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Funding for Research Infrastructure of National Importance

Important dates

13 Sep 2023

Webinar on this autumn's call for research infrastructure

04 Oct 2023

Open for applications

15 Nov 2023

Application deadline

Week 39

Founding announcement

Important dates


Funding is available under this call for projects that: 

  • will give the Norwegian research community and business sector access to relevant and updated infrastructure which supports high-quality research and innovation and helps to provide the knowledge needed to address societal challenges; 
  • will strengthen, coordinate and optimise the use and internationalisation of national research infrastructure in areas where Norwegian research groups have particular strengths; 
  • involve new Norwegian participation in international infrastructures. 

About the results of the application assessment process

Total amount sought
10 600 000 000
Amount awarded
1 300 000 000
Total number of applications
Number of approved applications
Approved applications
Project no.
Project title
350254NMBU, UiO, UiT, NIBIO, NTNUNorwegian Plant Phenotyping Platform (PheNo)Forskningssystemet83 134 00026.09.2024
350529UiB, Veterinærinstitutt, UiO, UiT, NMBU, NTNU, FHIELIXIR4 - OpenLifeScience - Enabling Open Life Science in NorwayForskningssystemet125 481 00026.09.2024
350171SIGMA2 AS, NTNU, UiB, UiO, UiTE-INFRA 2023 - A National e-infrastructure for Science (Inkluderer midler til nordisk Tier-1 for 2025)Forskningssystemet199 740 00026.09.2024
350508NGI, AKVAPLAN-NIVA AS, OSLOMET, MARIN ENERGI TESTSENTER AS, NIVA, NTNUNorwegian Infrastructure Platform for Foundation Technology Research in Offshore WindForskningssystemet89 556 00026.09.2024
350317SINTEF Energi AS, IFE, STIFTELSEN NORSAR, ECCSEL EUROPEAN RI CONSORTIUM, SINTEF AS, NTNUECCSEL-Enhancing Norwegian CapabilitiesForskningssystemet113 475 00026.09.2024
350513SINTEF AS, RISE PFI AS, SINTEF ENERGI AS, NMBU, NTNU, NIBIO Sustainable Processes Advancement from Norwegian Research: an integral Bio-, Thermo-, Electro- chemical effort (SUPRANO)Forskningssystemet49 704 00026.09.2024
350238IFESustainable Transition for the Norwegian Infrastructure for Multiphase FlowForskningssystemet13 069 00026.09.2024
350346UiB, UiT, NGU, NORSAR, NGI, NORCEEPOS-Norway – Research Infrastructure for GeohazardsForskningssystemet123 244 00026.09.2024
350614OUS, HELSE BERGEN HF, UiOATMP Norway. A multi-nodal infrastructure for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products in NorwayForskningssystemet74 218 00026.09.2024
350201NTNU, UiO, UiBNorwegian Brain Initiative (NORBRAIN) – a large-scale infrastructure for 21st century neuroscience: Stage 4Forskningssystemet104 636 00026.09.2024
350342NB, UiO, UiT, NRNorwegian research infrastructure for web dataForskningssystemet28 691 00026.09.2024
350348UiO, HØGSKOLEN I ØSTFOLD, UiB, NTNUNorwegian diachronic corpus 200–1814Forskningssystemet22 900 00026.09.2024
350390NORCE, CICERO, MET.NO, NERSC, UiB, NILU, UiOInfrastructure for Norwegian Earth System modelling phase 2 (INES2)Forskningssystemet128 129 00026.09.2024
350459UiB, HINORMAR-II Upgrade of the Ægir 6000 ROV-systemForskningssystemet67 157 00026.09.2024
350341NORCE, NILU, NIBIO, NIVA, UiB, NPI, CICEROIntegrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) Norway and Ocean Thematic Centre (OTC), phase 3Forskningssystemet153 676 00026.09.2024
349807NTNU, USN, SINTEF AS, SINTEF DIGITAL, UiO The Norwegian Micro- and Nanofabrication Facility IVForskningssystemet191 700 00026.09.2024
350506NTNU, UiB, UiO, IFE, UiS Swiss-Norwegian Beamlines (SNBL) at ESRF 2025-2028Forskningssystemet64 521 00026.09.2024
350348IFE, UiO, NTNU, Paul Scherrer Institut, UiS, STIFTELSEN SINTEFNcNeutron-2 Norwegian Center for Neutron Research - phase 2Forskningssystemet33 500 00026.09.2024
350444UiB, NTNUNorwegian Open Laboratory for High-Throughput Experimentation and Scale-upForskningssystemet96 362 00026.09.2024
350235UiB, NTNU, UiA, SIKT, UiS, INSTITUTT FOR SAMFUNNSFORSKNING, UiO, UiT, NORCE, OSLOMETCoordinated Online Panels for Research on Democracy and GovernanceForskningssystemet58 595 00026.09.2024
350542OUS, UiT, UiB, HVL, Helse Bergen, NTNUNational proton therapy research infrastructureForskningssystemet (forprosjekt)2 000 00026.09.2024
350504UiB-museet, NTNU, UiS, UiO, VERDENSARVSENTER FOR BERGKUNST- ALTA MUSEUM IKS Pre-Project for a National Rock Art Research Infrastructure (ImAge)Forskningssystemet (forprosjekt)2 000 00026.09.2024
350362NMBU, NASJONALT SENTER FOR VANNINFRASTRUKTUR AS, NIVA, SINTEF AS, AQUATEAM COWI AS, NTNUMembrane Centre for Sustainable WaterForskningssystemet (forprosjekt)1 800 00026.09.2024
350374IFE, UiS, NMBUESSENTIAL minerals and metals for sustainable and circular growthForskningssystemet (forprosjekt)2 000 00026.09.2024
350510UiO, NTNU, UiBLearning Analytics Infrastructure: Infrastructure for data-driven research and practice in higher education and workplace learningForskningssystemet (forprosjekt)2 000 00026.09.2024
350315UiA, HINN, USN, NORD UniversitetResearch infrastructure for technology-supported crisis managementForskningssystemet (forprosjekt)2 000 00026.09.2024
350487NTNU, Dronning Mauds minne høgskole for barnehagelærerutdanning, UiS, FHI, UiB, Regionsenter for barn og unges psykiske helse, NTNU samfunnsforskning AS, Inst. For samfunnsforskningGrowing Up in Digital Europe – preparation in Norway (GUIDEPREP-NOR)Forskningssystemet (forprosjekt)2 000 00026.09.2024
350400Arkivverket, NBInfrastructure for Sámi metadata enrichment and access to Sámi photographs and audiovisual collectionsForskningssystemet (forprosjekt)2 000 00026.09.2024

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