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Management of water resources: resilience, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme events and management tools

Knowledge, models, approaches, tools and methodologies to better understand hydrological processes at different scales and to respond more efficiently to emerging water issues related to extreme events.

The overall impacts defined for this call are: Improved water availability and optimisation of water quality and quantity for all uses in Europe, while maintaining ecosystems needs. Improved resilience of European populations to water-related hazards, extreme events and climate change. Supporting the implementation of the UN SDGs and ensuring a Just Transition for all.

Research & innovation proposals submitted under the Water4All 2022 Joint Transnational Call are required to address at least one of the following topics (please see detailed subtpics in the full call text): Topic 1. Resilience, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme events Topic 2. Tools for water management - in the context of hydroclimatic extreme events Topic 3. Improved water governance in the context hydroclimatic extreme events and international contexts When the full announcement is published on 1 September 2022, we ask you to read the Norwegian assessment criteria (national eligibility criteria's) carefully.

Messages at time of print 30 January 2025, 18:20 CET

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