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Registration Call for Norwegian Project Partners in the Calls for the Co-funded Partnerships in Horizon Europe


This is a portal for registering Norwegian partners in projects awarded funding in a Horizon Europe co-fund partnership call where the Research Council provides funding for the Norwegian partner's project costs. 

Registration of granted project participation provides a basis for establishing a contract with the Research Council for the national funding (or all funding) of Norwegian project participants. 

About the call for proposals

Norwegian participants in the Horizon Europe co-fund partnership call must only use this registration after they have received written notification from the Research Council. The contact person for the relevant partnership at the Research Council will provide further information on how to complete the application. 

When you create a registration (application), you must select the relevant partnership from the list of topics in the "Location" section of the application form. 

Co-funded partnerships are collaborations between the European Commission and member states/associated countries. National and regional research funders and other public actors in the countries participate in these partnerships.  The purpose of the collaboration is to develop a common strategy for common challenges, help strengthen the European Research and Innovation Area and identify topics for joint calls under the auspices of the partnerships. 

In the period from 2024 to 2030, Norway's planned contribution to the Horizon Europe co-fund calls is NOK 1 417 600 000. The calls for proposals and the budget framework for the individual calls for proposals in the partnerships are published on the individual partnership's website (see the list under topics below) and on the Research Council's website for joint international calls. 

Each partnership is responsible for carrying out joint application processing. The calls combine national budgets with EU funding and must follow these criteria: 

  • the projects supported must be transnational, involving at least two independent legal entities from two different EU Member States or Horizon Europe associated countries as recipients of the financial support and may also include legal entities established in a non-associated third countries not receiving financial support. Each partnership has their own joint transnational calls, and the application processing is administered by the partnership. 
  • The calls are published openly on the partnership's website and on the websites of the organisations participating with funding, including on the EU Funding and Tenders Portal. In partnerships where the Research Council is a Norwegian funding partner, calls for proposals that are open for applications from Norwegian organizations will be published on the Research Council's website. 
  • The calls for proposals must be open for applications for at least two months. The partnership must provide information on call updates (if any) and the outcome of the call (list of selected projects, amounts and names of selected recipients). 
  • The partnerships are responsible for ensuring measures to avoid possible conflicts of interest or unequal treatment of applicants (in particular through appropriate communication/exchange of information channels and independent and fair complaints procedures). 

Application assessment

The applications are assessed according to Standard Horizon Europe evaluation criteria. The application processing is a two-step process: 

  • Step 1: review at national or transnational level (including national eligibility checks) 
  • Step 2: single international peer review. Proposals must be evaluated with the assistance of at least three independent experts 

The applications must be ranked according to the results of the referees' assessments, and the selection must be made on the basis of this ranking. 

This call is available in both Norwegian and English. The Norwegian call text is legally binding. 

Who is eligible to apply?

This is a registration call for Norwegian research organisations, companies and other enterprises participating in projects that have received conditional consent from the call secretariat in a co-funded partnership, and that have been asked by the Research Council to register.

Who can participate in the project?

The organisation listed as the Project Owner in the Research Council's application form must be the same as the one participating in the project that has been granted the decision to award the partnership. 


If there are several Norwegian participants in the same partnership project, one of the participants must be listed as the Project Owner. The Project Owner will receive funding and report on behalf of the other Norwegian participants. 

What can you seek funding for?

You can apply for funding to cover the actual costs necessary to carry out the project. The Project Owner must obtain information on costs from the partners in the project. These costs must be entered in the cost plan under the cost type to which they belong. 

All amounts must be stated in Norwegian kroner. We will inform you of any exchange rate to be used. 

We require that you break down the project budget into the following cost types in your application: 

  • Payroll and indirect expenses, which are costs incurred by the Project Owner and partners in the public sector, research organisations and Norwegian business and industry  
  • Other operating expenses, which are costs for other activities necessary to carry out the project's R&D activities. Any purchases from subcontractors must be entered here. All costs that are entered as "other operating expenses" must be specified in the application.  
  • Equipment, which includes operating and depreciation costs for scientific equipment necessary to carry out the project  

The item Procurement of R&D services must not be used.  

Doctoral and postdoctoral fellows may be included in the project, but the "rules" for extending the project period due to leave of absence and illness do not apply. The project must be completed within the time frames set out in the partnership call. If the grant period must be extended beyond the project period, the institution responsible for the research fellow must finance the remaining grant period from other budgets. The remaining funds for the fellowship position in the international project will be reallocated to other positions, so that the project can be concluded as agreed. 

You will find detailed and important information about what the budget should contain on our website.    

Prerequisites for awarding funding 

Support for a research organisation goes to the organisation's non-economic activity. It therefore does not constitute state aid. The Research Council assumes that the necessary accounting separation is in place. 

Support for "undertakings" constitutes state aid. In this context, an undertaking means any actor that engages in economic activity by offering goods and/or services in a market. When an undertaking is to have part of its project costs covered, either as a Project Owner or as a partner in the project, this must be done in accordance with Article 25 of the General Block Exemption Regulation (Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014). Read more about state aid.  

In addition, you must be aware of the following if you should receive an award from us: 

Relevant thematic areas for this call

The call covers all the co-funded partnerships in Horizon Europe, and we are accepting applications for funding for both applied and basic research.

Joint international programmes

AgroEcologyAnimal Health and WelfareBiodivERsACETPDUTEP PerMedERA4HealthEurostars3Blue Economy Partnership (SBEP)RareDiseasesSustainable Food Systems (SFS)Transforming Health and Care SystemsWater4All

Practical information

Requirements for this application type

Please note that you can only submit the application once. If you submit the application before the deadline and subsequently see that it still needs to be changed, this can be done during the revision phase. 

  • The application and all attachments must be written in Norwegian and/or English. 
  • All attachments must be in PDF format. 
  • The objectives and project summary in the application form submitted to the Research Council must reflect both the partnership project as a whole and the role of Norwegian partners in the project. 
  • The project start and end dates must be set equal to the corresponding dates in the partnership project contract with the partnership activity. If the registration is submitted to the Research Council after the start date, the start date in the contract with the partnership activities will still apply as the project start date in the contract with the Research Council. 
  • In the tables of the application form, you must only register Norwegian partners who receive funding from the Research Council. 
  • The project description must clearly state what constitutes the Norwegian participation in the project, in addition to the expected results for the Norwegian project partners. 

Mandatory attachments 

  • The project description in the original application for the entire partnership project on which the partnership decision is based. There is no page number limit. 

Optional attachments 

  • Any attachments will be informed of in written information from the Research Council.  

All attachments to the application must be submitted with the application. We do not accept attachments submitted after the application deadline unless we have requested additional documentation. 

We will not consider documents and websites linked to in the application, or attachments other than those specified above. Be careful to upload the correct attachment type, as there are no technical restrictions on what kind of templates it is possible to upload in the application form. 

Assessment criteria

The Research Council will not make any scientific assessment of the pro forma registration, only check that all requested appendices are attached and that the budget has been set up as agreed and in accordance with applicable guidelines. 

Administrative procedures

As soon as we have received the application/registration, we will check that the necessary data and attachments are in place. If everything is in order, we will prepare the agreement document for the project's Norwegian partners. If we need further information or corrections, you will be given the opportunity to revise the registration. 

Create application

Applications for Registration Call for Norwegian Project Partners in the Calls for the Co-funded Partnerships in Horizon Europe should be created on My RCN Web. Application templates should be filled and uploaded in the application.

Create application

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