Support for Events
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Important dates
01 Jan 2025
Earliest permitted project start
01 Dec 2025
Latest permitted project start
31 Dec 2025
Latest permitted project completion date
Important dates
Through this call, you can apply for funding to organise conferences, workshops and seminars. The event will be a meeting place for dissemination of research results, knowledge sharing, development of a knowledge base and/or generation of scientific collaboration. The event can be both physical and digital.
About the call for proposals
We only support events that are open to everyone who wants to participate, so we do not support closed meetings or events that are only open to specific groups. You cannot apply for funding for events that are ordinary dissemination activities in an ongoing project funded by the Research Council of Norway.
Only the main organiser of the event can apply for funding. For international conferences, the Norwegian applicant must be the main organiser in order for the event to receive support from us. We can only provide support for events that are held in Norway.
You may direct the application to one of the topics described under relevant thematic areas in the call. Therefore, read the topic text carefully before applying. In the project description, you must describe how the event meets the requirements in the topic text.
Questions about the call should be directed to the contact persons for each topic.
We also set the following requirements:
- You can only send one application for each event.
- The application can only be directed to one topic.
- You must submit your application no later than six weeks before the event starts.
- The application must include a preliminary program. You choose whether you want to describe it in the project description, attach a link to the program online or attach it as a separate attachment.
- The project period cannot start until the application has been submitted, and it must end no later than one month after the event.
- You can only apply for funding for events that will take place in 2025 through this call. Information about the new call for proposals for 2026, will be published in the autumn of 2025.
If your application is approved, it must be clearly stated during the event that you have received funding from the Research Council of Norway.
We encourage events that reduce the impact on the environment.
The call is available in both Norwegian and English. The text of the Norwegian call for proposals is the legally binding version.
Who is eligible to apply?
Approved research organisations, companies, the public sector, the voluntary sector and associations are eligible to apply. See the list of approved research organisations and definition of the public sector. Sole proprietorships are not eligible to apply.
Who can participate in the project?
Requirements relating to the Project Owner
The organisation listed as the Project Owner in the application form must have approved the submission of the application.
Any partners must not be listed in the application form under "Partners", but they may be mentioned in the project description. You must therefore not enter costs or financing for partners in the budget.
What can you seek funding for?
You can apply for funding to cover costs that are necessary to carry out the event. The costs must be documented. You can apply for NOK 50,000–150,000 in funding from the Research Council.
The funding from the Research Council cannot contribute to the event's profitability.
In the application, you must break down the project budget into the following cost types:
- Payroll and indirect expenses: costs incurred by the Project Owner
- Other operating expenses: costs for other activities necessary to carry out the project. Any purchases from subcontractors must be entered here. All costs entered as "other operating expenses" must be specified in the application.
You must specify how the funding from the Research Council will be used.
The items Procurement of R&D services and Equipment must not be used.
You will find detailed and important information about what to enter in the project budget on the website.
Prerequisites for the award of funding
Enterprises will receive the aid as "de minimis aid". This means that the company can receive a maximum of 300,000 euros over a three-year period. Prior to any payment of de minimis aid, we will ask for a written confirmation and an overview of all other de minimis aid that the company has received during the last three financial years. For enterprises that are part of a group, the maximum limit generally applies to the group as such. See also the EU de minimis aid regulation (Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/2831). Read more about de minimis aid.
The Research Council's prerequisites for awards can also be found in our general terms and conditions for R&D projects on the information page What the contract involves.
If you are granted the project, the following must be in place before you enter into a contract with us: Grant recipients in research organisations and the public sector (Project Owners and partners) must have action plans for gender equality (GEPs) available on their websites. The requirement does not apply to the private sector, interest groups or the voluntary sector.
Reporting and disbursement of support
We will only disburse funding for events after they have been completed. We pay out the funds afterwards based on an approved final report and submitted invoice. You must keep your own project accounts for the event. We may request access to the final accounts and other information about the event, including information on the number of participants. The allocation must not contribute to a profit.
All reporting takes place via My RCN web (Mitt nettsted). The final report will have a deadline of one month after the end date of the event's project period. You will be notified when the final report is available.
Relevant thematic areas for this call
This is a joint call that covers several different thematic areas. It is only possible to direct the application to one of the topics described in the call. Under each thematic area, you will find one or more texts describing the requirements and guidelines that apply to the topic in question. Click on the title for the topic to read the text.
Questions should be directed to the contact persons for each topic.
Energy and transportation
You can apply for funding for events whose main purpose is to disseminate results from research that is relevant to the maritime sector, as described in the section on maritime research in the portfolio plan for oceans. The event can also be a meeting place for the development of ideas and the establishment of collaboration on new research and innovation projects.
In order to receive funding for an event, we require that preliminary or final results from at least three projects funded by MAROFF are presented at the event. In the project summary in the application form and/or project description, you must state which projects these are. We only provide support for events where research dissemination constitutes the main part of the programme.
Relevant plans
The research system
Support can be given for the following purposes:
- Larger meetings in Norway for a COST network. Applicants should normally be Norwegian members of the COST network's Management Committee (MC). Normally, we will only cover costs related to meetings in MC, but we can also consider covering costs for larger meetings in working groups (WG) in a COST network. In such cases, a member of the relevant working group can apply, but a recommendation from a Norwegian motorcycle member must then be attached to the application. We assume that the meeting includes a professional part that is open to everyone. The support from us will normally be limited upwards to NOK 100,000. Funding provided by COST centrally in connection with this type of event shall be used in full.
- Measures to spread information about COST in Norway. These can be aimed at researchers or the general public, and are intended to reach a broad audience. The purpose of the measure may be to establish a national network linked to one or more COST networks. Support from us will normally be limited upwards to NOK 75,000.
The support from us does not cover personnel costs/costs for secretariat operations.
You can apply for funding for new events that promote health research and innovation for the development and implementation of preventive measures, treatment and services.
Funding will go to the following topics:
- Public health measures in the municipalities
- Knowledge and innovation needs in the municipal health and care services
- Women's health and gender perspectives in research
- Increased production of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment in Norway
- Use of artificial intelligence in health research and health data as a basis for new business development
You must specify which of these topics the application is aimed at in the project description.
The support is intended to help build capacity and expertise and stimulate meeting places between research and innovation environments and users (volunteers, patients, relatives, employees, etc.).
The event can be a meeting place for the development of ideas and the establishment of collaboration across disciplines and sectors. It can also be a meeting place for the dissemination and implementation of results from research and innovation projects.
For the topic Health, a Norwegian organisation that wishes to be an organiser or co-organiser of major international health conferences in Norway can apply for support for a guarantee. This is limited to cases where a guarantee of future support is necessary for Norway to apply to be selected as the organising country.
We emphasise that the event contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and collaboration across relevant sectors (research communities, business, the public sector and civil society).
We want the projects as a whole to reflect the entire thematic breadth within the thematic area in this call, and we will therefore emphasise this when awarding funding.
Relevant plans
Climate and the environment
Dere kan søke om støtte til arrangementer som fremmer forskning og innovasjon innenfor klima og miljø, enten innenfor temaene Klima, Landbasert miljø, Marint miljø, Polar, Sirkulær økonomi eller på tvers av disse.
Det må fremgå klart hvilke tema søknaden rettes mot. Arrangementet må inneholde formidling av forskningsresultater innenfor temaene. Brukere av resultatene og søknaden må beskrive hvilken nytte aktuelle brukergrupper kan få av forskningen som formidles.
Innenfor Klima og miljø ønsker vi arrangementer som faller inn under minst ett av følgende prioriteringer:
- Forskningsformidling rettet mot allmenheten
- Nyskapende arrangementer, gjerne innenfor digital formidling/dialog og/eller kreativ kommunikasjon
- Arrangementer som inkluderer tverrfaglig samarbeid
- Fagområdene samfunnsfag, rettsvitenskap og humaniora
- Arrangementer med internasjonal deltakelse fra ett eller flere europeiske land og/eller de prioriterte samarbeidslandene Canada, USA, Brasil, Japan, Kina, Sør-Afrika, Sør-Korea og India
Vi støtter ikke arrangementer som:
- inngår som del av obligatorisk undervisning ved læringsinstitusjoner
- skal utvikle generelt samarbeid mellom forskningsorganisasjoner.
Food and bioresources
Dere kan søke om støtte til arrangementer som fremmer forskning og innovasjon innenfor portefølje Mat og bioressurser, enten innenfor temaene Landbasert mat og bioressurser, Havbasert mat og bioressurser eller på tvers av temaene.
Det må fremgå klart hvilket tema søknaden rettes mot eller om det er tverrgående.
Arrangementet må inneholde formidling av forskningsresultater innenfor temaene. Søknaden må beskrive hvilken nytte aktuelle brukergrupper kan få av forskningen som formidles. Arrangementet skal bidra til kompetansedeling mellom relevante aktører.
Prioriterte områder:
Vi vil prioritere arrangementer som faller inn under minst ett av følgende områder:
- Arrangementer som inkluderer tverrfaglig samarbeid
- Arrangementer med internasjonal deltakelse fra europeiske land og/eller de prioriterte samarbeidslandene i Panoramastrategien (2021-2027).
- Arrangementer bidrar til å fremme samarbeid mellom forsknings- og innovasjonsmiljøer og næringsliv
- Nyskapende arrangementer, gjerne innenfor digital formidling og annen kreativ kommunikasjon
- Forskningsformidling rettet mot allmenheten
Hva vi ikke støtter:
- Arrangementer som inngår som del av obligatorisk undervisning ved læringsinstitusjoner
- Arrangementer for å utvikle generelt samarbeid mellom forskningsorganisasjoner
- Intern kompetanseutvikling i en organisasjon
- Vi støtter ikke gjentakende arrangement to eller flere år på rad
Enabling technologies
You can apply for funding for events that promote research and innovation in enabling technologies, either in biotechnology, nanotechnology, microtechnology and advanced materials, ICT or convergence between the technologies.
It must be clear which area the application is aimed at. An area may run out of funds during the year.
You can apply for up to NOK 100,000 per event. If you are arranging a large international conference with high international visibility and participation, it is possible to apply for up to NOK 150,000.
The event must include dissemination of research results within enabling technologies, involve relevant users of the results, and the application must describe the benefits that relevant user groups can derive from the research disseminated.
Nanoteknologi og avanserte materialer
Relevant plans
Cross-cutting topics
Arrangementene skal være møteplasser som stimulerer til samarbeid mellom forsknings- og innovasjonsmiljøer og aktører i offentlig sektor, sivilsamfunn og/eller næringsliv. Vi vil prioritere arrangementer hvor formålet er å etablere nye eller forsterke skjøre samarbeidskonstellasjoner. Det er mulig å søke om støtte til ett eller flere arrangementer i samme søknad, for eksempel i regi av et nettverk.
Vi kan støtte arrangementer som
- er faglig forankret i ett eller flere av investeringsmålene og én eller flere av de tematiske prioriteringene som er beskrevet i porteføljeplan for Demokrati, styring og fornyelse.
- har flere ulike aktører som målgruppe (for eksempel forsknings- og innovasjonsmiljøer, aktører i offentlig sektor, sivilsamfunn, næringsliv og brukere)
Relevante investeringsmål:
- En innovativ offentlig sektor løser komplekse samfunnsutfordringer og møter FNs bærekraftsmål.
- Et inkluderende samfunn med et velfungerende demokrati.
- Et trygt, åpent samfunn med en effektiv ivaretakelse av samfunnssikkerheten.
- En robust og bærekraftig nasjonaløkonomi.
Relevante tematiske prioriteringer:
- Demokrati, tillit og legitimitet
- Offentlig sektors organisering og styring
- Samfunnssikkerhet, beredskap og robusthet
- Fornyelse, innovasjon og digitalisering
- Økonomi og fordeling
Practical information
Requirements for this application type
The call for proposals has an ongoing deadline, which means that we process applications received on an ongoing basis. This means that it is not possible to submit an application more than once. You must therefore ensure that all information is correct and that all mandatory attachments are uploaded before you submit the application.
Mandatory attachments
- Project description of a maximum of 5 pages according to the standard template, which you can download at the bottom of the call
- preliminary programme, or a link to the programme online (uploaded in the application form under the attachment type Other)
- For enterprises (companies): Applicant declaration for de minimis aid in accordance with the established template according to the standard template, which you can download at the end of the call (to be uploaded in the application form under the attachment type Other)
Applications that do not meet the requirements above will be rejected.
We will not consider attachments other than those specified above. All attachments to the application must be submitted with the application. We do not accept attachments submitted after the application deadline unless we have requested additional documentation.
Be careful to upload the correct attachment type, as there are no technical restrictions on what kind of templates it is possible to upload in the application form.
Administrative procedures
Applications are processed administratively by the Research Council of Norway. The processing time is up to six weeks.
Only applications that meet the formal requirements set out in the call will proceed to thematic assessment.
Create application
Applications for Support for Events should be created on My RCN Web. Application templates should be filled and uploaded in the application.
Create applicationMessages at time of print 22 February 2025, 07:09 CET