Approved Norwegian research organisations can apply.
The objective is to promote renewal and development in research across all disciplines and thematic areas. Researcher Projects are to contribute to important new insights, scientific publication, researcher training and international research collaboration.
FRIPRO funds both basic and applied research that is curiosity-driven and bold. This call is aimed at experienced researchers who have demonstrated the ability to conduct research of high scientific quality.
FRIPRO funds both basic and applied research that i scuriosity-driven and bold. This call is aimed at early-career researchers who have demonstrated the potential to conduct research of high scientific quality.
FRIPRO funds both basic and applied research. It should be curiosity-driven and bold. This call is aimed at researchers at postdoctoral level who wish to spend two years at a foreign research organisation and the third year in Norway.
The purpose of this call is to promote innovation and development in research that can contribute to advancing the international research front in ICT, including digital security and sovereignty, the next generation of data processing/ICT systems and other ICT research areas.
Companies and public sector entities that are not research organisations can apply.
The objective is to encourage value creation and renewal in the business and public sectors. Innovation Projects are to help enhance competitiveness in new and existing business areas, strengthen the restructuring capacity of the Norwegian economy and the public sector, and increase interaction and knowledge transfer across stakeholders.
The purpose of this call is to support companies that, together with partners, want to carry out a project that consists of research-based innovation. The projects must lead to socio-economic benefits by making new knowledge and new solutions from the project available to more people. The industrial sector has a key role to play in realising a s...
Approved Norwegian research organisations, companies, public sector entities, non-governmental organisations and groups of such entities can apply.
The objective is to fund the planning, coordination and dissemination of R&D activities. Coordination and Support Activities are to promote researcher mobility, national and international networks, publication, dialogue, dissemination activity and more in connection with R&D activities.
The purpose of the call is to promote innovation in the cyber security sector and to strengthen Norway's digital resilience. The support goes to projects that will help the participants to engage in, and carry out, relevant activities for their own and joint cyber security. The call is open to all sectors, but is especially aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises.
The objective of the scheme is to increase the number of younger researchers who conduct a research stay abroad. International experience is important in building a career as a researcher. It helps to strengthen Norwegian research by increasing expertise and bringing new knowledge to projects. It expands networks and thereby provides Norwegian r...
The purpose of this call is to provide support for the planning of potential Norwegian participation in the establishment of research infrastructure under the ESFRI Roadmap.
The purpose of this call is to provide support for membership of the European Open Science Cloud Association (EOSC AISBL) for approved Norwegian research organisations and publicly funded administrators of research infrastructure that cooperate closely with Norwegian research organisations. Recipients must be able to document their membership in...
Apply for funding as soon as a project proposal begins to take shape and no later than four weeks before the EU deadline. If you are coordinating a collaborative project, please contact the contact person (NCP) 12 weeks before the deadline.
Top-up financing of outgoing candidates will contribute to better financial conditions for researchers who have received fellowships from Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) or from the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP).
Under this call, you can apply for funding to organise conferences, workshops and seminars. The event must serve as a meeting place for dissemination of research results, knowledge sharing, development of the knowledge base and/or generation of scientific collaboration. The event can also be digital.
This is a portal for registering Norwegian partners in projects awarded funding in a Horizon Europe co-fund partnership call where the Research Council provides funding for the Norwegian partner's project costs. Registration of granted project participation provides a basis for establishing a contract with the Research Council for the national f...
Support for events that focus on the functioning of financial markets and that will promote greater understanding of relevant ethical issues in this area. Applications must clearly demonstrate that the project is of relevance in relation to the purpose of the Finance Market Fund.
Messages at time of print 4 December 2024, 09:30 CET