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Knowledge-building Project for Industry

Important dates

20 Dec 2022

Date call is made active

15 Feb 2023

Application submission deadline

01 Jul 2023

Earliest permitted project start

01 Dec 2023

Latest permitted project start

30 Nov 2027

Latest permitted project completion

Important dates


The purpose of this call is to develop new knowledge and generate competence in the research organisations needed by society or the industry sector to address important societal challenges.

The projects are to encourage and support collaboration between research organisations and stakeholders from outside the research sector that represent societal and/or industry-related needs for knowledge and research competence.

About the results of the application assessment process

Total amount sought
706 650 000
Amount awarded
301 904 000
Total number of applications
Number of approved applications
Approved applications
Project no.
Project title
344377SINTEF INDUSTRISafety and Integrity of Hydrogen Transport PipelinesEnergi og lavutslipp14 000 00012.06.2023
344423IFERenewable Energy Hydrogen Systems based on PV, Wind, and Water ElectrolysisEnergi og lavutslipp13 600 00012.06.2023
344183NORCEMicrobiological Opportunities and Challenges of Hydrogen Underground StorageEnergi og lavutslipp8 020 00012.06.2023
344524IFEProviding REliability and DegradatIon sCience for the TW-scale PV industryEnergi og lavutslipp8 000 00012.06.2023
344381SINTEF ENERGI ASDevelopment of coupled offshore and onshore power gridsEnergi og lavutslipp12 000 00012.06.2023
344405SINTEF OCEAN ASNylon ropes for mooring of floating wind turbinesEnergi og lavutslipp13 500 00012.06.2023
344481SINTEF ENERGI ASReliability of eco-friendly cables in future power gridsEnergi og lavutslipp14 000 00012.06.2023
344210SINTEF ENERGI ASSafeAm – Increased safety of ammonia handling for maritime operationsEnergi og lavutslipp14 000 00012.06.2023
344357SINTEF OCEAN ASBottom Fixed Offshore Wind Turbines in Extreme WavesEnergi og lavutslipp14 000 00012.06.2023
344259SINTEF ASZero Emission Silicon and Manganese production through electrowinningEnergi og lavutslipp16 000 00012.06.2023
344359SINTEF ENERGI ASImpact of switched voltage waveforms on power components and gridsEnergi og lavutslipp14 000 00012.06.2023
344317IFECellMap: How different parameters influence cost and performance of battery cells from material to the final cellEnergi og lavutslipp12 000 00012.06.2023
344509SINTEF ENERGI ASAdapting hydropower to future climate extremesEnergi og lavutslipp7 600 00012.06.2023
344220SINTEF ENERGI ASModeling a 100% Renewable Electricity SystemEnergi og lavutslipp16 000 00012.06.2023
344540SINTEF DIGITALGeological High-temperature Optimized Storage Technology – Digital TwinEnergi og lavutslipp4 960 00012.06.2023
344297NTNUMicrostructure-informed Hydrogen embrittlement life prediction of Nickel-based alloys (Helife)Petroleum8 038 00014.06.2023
344364SINTEF OCEAN ASTowards sustainable zero-emission offshore logisticsPetroleum9 600 00014.06.2023
344455SINTEF ASHybrid modelling with machine learning for overpressure and mud weight predictionPetroleum15 786 00014.06.2023
344332NTNU SAMFUNNSFORSKNING ASNew geopolitics and the interaction between safety and security in petroleum risk governancePetroleum16 000 00014.06.2023
344447IFEUnderstanding Fluid Migration Processes at Offshore Well Sites | WELLFATEPetroleum16 000 00014.06.2023
344166NTNUIntelligent autonomous systems for safeguarding operations and infrastructure at seaPetroleum12 800 00014.06.2023
344236NORCEDISTINGUISH: Decisions Support using Neural Networks to predict Geological Uncertainties when geosteeringPetroleum16 000 00014.06.2023
344244NTNUContext-Based Real-Time OT-IT Systems Integrity ManagementPetroleum12 000 00014.06.2023
344541SINTEF ASCharacterization and 4D imaging of near well CO2 flow in fractures and microannuliCLIMIT8 000 00020.06.2023
344380NGISharing and recycling shale mechanical data to enable gigaton CO2 storageCLIMIT8 000 00020.06.2023

Messages at time of print 13 March 2025, 18:45 CET

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