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European Joint Programme on Soil - Second international Call

The overall objective of this call is to foster farm management practices, which contribute to climate change mitigation and adaption.

To achieve this aim, three main directions shall be taken into consideration and are subject to this call:

  1. Soil restoration practices and management for alleviating land degradation, supporting agro-ecosystem function and maintaining soil organic carbon stocks.
  2. Managing soils in the context of climate change: understanding impacts on C, N and P cycling and greenhouse gas emissions and removals, using data derived from LTEs and benchmark farms.
  3. Research and development of innovative methods and sensing technologies to provide an integrated monitoring and mapping of farm management practices taking also into account physical attributes and vegetation characteristics relevant to SOC sequestration, soil health and degradation.

The application must be pre-registered via online submission tool until 20th June 2022.

A webinar and online Networking event will be organised on the 24th May.

Read more about the call for proposals and apply on the EJP SOIL website.

Messages at time of print 13 March 2025, 18:12 CET

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