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Research projects in the Future Working Life Research Programme

The overall aim of the call is to generate knowledge and solutions for a sustainable and inclusive future working life in a Nordic and/or Nordic-Lithuanian context.

The funding parties have identified three crucial and inter-linked areas that would particularly benefit from Nordic and Nordic-Lithuanian research collaboration and that the Future Working Life research programme will prioritise:

1) Sustainable labour force participation

More knowledge is needed about how our societies can adapt to rapid social, demographic, and technological changes and how to ensure an inclusive, competent, and sustainable future labour force. Research on how developments such as digitalisation, automation and longer working life are affecting the labour market; on how companies, organisations and individuals can respond to a more fluid labour market and demands for new skills; and on how the labour force can capitalise on the resources existing in all parts of the population, can help equip different actors on the way to securing sustainable participation in working life. Research-based knowledge is also important to understand how the transformation of working life in largely gender-segregated labour markets affect men and women differently and the consequences of this.

2) Work environment and wellbeing

Research is needed to better understand how to create healthy work environments that promote wellbeing and work-life balance in a time of hybrid working environments, flexible contracts/new employment forms and longer working life. International research collaboration can increase our understanding of how societal changes and transformations and new risk factors in working life affect different occupational groups as well as different parts of the working population. Research-based knowledge is needed to ensure inclusive work environments that provide healthy working conditions, taking into consideration different occupational groups as well as under-represented or marginalised groups.

3) Green transition of working life

A green transition of working life is a crucial part of the path towards a green and sustainable Nordic and Baltic region. All parts of the labour markets must not only adapt to but should also contribute to the ongoing transition for it to succeed and be green, efficient, and just. Research is crucial to create a better understanding of how the green transition will affect working life and how different actors in the labour market can contribute to a greener working life.

NB: These three categories should not be seen as isolated, there are interlinkages and effects across categories. Gender equality and diversity is a cross-cutting objective that should be considered in relation to all the categories


Available budget is approximately NOK 46 million.

Applicants are invited to apply for funding to establish a research project with a budget of maximum NOK 9 million and a duration of 3-4 years.

The intention is to provide funding for 5 research projects under this call.

Please note that NordForsk may make changes to the call text until 6 weeks before the deadline. Any such changes will be stated clearly.

Read the full call for proposals and apply on the NordForsk website.

Call for proposals within the Future Working Life Research programme: Extended deadline until 22 August

Due to a minor adjustment in the annex to the call text, the submission deadline for proposals is extended until the 22nd of August at CEST 14:00.

In the initial annex concerning national funding rules, it was stated that “For Norwegian partners, only land-based activities will be funded”. This is not correct for this call; the sentence has been deleted and the call deadline extended due to this minor adjustment.

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