodic report: typical mistakes in the periodic report. Showcase of a real periodic, suspension of the payment deadline letters.
Lunch break
Workshop: Mistakes in the management and financial reports
We will go through various project management cases that have happened in our own projects. Together we will go through the scenarios and discuss how to deal with such situation and what tools we have at our disposal as a partner or as a coordinator. Get ready for advanced scenarios! Participants will look for typical errors and calculation mistakes in an internal financial report.
Coffee break
Reporting from A to Z: Periodic Reporting Part 2 and Review meeting
How to fill in and submit the financial statement? What should we do differently in the last reporting period? How shall we distribute the balance payment and the amount from the Guarantee Fund / Mutual Insurance Mechanics? How to get prepared for the Review meeting?
End of the course
Messages at time of print 14 March 2025, 22:26 CET