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Joint Call for Proposals on Cultural Heritage, Society and Ethics joint call


The Cultural Heritage, Society and Ethics joint call (JPI CH CHSE) aims at furthering the understanding of the relationship between cultural heritage – tangible, intangible, digital and natural – and major societal issues through transnational research projects. The call will be launched on 1 March 2022 and will consist of two compulsory stages (pre-proposals then, full proposals). Applicants are invited to keep an eye on this webpage for the updated information.

Research proposals must address at least one, and if possible both, of the two following themes:

  • Cultural Heritage and economic development. This theme explores the tensions between how cultural heritage can contribute to the development of sustainable experience-based economies without being put at risk and, concomitantly, how the non-utilitarian value of cultural heritage can be promoted in the context of its growing commercialisation.
  • Cultural Heritage and sustainable strategies. This theme explores the relationship between cultural heritage, democratic values and politics in a historical perspective, with a particular emphasis on the proliferation of conflicting narratives resulting from the use and misuse of cultural heritage, and the contribution of cultural heritage to sustainable and ethical behaviours and policies.

Please read the national eligibility criteria's carefully when the call is launched 1 March.

The countries participating in the call are Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

Read the full proposal and apply on the Heritage Research Hub web site.

Messages at time of print 30 January 2025, 19:14 CET

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