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EU Partnership for a sustainable Future of Food Systems (FutureFoodS) - First Joint Transnational Co-funded Call

Transforming Food Systems - reshaping food system interactions, fostering food innovations and empowering sustainable food choices

The vision of the FutureFoodS Partnership is to collectively achieve environmentally friendly, socially secure and fair, economically viable, healthy and safe food systems in Europe by 2050.

The objective of this call is to fund transnational research and/or innovation projects addressing one of the following call topics. Each call topic brings together several of the priority thematic areas identified by the partnership and presented here above. Proposals are expected to lie within technology readiness
level three to seven 11, depending on national/ regional funding regulations.
Applicants shall demonstrate the originality of their approach and build on the results of existing EU level initiatives. Funded projects shall foster synergies with other initiatives and shall have the capacities to take a changing policy environment into consideration - also during the life-time of the project.

Each application submitted under this call should focus on one of the three call topics listed below. The topic chosen should be clearly indicated in the proposal:

  1. The way towards sustainable and resilient food systems
  2. New foods – Fostering innovations in food design, processing and supply via demand-andsupply reorientation
  3. Empowering sustainable food choices – Enabling food environments and dietary shifts

Norwegian partners from trade and industry sector are encouraged to participate. The state aid rules impose restrictions on such funding. Please note that there is guidance provided on national/regional guidelines. Applicants are advised to contact the Funding Contact Persons (ANNEX I).


Messages at time of print 22 February 2025, 07:03 CET

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