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Proof-of-Concept – Research Commercialisation from Publicly Funded Research 2023

11 October 2023: We have added a template for suggestions for experts that we would like you to fill out and attach to your grant application.

If you have already submitted an application and you have not included the attachment, this will not impact how we evaluate your application.

Important dates

01 Jan 2024

Earliest permitted project start

01 Jun 2024

Latest permitted project start

30 May 2027

Latest permitted project completion date

Important dates


The purpose of Commercialisation Projects is to contribute to increase commercial exploitation of publicly funded research.

The purpose of a Proof-of-Concept Project is to reduce the project’s uncertainty relating to technology and the market. The goal of a Proof-of-Concept Project is to address the most critical questions, so that the next stage of the commercialisation process can begin. 

You can find practical information, frequently asked questions, examples of projects etc. on our Commercialisation Project information page.

About the results of the application assessment process

Total amount sought
432 933 000
Amount awarded
99 387 000
Total number of applications
Number of approved applications
Approved applications
Project no.
Project title
349956NORINNOVA ASLightweight Super-Resolution ImagingInnovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024
349945Ntnu Technology Transfer ASA new agent against multidrug resistant bacteria, simultaneously inhibiting the development of antibiotic resistanceInnovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024
349943BIOFY ASLeveraging Security and Privacy Technologies for Inclusive eID and Access Control Services (IncluDe)Innovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024
349939NTNU TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER ASMOMENTUM: Moment-Resisting Connections for Timber ConstructionsInnovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024
349934UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ - NORGES ARKTISKE UNIVERSITETFiber Resolution Targets for Optical Nano and Microscopes (FiRsT)Innovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024
349932SALICO ASVerification of the FORDETECT Technology for fast Detection of Pathogenic BacteriaInnovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024
349923NORCE Teknologi/Energi ROGALANDInline measurement of PVT and thermophysical properties of drilling fluidsInnovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024
349921UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ - NORGES ARKTISKE UNIVERSITETInterNASH - An intercellular-pathway therapeutic for non-alcoholic steatohepatitisInnovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024
349918VALIDÉ ASAI-Drill – Deliver Wells Faster and SaferInnovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024
349915INVEN2 ASTandemAb – Validation of a novel antibody technology platform tailored for eradication of hard-to-kill cancerInnovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024
349914HØGSKOLEN I INNLANDETPreserving foods with potato peels: Industry-relevant validation and first regulatory assessment of a new natural antioxidantInnovasjon4 996 00025.03.2024
349912NORCE NORWEGIAN RESEARCH CENTRE ASCommercialization of RIMARC – Next Minutes Prediction system for Ocean Waves and Vessel motions using the onboard navigation radarsInnovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024
349910ARD INNOVATION ASMeat Inspector - An instrument for detecting meat quality and defectsInnovasjon4 996 00025.03.2024
349908UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ - NORGES ARKTISKE UNIVERSITET - FAKULTET FOR NATURVITENSKAP OG TEKNOLOGIinNMR: Unlocking a new class of NMR analysis by bringing a clever accessory to the marketInnovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024
349907UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ - NORGES ARKTISKE UNIVERSITETsCENTsor - Ultra-sensitive and compact gas sensorInnovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024
349902SINTEF TTO ASIndustrial production of Gammaridaes as fishfeedInnovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024
349896INVEN2 ASA urine test for bladder cancer detection and monitoringInnovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024
349887INVEN2Bispecific antibodies to treat rheumatoid arthritisInnovasjon1 500 00025.03.2024
349881COMPUTERWELL ASDrillComputer2 - Drill faster, further and straighterInnovasjon3 000 00025.03.2024
349879NORINNOVA ASGenetic markers for optimal smolt readinessInnovasjon4 895 00025.03.2024
349877NORCE Teknologi/Energi AGDERAI-Powered 3D Vision for Precision Production at Process IndustriesInnovasjon5 000 00025.03.2024

Messages at time of print 12 March 2025, 05:24 CET

Important message

For the call for proposals with an application deadline 12 March at 13:00 CET, we manage our hotline +47 22 03 72 00 Monday 10 March and Tuesday 11 March at CET 08:00–15:45 and Wednesday 12 March at CET 08:00-13:00.