National Research Schools for Quality and Relevance
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Important dates
02 Oct 2024
Open for applications
13 Nov 2024
Application deadline
March 2025
Expected response to the application
01 Apr 2025
Earliest permitted project start
01 Oct 2025
Latest permitted project start
30 Sep 2033
Latest permitted project completion date
Important dates
The Research Council of Norway is announcing funding to establish up to seven new research schools. The research schools must collaborate with one or more organisations, e.g. actors from the business sector or the public sector, with the aim of strengthening the relevance of labour market in the doctoral education.
The purpose of this call for proposals is to provide research fellows with access to doctoral courses of high scientific quality, scientific networks and research communities, and to strengthen the relevance of doctoral education for a broader labour market.
About the call for proposals
The Research Council wants to strengthen the relevance of doctoral education for a broader labour market and increase interaction and mobility between academia and other organisations, e.g. actors from the business sector or the public sector, through researcher training. We encourage you to develop and use innovative methods and approaches to promote interaction, and to include interdisciplinary collaboration.
About national research schools
National research schools are to raise the quality and relevance of Norwegian doctoral education through renewal, quality development and high-quality scientific training. This will be achieved by providing a coordinated education of good quality through national and international professional networks. The research schools are intended to qualify candidates for research and other work that requires a high level of scientific insight and competence.
Network structure and hosting responsibilities
National research schools function as a national and/or international network of scientific communities consisting of universities, university colleges, research institutes and other enterprises, e.g. actors from the business sector or the public sector. The research school supplements the institutions' own doctoral programmes. Candidates complete their doctoral degree at their own educational institution. The research school must be rooted in a strong academic environment that also has the responsibility of hosting.
Open call and thematic areas
The call consists of a part that is open for applications from all thematic areas and two parts that are aimed at specific topics (see under Relevant thematic areas).
The call is available in both Norwegian and English. The text of the Norwegian call for proposals is legally binding.
Who is eligible to apply?
Norwegian universities and university colleges with the right to award doctoral degrees can apply.
Who can participate in the project?
Research school requirements
A national research school is a binding collaboration between Norwegian universities and university colleges, which can also collaborate with research institutes, health trusts and foreign universities.
In this call, we also require collaboration with at least one other organisation, e.g. an actor from the business sector or the public sector.
The research school must have:
- a clear organisation with its own acceptance process for doctoral candidates
- a structured academic programme for the course of study
- a scientific and administrative management
- a board that ensures representation from the partner institutions, doctoral candidates and from labour market outside academia
Requirements for participants and management:
- The research school should include a minimum of 20 doctoral candidates when in full operation.
- The scientific manager (project manager) and the board have the overall responsibility for developing the academic activities at the school.
- The scientific manager (project manager) and the chair of the board must represent different institutions.
We emphasise that the expected usefulness of the research school is based on both scientific quality and labour market relevance. In the application, you must describe the expected results, impacts and effects in the short and long term, and how these can be documented.
In the application, you must describe how the research school will ensure that the candidates acquire:
- theoretical and methodological knowledge and skills to conduct research at a high academic level
- general skills that are relevant to research and to high-level positions in academia and in labour market in general
- access to scientific communities and networks
- insight into one's own competence and the knowledge and skills required to achieve one's own goals and ambitions
- a good understanding of innovation and how research can be put to use.
The research school is to ensure that the individual candidate receives an offer of training that is adapted to where they are in the course of their studies and provide the opportunity for personal follow-up. The school must ensure that the candidates participate in active and good interaction with the teaching staff, so that they have influence over their own learning. The candidates must be able to influence the planning of the school's activities.
You must prepare a plan outlining the educational training elements that will be included in different phases of the course of study.
We expect the research schools to establish their own website that describes roles, responsibilities and activities, in addition to goal attainment, effects and impact of the activities.
We also encourage the research schools that are awarded funding to cooperate with each other. The Research Council will invite to annual meetings with the purpose of exchanging ideas and experiences.
Requirements relating to the Project Owner
The organisation responsible for hosting the research school is to be listed as the Project Owner in the application form. The application must be strategically anchored with the Project Owner. The responsibility of hosting must be fulfilled by a degree-conferring institution that can demonstrate research of high scientific quality in the area in question. Responsibility for the school's management and operation cannot be delegated.
Requirements relating to the project manager
The project manager must have an approved doctoral degree and achieved associate professor qualifications before the application deadline. The project manager must also have experience with research management, doctoral education, and national and/or international collaboration. The project manager's professional competence and suitability will be assessed by a panel. The project manager can be project manager for only one application.
Requirements relating to partners
The application must be supported by all partners. All partners must actively contribute to the planning and implementation of the research school's activities. The cooperation will be anchored in agreements.
Partners from the labour market can be potential employers in the public sector, the private sector and/or organisations. No state aid is granted to partners in the business sector. This means that companies and other enterprises cannot receive support to cover their costs in the research school, but must cover them themselves.
What can you seek funding for?
You can apply for support for costs related to the administration of the research school's activities, which will typically be operating costs and personnel costs for administrative follow-up.
- scientific training activities
- academic development work
- networking and interaction activities
- management and administrative facilitation
The items Procurement of R&D and Equipment must not be used.
You cannot apply for doctoral scholarships, operating funds for the implementation of doctoral projects, personnel and indirect costs for the collaborating institutions' researchers and teaching staff, investments or coverage of other expenses related to the institutions' ordinary doctoral education.
You can find detailed and important information about what to enter into the budget on our website.
Scope of support
You can apply for a maximum of NOK 16 million distributed over an eight-year period.
Prerequisites for funding
Projects must start between 1 April 2025 and 1 October 2025, and you must apply for funding from the Research Council for 2025. The latest permitted project completion date is 30 September 2033.
We do not award state aid under this call, and companies are therefore not eligible to receive funding to cover project costs.
In addition, you must be aware of the following if you should receive an award from us:
- The Research Council's prerequisites for funding can also be found in our general terms and conditions for R&D projects on the information page What the contract involves.
Relevant thematic areas for this call
The call covers all subjects and research areas.
The research system
All thematic areas are relevant for the call. In addition, the call has earmarked funds with specified priorities.
- NOK 80 million will go to research schools without thematic prioritisation.
Funding is available for a research school that supports the main goal of the Research Council's commitment to global health and Sustainable Development Goal 3 "Good health for all" and all sub-goals. The Global Health Initiative aims to reduce health inequalities by supporting high-quality research that can contribute to sustainable health improvements for vulnerable populations in low and lower-middle income countries (LLMICs).
The purpose of the research school is to contribute to strengthening and improving the scope and quality of research education on global health in Norway. It will have a broad scope and involve all institutions with a larger research community in global health in Norway. The school is to seek collaboration with relevant research schools and research communities in other Nordic countries. The application must include a clear plan for how the school's activities will be maintained after the Research Council's funding ends.
Because interdisciplinary approaches are necessary to find solutions to the major global health challenges, this must also be reflected in the activities. Implementation research and equitable partnerships are two important priorities, and in the application, you must show how you will safeguard these when planning training activities.
The purpose of the research school is to help build networks and improve the scope and quality of research education according to municipalities' needs for research and innovation. The research school should have an interdisciplinary focus and encompass multiple municipal sectors. It must involve multiple research organizations and should collaborate with municipalities in their work with research and innovation.
The school should be complementary to existing research schools and must work to establish collaboration with relevant national research schools and research environments in other Nordic countries.
Practical information
Requirements for this application type
You can change and submit the application several times until the application submission deadline. We recommend that you submit your application as soon as you have completed the application form and uploaded the required attachments. When the application deadline expires, it is the version of the application that was submitted most recently that we process.
- The application and all attachments must be written in English.
- All attachments must be in PDF format.
Mandatory attachments
- Project description of a maximum of 10 pages. Use the default template that you can download at the bottom of the page.
- CV for project manager. Use the default template that you can download at the bottom of the page.
- Declarations of intent/confirmation from collaboration partners in the network and from labour market.
Applications that do not meet the requirements above will be rejected.
Optional attachments
- CV for key participants in the project in accordance with the guidelines for the application type.
- Suggestions for up to three peers who are presumed to be impartial and thereby eligible to assess the application.
All attachments to the application must be submitted with the application. We do not accept attachments submitted after the application deadline unless we have requested additional documentation.
We will not consider documents and websites linked to in the application, or attachments other than those specified above. Be careful to upload the correct attachment type, as there are no technical restrictions on what kind of templates it is possible to upload in the application form.
Assessment criteria
Applications will be assessed in light of the purpose of the call and the following criteria:
• The extent to which the concept is sound, credible and novel.
• The extent to which the project objectives are clear and relevant.
• The quality of the proposed deliverables from the project.
• The extent to which the expected effects are specified.
• The extent to which expected impacts on the system and societal levels are specified.
Knowledge sharing and exploitation
• The quality of the proposed communication and dissemination activities.
• The extent to which it is credible that the proposed outputs will contribute to the specified effects and impact.
• The extent to which the Project Manager and project group are qualified and have the necessary expertise and are positioned to implement the project.
• The extent to which management structures and procedures are appropriate.
Plans and management
• The extent to which the work plan is clear and understandable, and the time table realistic
• The extent to which objectives and measures are coherent.
• The extent to which the project has the support of the leadership of the Project Owner and any partners, and the allocation of roles in the project is clear.
• The extent to which the budget is realistic and appropriate, and resources are allocated so that each of the partners can fulfil their role.
• The extent to which potential risks have been discussed.
Extension of existing research schools will not be prioritised.
Administrative procedures
Applications that do not satisfy the formal requirements may be rejected. Applications that are marked with one of the thematic priorities and that are assessed by the administration not to fall under that priority will be considered as part of the open call.
Panel assessment
The applications are then assessed by peers with broad expertise, who later gather in a panel meeting and together agree on final marks for the assessment criteria and prepare joint written assessments. An application is only assessed by one panel.
If the average of the grades is lower than 5, the application will be rejected. If the application for one of the main criteria has received a grade of 3 or lower, it will also be rejected.
Decision on funding
The portfolio boards that have announced funding in thematic areas make decisions on the basis of recommendations prepared by the administration. The decision is based on the grades from the panel assessments and a portfolio assessment where relevant. If no applications for the specified thematic areas of the call exceed the threshold value, the funding from the relevant thematic area will be withheld.
The administration then prepares a recommendation for all applications eligible for funding that have not already been granted funding. The portfolio board for the Research System then makes a decision on allocation, which is based on the panel's assessment and an overall portfolio assessment consisting of:
- distribution of research schools by subjects and topics
- inclusion of social sciences and humanities
Response to the application
The decision on funding is expected to be made during March 2025.
See also: How we process applications.
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About the results of the application assessment process
- Total amount sought
- 15 999 000
- Amount awarded
- 15 999 000
- Total number of applications
- 1
- Number of approved applications
- 1
Project no. | Organization | Project title | Subject | Sought | Published |
356466 | UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN | Norwegian Research School in Global Health for Sustainable Futures | Demokrati og global utvikling | 15 999 000 | 05.03.2025 |
Messages at time of print 15 March 2025, 06:44 CET