Further Development of National Research Infrastructure for Quantum Technology Research
Important dates
12 Mar 2025
Open for applications
30 Apr 2025
Application deadline
11 Jun 2025
Expected response to the application
15 Jun 2025
Earliest permitted project start
15 Aug 2025
Latest permitted project start
31 Dec 2025
Latest permitted project completion date
Important dates
The purpose of this call is to provide Norwegian research groups with access to relevant and up-to-date infrastructure for quantum technology research. Upgraded infrastructure will support high-quality research and innovation and contribute to meeting society's knowledge challenges.
About the call for proposals
The call is part of the Government's new commitment to quantum technology, and aims to further develop national infrastructures to facilitate quantum technology research. The initiative includes quantum computing and simulation, quantum sensors and measurements and quantum communication. The call is thematically limited to these research areas.
You can only apply for further development of existing infrastructure, primarily research infrastructures that are funded by the Research Council and are on the Norwegian Roadmap for Research Infrastructure. The new equipment will be integrated into, utilise and reinforce existing research infrastructure and enable research on quantum technology.
The upgrade must be so well planned that the project can be started no later than August 2025. Invoices for purchases must be sent to the Research Council by 1 December 2025.
The call is available in both Norwegian and English. The text of the Norwegian call for proposals is legally binding.
Who is eligible to apply?
Approved research organisations and publicly funded managers of research infrastructure that collaborate closely with Norwegian research organisations are eligible to apply. See the list of approved research organisations.
Who can participate in the project?
Requirements relating to the Project Owner
The research organisation listed as the Project Owner in the application form must have approved the submission of the application. If the application is a collaboration between several organisations, the Project Owner must submit the application on behalf of all partners.
Requirements relating to partners
Research organisations and publicly funded managers of research infrastructure that collaborate closely with Norwegian research organisations can be partners in research infrastructure projects.
It is possible to add new partners to existing collaborations on research infrastructure.
What can you seek funding for?
You can apply for funding to cover the actual costs necessary to carry out the project. The Project Owner must obtain information on costs from the partners in the project. These costs must be entered in the cost plan under the cost type to which they belong.
See "What type of research infrastructure is eligible for funding" for a general description of the costs for which you can apply for funding in a research infrastructure project.
In general, you can apply for funding for further development of research infrastructures to facilitate quantum technology research in Norway. The infrastructure must be of national importance. By national importance, we mean that the infrastructure:
- must be of broad national interest;
- as a general rule, must be found in one or a few places in the country;
- will lay the foundation for internationally leading research;
- shall be made available to relevant research communities and industries.
In this call, research infrastructure refers to advanced scientific instruments and smaller equipment that are part of large-scale equipment facilities and electronic research infrastructure (e-infrastructure) that facilitate quantum technology research.
When the aid constitutes state aid, it follows from the EU's General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) Article 26, Investment aid for research infrastructures, what can be applied for. See more information about this below.
You will find detailed and important information about what to enter in the project budget on the website.
Scope of support
You can apply for up to NOK 35 million. If you are applying for more than NOK 8 million, the project description must also include a brief description of what you will be funding if the project is awarded NOK 8 million.
Conditions for funding
Projects must start between 15 June 2025 and 15 August 2025, and you must apply for funding from the Research Council for 2025. The latest permitted project completion date is 31 December 2025.
For the part of the funding that goes to undertakings (actors that offer goods or services in a market, i.e. that engage in economic activity), this constitutes state aid.
If the support for research infrastructure constitutes state aid as defined in the Framework for State aid for Research and Development and Innovation, the aid will be granted in accordance with Article 26 of the Block Exemptions (Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014). ESA's R&D&I Guidelines allow, under certain conditions, for up to 20 per cent of economic activity with regard to the infrastructure's annual capacity utilisation (business assignments, others), without the aid for investment in the infrastructure being considered state aid). In addition, the general conditions in Chapter I of the Regulation must be met. You can find the rules here.
Further information on Article 26 of the GBER and on the economic and non-economic activities of research organisations and research infrastructures can be found on the Research Council's website on the state aid rules. Institutions that receive funding under this call are required to have a clear separation of between their economic and non-economic activities related to the research infrastructure, so that the Research Council's allocation is in accordance with the state aid rules. Prior to entering into a contract, you will therefore be asked to provide information about the planned infrastructure's capacity and the proportion of the capacity that will be used in economic activity.
Before any contract is signed, you must present a plan for the future economic operation of the infrastructure to be upgraded. In this plan, you must highlight the future operating costs of the infrastructure and describe how the operating costs are intended to be covered. The Research Council will consider any own contributions to the operational financing of the infrastructure highlighted in this plan to be binding.
In addition, you must be aware of the following if you should receive funding from us:
- The Research Council's conditions for funding can also be found in our General Terms and Conditions for R&D Projects on the information page What to enter in the project budget.
- The project manager and the Project Owner must have assessed and handled the consideration of research security in the project. Research security refers to risks associated with unwanted transfer of knowledge and technology, impact on research and innovation, or breaches of research ethics/integrity where knowledge and technology are used to undermine key societal values.
- Grant recipients in research organisations and the public sector (Project Owners and partners) must have action plans for gender equality (GEPs) available on their websites. This must be in place before the contract is signed for projects with grants from us. The requirement does not apply to the private sector, interest groups or the voluntary sector.
- For all projects that handle data, the Project Owner must prepare a data management plan in connection with the revised application. Here you will find more information about requirements for data management plans in projects that receive funding from us.
Special Additional Requirements
Requirements for the institutions
It is the institution's management that must submit the applications. We encourage you to view the applications in the context of the institution's strategy and to be aware of long-term operating costs that may accrue to the institution(s) following new investments and upgrades of research infrastructure.
Requirements for the application
In the project description, you must describe clearly how the infrastructure will be made available to research communities and relevant industry by parties other than the Project Owner and partners.
Relevant thematic areas for this call
The call covers quantum technology (2.0), including quantum computing and simulation, quantum sensors and measurements, and quantum communication, and platforms and materials that support the other fields.
Enabling technologies
Practical information
Requirements for this application type
You can change and submit the application several times until the application deadline. We recommend that you submit your application as soon as you have completed the application form and uploaded the mandatory attachments. When the application deadline expires, it is the version of the application that was submitted most recently that we process.
- The application and all attachments must be written in English.
- All attachments must be in PDF format.
Mandatory attachments
- Project description of a maximum of 15 pages. Use the standard template that you can download at the bottom of this page.
- CV for the project manager and sub-project managers (work package managers) at all partner institutions of maximum 4 pages per person. Use the standard template that you can download at the bottom of this page.
Applications that do not meet the requirements above will be rejected.
Optional attachments
- Suggestions for up to five referees who are presumed to be impartial to assess the application.
All attachments to the application must be submitted with the application. We do not accept attachments submitted after the application deadline unless we have requested additional documentation.
We will not consider documents and websites linked to in the application, or attachments other than those specified above. Be careful to upload the correct attachment type, as there are no technical restrictions on what kind of templates it is possible to upload in the application form.
Assessment criteria
Applications will be assessed in light of the purpose of the call and the following criteria:
• The extent to which the infrastructure will help to elevate Norwegian research to a top international level;
• The extent to which the infrastructure provides services that meet the needs of relevant research communities or research areas.
The quality and uniqueness of the infrastructure
• The extent to which the infrastructure is "state-of-the-art" – the best technological solutions are being chosen;
• How the infrastructure is aligned with the landscape of existing, relevant infrastructures, and the extent to which the proposal has been coordinated with these.
•The extent to which the infrastructure will have a potential impact on:
- the research system;
- innovation;
- society.
Accessibility and utilisation
• The extent to which:
- the infrastructure will be made accessible to all relevant users;
- there will be dissemination and communication activities targeted towards all relevant stakeholders/users;
- the infrastructure facilitates user participation from research communities, the business sector, public administration and other relevant contributors.
• The extent to which:
- the project manager has the necessary qualifications to lead the project;
- the project group has the relevant expertise and resources needed to establish, operate and offer services to relevant user groups;
- the project organisation is suitable for the infrastructure.
Plans for establishment/upgrade and operation of the infrastructure
• The extent to which:
- there is a carefully weighed, realistic plan for establishing/upgrading the infrastructure, including breakdown into work packages/sub-projects, milestones, deliverables, costs and resource needs;
- there are plans for how to make optimal use of the infrastructure;
- there are well thought out plans for how the data that the infrastructure generates/manages are to be structured, stored and published or otherwise made accessible;
- there is a risk assessment and proposed measures for dealing with any high-risk incidents.
• Applications proposing the establishment/upgrade of a Norwegian node of an international research infrastructure collaboration will be assessed on the extent to which the role distribution between the Norwegian partner (node) and the international partners is clearly defined and suitable (based on the information provided by the applicant in a special attachment).
Assessment of technical solutions
• The extent to which the proposed technical solutions are sufficiently mature to warrant establishment of the infrastructure;
• Projects involving independent development of equipment and technical solutions will also be assessed as to:
- whether it is documented that no available solutions exist in the market, which justify the independent development;
- whether the underlying methodology/technology has been demonstrated as functional in a relevant environment (Technology Readiness Level 6 as defined in the European Commission).
Administrative procedures
Once the application deadline has expired, we will first check that all formal requirements are met. Applications that do not satisfy the formal requirements will be rejected. Applications that are outside the thematic scope will not be eligible for funding.
The Research Council may reject applications where the Project Owner or partner has materially breached its obligations in other projects funded by the Research Council in the two years prior to the submission of the application.
The application may be rejected if the project manager has been appointed to the Joint Integrity Committee or the Investigation Committee in the last two years prior to the submission of the application.
Where the requirements are met, we will make the application, with all mandatory attachments, available to peers who individually assess the criteria Excellence, Impact and Implementation. The referees then meet in panels where they arrive at a consensus assessment of the application for each of the three criteria.
The portfolio board for Enabling Technologies makes the final decision on which applicants will be awarded funding. The Research Council ranks applications according to the average mark for the three assessment criteria. In addition to the marks given by the panels, the portfolio board makes a decision on which projects receive funding based on an overall portfolio assessment, including the distribution of projects in the priority areas of the topic and any changes in the ministries' financial or technical guidelines for allocation.
See also: How we process applications.
Create application
Applications for Further Development of National Research Infrastructure for Quantum Technology Research should be created on My RCN Web. Application templates should be filled and uploaded in the application.
Create applicationDownload templates
Messages at time of print 14 March 2025, 14:44 CET