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NordForsk call: NOK 62 million to Research projects under the Nordic-Baltic initiative for migration and integration research

The objective of the call is to jointly fund research projects of highest international quality and societal relevance with clear added value from multilateral collaboration.

Applicants are invited to apply for funding to establish a Nordic or Nordic-Baltic research project within the framework of the call. The host institution (Project Owner) for the research project must be an established research performing organisation based in one of the countries co-funding the call: Sweden, Norway, Estonia and Lithuania.  

The call addresses the following themes: 

  • Integration processes and patterns  
  • Social cohesion and inequalities  
  • Politics and governance of migration and integration 

For full call text, contact person at Nordforsk, application form, evaluation criteria and other information, please see: Call for proposals: Research projects under the Nordic-Baltic initiative for migration and integration research - Insights (  

Messages at time of print 14 March 2025, 08:40 CET

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