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Collaborative Project to Meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges

We will have new portfolios from 1 January 2024. The thematic areas in our calls reflect the new portfolios. You will therefore find that some research topics lie under new thematic priority areas. Under this call, this applies in particular to the following: 

  • Research topics previously under thematic area Oceans: 
    • Marine is located under the thematic area Climate and environment 
    • Aquaculture is under the thematic area Food and bioresources 
    • Maritime is located under the thematic area Energy and transport 
  • The research topic Culture (formerly under Welfare, culture and society) is located under Welfare and education 
  • The research topic Petroleum is under the thematic area Energy and transport 

We reserve the right to make changes to the call for proposals after we have received the letter of allocation for 2024. 

Important dates

24 Jan 2024

Open for applications

13 Mar 2024

Application deadline

01 Oct 2024

Earliest permitted project start

01 Apr 2025

Latest permitted project start

31 Mar 2029

Latest permitted project completion date

Important dates

Last updates

06 Mar 2024

Announced funding for the topic Maritime has been changed from NOK 80 million to NOK 85 million.

Requirements regarding costs covered for partners that are not research organisation have been removed.


The purpose of the funding is to encourage research organisations to collaborate with relevant actors from the industry sector and society in order to develop new knowledge and build research competence that is necessary to address important societal challenges. We require you to collaborate with at least two relevant actors from outside the research sector. 

About the results of the application assessment process

We publish the results of the application process on an ongoing basis after the various portfolio board meetings. Here you will find the dates for when we plan to publish application results for many of our calls: When can you expect the application results?

Total amount sought
4 179 821 000
Amount awarded
905 294 000
Total number of applications
Number of approved applications
Approved applications
Project no.
Project title
352850SINTEF ASInfrastructure Investments for Optimal Rail REPLACEment Bus ServicesEnergi og Transport - Transport9 900 00014.06.2024
352903TRANSPORTØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Stiftelsen Norsk senter for samferdselsforskningCombining Public transit and Ride Sharing in rural TransportEnergi og Transport - Transport10 000 00014.06.2024
352926TRANSPORTØKONOMISK INSTITUTT Stiftelsen Norsk senter for samferdselsforskningSALIENT: Experimental evidence on the effect of information & saliency of costs of car ownership and use Energi og Transport - Transport10 000 00014.06.2024
353029NTNU FAKULTET FOR INGENIØRVITENSKAPSafe And Resilient TranspORt InfrastrUcture aSsets Energi og Transport - Transport9 999 00014.06.2024
352872NTNUREGional Electrification (REGEL) and key tensions in the Norwegian energy transition: Co-creating strategies and enabling better decisionsEnergi og transport, miljøvennlig energi11 997 00017.06.2024
352805UiSPowerPlay: Complementarity Formation and Trade-offs of the Nordic Battery Value ChainEnergi og transport, miljøvennlig energi12 000 00017.06.2024
353075NTNUBiodiversity-energy nexus: Pressures, impacts and potential for hydropower development in protected watercoursesEnergi og transport, miljøvennlig energi12 000 00017.06.2024
352992SINTEFRegional Energy System Pathways for Dearbonised Industry 2030Energi og transport, miljøvennlig energi12 000 00017.06.2024
353053NINAOffshore wind farm wake effects on seabird flight energeticsEnergi og transport, miljøvennlig energi10 136 00017.06.2024
352927SINTEF OCEAN ASNextShiPP - Next Generation Ship Power PredictionEnergi og transport - Maritim12 000 00017.06.2024
352781SINTEF OCEAN ASFusing AI and Ship Hydrodynamics for Next-Gen Voyage OptimizationEnergi og transport - Maritim12 000 00017.06.2024
352964NTNUShip Efficiency Assessment through Performance in Realistic Marine EnvironmentsEnergi og transport - Maritim12 000 00017.06.2024
353031HØGSKULEN PÅ VESTLANDETCollaborative User-centred Engineering of Digital navigational toolsEnergi og transport - Maritim12 000 00017.06.2024
353095SINTEF ENERGI ASSailing with wind-assisted propulsion in realistic wind conditionsEnergi og transport - Maritim12 000 00017.06.2024
353190NTNUTWinYards – Scaling up for offshore wind at Norwegian yards: Efficient operations through digital twins and artificial intelligenceEnergi og transport - Maritim12 000 00017.06.2024
352904NTNUNuclear Propulsion for Merchant Ships IIEnergi og transport - Maritim12 000 00017.06.2024
352981NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)Staying One Step Ahead of Tax EvasionDemokrati og global utvikling12 000 00018.09.2024
353197Norges Geotekniske Institutt Scalable Services & Risk-Based Governance for Climate-Driven Natural Hazards in Norway - Beredt!Demokrati og global utvikling11 838 00018.09.2024
352911Statistisk sentralbyråFuturePop: Population projections, centralisation, and planning for an uncertain futureDemokrati og global utvikling11 873 00018.09.2024
353181SINTEFResource Enhancement, Strategic Planning, Optimization, and Novel Data-driven methods for safety and security at SEADemokrati og global utvikling12 000 00018.09.2024
353110Nasjonalt senter for e-helseforskningSustainable and Healthy Food Management System using Generative AITemaer på tvers 11 399 00019.09.2024
353051UNIVERSITETET I BERGENUnlocking the Nutritional and Environmental Potential of Small Pelagic Fish: A Path Towards Sustainable Food SystemsTemaer på tvers 12 000 00019.09.2024
352827UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ - NORGES ARKTISKE UNIVERSITETResilient North: The Interplay Between Food Production, Food Security and Public Health in Northern Norway (ResNor)Temaer på tvers 12 000 00019.09.2024
352809NIBIO (Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research)The role of diversified small-scale horticulture in a transition towards more sustainable food systems with healthier dietsTemaer på tvers 12 000 00019.09.2024
352790HAVFORSKNINGSINSTITUTTET AVD BERGENAntimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the marine aquaculture-human interface, knowledge gaps and possible interventions: A One Health approachTemaer på tvers 12 000 00019.09.2024
352506STIFTELSEN RURALIS INSTITUTT FOR RURAL- OG REGIONALFORSKNINGIntegrating climate, environment, and public health in the Norwegian food system to assess efficient, safe, and acceptable policy optionsTemaer på tvers 11 995 00019.09.2024
352944UNIVERSITETET I AGDER"Next Generation Nordic Diet Working with young people to create a Next Generation Nordic diet within a sustainable food system"Temaer på tvers 12 000 00019.09.2024
352880UiO, Senter for utvikling og miljø (SUM)Governance for sustainable food systems: implementing the One Health approach in the Norwegian meat industryTemaer på tvers 12 000 00019.09.2024
353009AKVAPLAN-NIVA ASAdvancing food systems through sustainable seaweed aquaculture for climate resilience and health benefitsTemaer på tvers 11 730 00019.09.2024
352991Norges Miljø- og Biovitenskapelige UniversitetOptimizing feed resources for a circular food systemMat og bioressurser9 389 00019.09.2024
352982Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi (NIBIO)Cultivating sustainable changes in livestock feed production and feeding practices (Feed&Feeding)Mat og bioressurser10 000 00019.09.2024
352976SINTEF OCEAN ASDeveloping social science methods for evaluating sustainability in Norwegian feed system for Norwegian livestock and aquacultureMat og bioressurser10 000 00019.09.2024
353104NMBUSoil carbon in Norwegian outfield and infield grazing areas: Plant-soil-herbivory feedbacks on plant production and soil carbon dynamics.Mat og bioressurser14 999 00019.09.2024
352947NIBIOCarbon sequestration in Norwegian spruce forest soilsMat og bioressurser15 000 00019.09.2024
353165UiT - Norges arktiske universitetEarly life programming and conditioning in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for safeguarding Atlantic salmon health and welfareMat og bioressurser12 000 00019.09.2024
352812SINTEF ASAdvanced Conversion of Industrial Biogenic Gas Streams into Fish Feed via CO2 Capture and Microbial FermentationMuliggjørende teknologier11 983 00020.09.2024
353213NORCE NORWEGIAN RESEARCH CENTRE ASData-driven engineering of microalgal biofactories for safe and efficient omega-3 productionMuliggjørende teknologier12 039 00020.09.2024
353185NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET NMBUIntegrated biorefining of chitin-rich biomass (ChitoVal)Muliggjørende teknologier11 991 00020.09.2024
352733NOFIMA ASFood4Cells: Developing sustainable cell culture media for cultivated meat (CM) production based on Norwegian plant-based agri-food.Muliggjørende teknologier12 000 00020.09.2024
352845UNIVERSITETET I SØRØST-NORGEEnergy Efficient and Sustainable Wastewater TreatmentMuliggjørende teknologier12 000 00020.09.2024
352863UNIVERSITETET I OSLOA Disruptive Platform Technology for Brain-targeted Gene TherapyMuliggjørende teknologier14 901 00020.09.2024
352906SINTEF DIGITALSilicon Integrated QUantum Emitter Strain deTectionMuliggjørende teknologier15 000 00020.09.2024
353207UNIVERSITETET I OSLOIntegrated convergent technology for precision human tissue and disease modelingMuliggjørende teknologier15 000 00020.09.2024
353091NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBSmart Sensing platform for protein and peptide analysisMuliggjørende teknologier14 993 00020.09.2024
352965SINTEF ASDetermination of renal blood flow autoregulation in kidneys: A convergence of robotic soft-body interaction and AI-assisted ultrasoundMuliggjørende teknologier15 000 00020.09.2024
353112SINTEF ASICUE – Illuminating the Path to Cure EndometriosisMuliggjørende teknologier15 000 00020.09.2024
353062NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET NTNUAutomatic super agile small-satellite operationsMuliggjørende teknologier15 000 00020.09.2024
352764UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ - NORGES ARKTISKE UNIVERSITETConvergence of nanofabrication, nanoscopy, transcriptomics, and algae technologies for sustainable fish feedMuliggjørende teknologier15 000 00020.09.2024
353186NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITEN-SKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NTNU)Functionalized graphene structures as additives for enhanced lubrication.Muliggjørende teknologier11 705 00020.09.2024
352835NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)Tunable ion separations with micro-structured composite membranesMuliggjørende teknologier11 943 00020.09.2024
352760UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ - NORGES ARKTISKE UNIVERSITETSmart nanotechnology for pulmonary delivery of new generation antimicrobial peptides to combat respiratory superinfectionsMuliggjørende teknologier9 855 00020.09.2024
352990SINTEF ASLi transport and interface reactions in advanced battery materialsMuliggjørende teknologier11 600 00020.09.2024
353008NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITEN-SKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NTNU)Tailoring Metallurgically bonded nanoscale interfaces between Al, Cu and Ni involving Deformation-enhanced diffusion (MAD)Muliggjørende teknologier12 000 00020.09.2024
352554UiO Institutt for biovitenskapSupporting adaptive management of Chronic Wasting DiseaseArealer under press4 000 00025.09.2024
353039HANDELS-HØGSKOLEN VED UISCo-innovation in government policies and sustainable business models for offshore and inshore aquacultureArealer under press12 000 00025.09.2024
352743HAVFORSKNINGS-INSTITUTTETSupporting ecosystem-based management of coastal ecosystems and their services – CoastSupportArealer under press12 000 00025.09.2024
352846SINTEF ASReducing societal risk in a changing climate using nature-based solutions in sustainable urban area developmentArealer under press12 000 00025.09.2024
352887NORGES GEOTEKNISKE INSTITUTT ASSAFERCLAY – SAFER coexistence in quick CLAY areasArealer under press12 000 00025.09.2024
353016UNIS Thawing Arctic permafrost, emerging risks: managing critical infrastructure, cultural heritage, and mountain slopes under climate changeArealer under press11 894 00025.09.2024
353210NINACo-creating sustainability pathways for rural NorwayArealer under press12 000 00025.09.2024
352847UNIVERSITETET I BERGENActionable budgets for sustainable climate and nature governanceArealer under press12 000 00025.09.2024
352865RURALIS Locating and utilizing Norway’s lost and underused agricultural land reservesArealer under press12 000 00025.09.2024
Arealer under pressSINTEF ASLand Use and Planning for Infrastructure and NatureArealer under press12 000 00025.09.2024
352940STIFTINGA VESTLANDS-FORSKINGEnabling land use justiceArealer under press11 894 00025.09.2024
353040NORCE ROGALANDGET Engaged: Citizen Engagement and Areas Under Pressure in the Green Energy TransitionArealer under press12 000 00025.09.2024
353073NORGES GEOTEKNISKE INSTITUTT ASDon't waste: Framework to support valorisation of excavated stabilised soilsArealer under press12 000 00025.09.2024
353030STIFTELSEN NORSK INSTITUTT FOR NATURFORSKNING NINAJustUrban: Sustaining urban nature for environmental justice in the face of urban growthArealer under press4 000 00025.09.2024
353032UNIVERSITETET I BERGENNatuRA - Sustainable use of Natural Resources in Alpine and mountain grassland ecosystems under global changeArealer under press4 000 00025.09.2024
353021UNIVERSITETET I STAVANGERHuman-Environment-Animal Relations in Deep TimeArealer under press4 000 00025.09.2024
352837INSTITUTT FOR FREDSFORSKNINGLand Governance and Responsible Value Chains in the South African Wine Industry (WINELAND)Arealer under press4 000 00025.09.2024
352998SINTEF ENERGI ASPlanning renewable solar energy systems combining technological and ecological assessmentsArealer under press4 000 00025.09.2024
352989STIFTELSEN NORSK INSTITUTT FOR NATURFORSKNING NINACo-creating nature recovery maps to guide conservation and restoration efforts in Norway and South Africa.Arealer under press4 000 00025.09.2024
352949RISE FIRE RESEARCH ASWildfire safety of homes and other vulnerable establishments in the wildland-urban interfaceArealer under press4 000 00025.09.2024
352928Møreforsking ASSustainable multiuse of ocean areas in South Africa and Norway – interactions with fisheries and aquaculture of low trophic resourcesArealer under press4 000 00025.09.2024
352869NORCE Miljø/Klima VESTLANDPressures of Urbanisation on Fish and Fisheries In Norway and South Africa (PUFFINS)Arealer under press4 000 00025.09.2024
353225SINTEF ASTurning wastewater into potable water - sustainable plant-based water treatment systems for rural communitiesArealer under press4 000 00025.09.2024
352784NTNUWriting strategies in VET EducationVelferd og utdanning11 488 00027.09.2024
352785Høgskolen i ØstfoldArtificial Intelligence for Enhanced Cross-disciplinary Assessment for Learning (AI-EXCAfL)Velferd og utdanning14 965 00027.09.2024
352894Velferdsforskningsinstituttet NOVAThe Potential of ‘GameChange’: Supplementary Educational Measures to Facilitate Secondary Education Completion Among At-Risk YouthVelferd og utdanning20 000 00027.09.2024
353017Høgskolen i ØstfoldA Phonological and Reading RCT Intervention in Kindergarten and School for Children with Intellectual Disabilities who require AACVelferd og utdanning14 493 00027.09.2024
353222NTNUOptimization and Testing effectiveness of a collaborative Intervention for School Attendance Problems in Norwegian municipalitiesVelferd og utdanning20 000 00027.09.2024
352917NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMIAdvancing adaptation and adoption of new forages in Norway: An innovative farmer-led research approach via citizen scienceMat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)12 391 00001.10.2024
353204NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMIHealthyCucumber: Sustainable plant health management in modern greenhouse cucumber productionMat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)13 023 00001.10.2024
352849NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMIQuick and cost-effective quality assessment of plant-based foodsMat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)15 000 00001.10.2024
352951NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMINew challenges with old potato diseases: IPM to control early- and late blightMat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)15 000 00001.10.2024
352855NIBIO - NORSK INSTITUTT FOR BIOØKONOMIInnovative and sustainable Ribes production in NorwayMat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)9 800 00001.10.2024
353191NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)AdHealth- Food additives and Gut HealthMat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)14 129 00001.10.2024
353109NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)SUFFICIENT-Sustainable fungal production of biostimulant fertilizers and feed oils from biowastesMat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)14 881 00001.10.2024
352958NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)"Sustainable control of docks (Rumex spp.) – Synergies of detection, mapping and innovative weed control"Mat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)14 560 00001.10.2024
353208NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)Harnessing AI Models for Climate-Resilient Wheat Varieties in Sustainable AgricultureMat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)15 000 00001.10.2024
352955NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)BREADVANCE: Novel sourdough from Norwegian grains for sustainable bread advancement and optimized for wheat-sensitive individuals.Mat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)5 354 00001.10.2024
353201NORGES MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET (NMBU)Boosting Healthy Oat Feed Production in NorwayMat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)15 000 00001.10.2024
353084NOFIMA ASFlexible biorefineries for upcycling of local bioresourcesMat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)14 991 00001.10.2024
352792NOFIMA ASContamination routes and reduction of spoilage moulds in Norwegian food productionMat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)13 440 00001.10.2024
352984NOFIMA ASNorwegian Barley: A Journey from Field to TableMat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)14 841 00001.10.2024
353121NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET NTNUFlexible Farming Solutions to Minimize Energy Expenditure and Create New Revenue Streams in Vertical Farming.Mat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)14 999 00001.10.2024
353071NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET NTNUA hologenomic investigation of Campylobacter susceptibility in slow-growing chickenMat og bioressurser (FFL/JA)15 000 00001.10.2024

Messages at time of print 31 March 2025, 15:08 CEST

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