Collaborative Project relating to Antimicrobial Resistance from a One Health Perspective
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Important dates
15 Dec 2021
Date call is made active
09 Feb 2022
Application submission deadline
01 Jul 2022
Earliest permitted project start
01 Dec 2022
Latest permitted project start
30 Nov 2026
Latest permitted project completion
Important dates
Last updates
Please note that the amount of funding announced may be reduced due to changes in the central government budget.
The purpose of this call is to generate new knowledge about measures that can help us to understand, handle and prevent the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) from a One Health perspective, both nationally and internationally. The call is open to approved Norwegian research organisations in collaboration with non-research organisations from Norway and/or developing countries (LLMIC countries), India and China.
About the call for proposals
This call is your chance to apply for a Collaborative and Knowledge-building Project to generate new knowledge and develop research competence that society or industry needs to address challenges relating to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) from a One Health perspective. A total of NOK 60 million is available.
The call is a collaboration between three portfolios:
- NOK 20 million for Health
- NOK 15 million for Land-based food, the environment and bioresources
- NOK 25 million for Global development
The funding for Global development is earmarked as follows:
- NOK 15 million for equitable collaboration with low- and lower-middle income countries (LLMIC countries) in Global health
- NOK 10 million for collaboration with China and/or India
Applicants are advised to consult the Guide for Applicants for answers to key questions. The requirement of including two Norwegian partners does not apply to projects targeting the earmarked funding in this call.
Please note that you may not be the project manager for more than one application submitted for either this call, a Collaborative Project in Global Health, a Collaborative Project to meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges, a Knowledge-building Project for Industry (deadline 9 February 2022 ), a Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal, a Researcher Project for Young Talents or a Three-year Researcher Project with International Mobility (deadline 2 February 2022).
This call for proposals constitutes a funding scheme that is notified to the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA), and must be practised in compliance with the EEA state aid rules.
The Norwegian-language call for proposals is the legally binding version.
Who is eligible to apply?
The call is open to approved Norwegian research organisations in effective collaboration with relevant actors from public sector entities, non-governmental organisations, the business sector and/or other private organisations.
Who can apply for the earmarked funding (see above)?
Approved Norwegian research organisations in effective collaboration with actors from public sector entities, non-governmental organisations, the business sector and/or private organisations from developing countries (LLMIC countries) and/or India and China.
See the list of approved Norwegian research organisations.
Who can participate in the project?
Requirements relating to the Project Owner
The Project Owner must be a Norwegian research organisation approved by the Research Council (see above).
The organisation listed as the Project Owner in the application form must have approved the submission of the grant application to the Research Council. The application must be aligned with the Project Owner’s strategies.
Requirements relating to project managers
You must have an approved doctorate or achieved professor/associate professor qualifications before the date of the application submission deadline. For the purposes of this call, you are also qualified if you hold or have held a position as forsker 1 (research professor), forsker 2 (senior researcher) or seniorforsker (senior researcher) in the institute sector.
You may only be the project manager for one application submitted for either this call, a Collaborative Project in Global Health, a Collaborative Project to meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges, a Knowledge-building Project for Industry (deadline 9 February 2022 ), a Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal, a Researcher Project for Young Talents or a Three-year Researcher Project with International Mobility (deadline 2 February 2022).
Requirements relating to partners
Projects are to be carried out by one or more research organisations in effective collaboration with relevant actors from public sector entities, non-governmental organisations, the business sector and/or other private organisations.
The project must have at least two Norwegian partners that are not research organisations (see the guide for a definition). These must be partners from the business sector or other parts of society that will contribute their experience and knowledge and ensure that the project and its objectives address real societal and/or industry-related challenges.
In this call, NOK 25 million of the total funding is earmarked for equitable collaboration with low- and lower-middle income countries (LLMIC countries) (NOK 15 million) and collaboration with China and India (NOK 10 million).
- Projects primarily targeting the earmarked funding must have a minimum of two partners that are not research organisations of which at least one must be from a low- and lower-middle income country (LLMIC) and/or India and China.
- Projects targeting the funding earmarked for LLMIC countries must address human health.
- The partners from the business sector or other parts of society must participate actively in the project. At least 10 per cent of the project’s total costs must be used by these partners. The guide describes this as the ‘participation requirement’.
- All project partners are required to take active part in planning and following up the project as well as in disseminating project results and promoting the utilisation of new knowledge.
- The grant application must describe how the project incorporates the strategic objectives of all the partners. This must be confirmed in the Letters of Intent.
- The project must have a steering group or reference group which includes partners that represent the industry-related or societal challenge.
- The project must not involve contract research. The project proposal must describe how the knowledge developed in the project will be of benefit to wider user groups.
One and the same project participant may not be assigned more than one role in the project, e.g. as Project Owner and partner or subcontractor.
What can you seek funding for?
You can apply for funding to cover the costs necessary to carry out the project. The Project Owner must obtain information about costs from each project partner. These costs are to be entered in the cost plan under the relevant category.
The following cost categories must be used:
- Payroll and indirect expenses related to researcher time (including research fellowship positions) at the research organisations, and the partners’ personnel hours. For doctoral research fellowships, funding is limited to a maximum of three full-time equivalents. Funding for two to four years may be granted for post-doctoral research fellowships.
- Equipment, encompassing operating and depreciation costs for scientific equipment and research infrastructure necessary for the implementation of the project.
- Other operating expenses, which comprise costs for other activities that are necessary to implement the project. Procurements from subcontractors that exceed NOK 100,000 must be specified.
Do not use the item Procurement of R&D services.
You will find important and more detailed information about what to enter in the project budget on the Research Council’s website.
The costs of Norwegian partners
As described under the section ‘Requirements relating to partners’, at least 10 per cent of the total costs must be used by those representing the industry-related or societal challenge in the project. This can be in the form of payroll expenses or other project costs.
The Research Council’s funding can be used to finance the costs of all Norwegian partners in the project. This means that the partners’ costs can be covered in part or in full, but the participants are naturally free to fund their own costs in the project.
The state aid rules impose certain restrictions on funding for partners that are undertakings. The level of support (aid intensity) permitted will depend on the undertaking’s size and the type of activity that is carried out (basic research or industrial research). If the application is recommended for funding, we will request more information to ensure that our allocation is in accordance with the state aid rules.
The costs of international partners
The Research Council’s funding can be used to finance the costs of international research organisations. Please note that for doctoral research fellows whose degree-conferring institution is located abroad, the project can only fund the part of the work the research fellow contributes to the project, and not the doctoral degree in its entirety.
The earmarked funding in this call can be used to fund the costs of partners from low- and lower-middle income countries (LLMIC) and/or India and China. LLMICs are defined in the OECD DAC list as ‘least developed countries, low income countries, and lower middle income countries and territories which are not LDCs’.
The costs of other international partners from the public or private sector that are not based in an LLMIC or China/India will not receive funding under this call. These costs must be excluded from the budget tables. The activities these partners will perform, as well as any self-funded activities, should be described in the project description (under section 3.2) if you would like this information to be taken into account when the application is reviewed.
Conditions for funding
The funding allocated to research organisations is to go to their non-economic activity in the form of independent research. It does not therefore constitute state aid. The Research Council requires a clear separation of accounts for the organisation’s economic and non-economic activities.
The call for proposals has been approved as an aid scheme by the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) with the reference: GBER 55/2022/R&D&I (the correct reference will be published later). Companies serving as partners may have parts of their project costs covered in accordance with the General Block Exemption Regulation Article 25 (Commission Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014). Conditions and concepts are to be interpreted in keeping with corresponding conditions and concepts in the state aid rules. In the event of conflict between the text of the call and the state aid rules, the latter will have precedence.
State aid may not be given to an undertaking that is subject to an outstanding recovery order following a formal decision by the EFTA Surveillance Authority or the European Commission stating that state aid received is illegal and incompatible with the internal market. Nor can the Research Council award state aid to an enterprise that is defined as an ‘undertaking in difficulty’ under the state aid rules, unless the undertaking was not in difficulty as of 31 December 2019, but became an undertaking in difficulty in the period 1 January 2020 – 30 June 2021. It may in such case receive funding.
The project is to be implemented by means of effective collaboration, as defined in our General Terms and Conditions for R&D Projects.
If the project is awarded funding, the Project Owner is to draw up collaboration agreement(s) with all partners in the project. The collaboration agreement is to regulate the reciprocal rights and obligations of the Project Owner and partners in the project and ensure the integrity and independence of the research. It is also to ensure that no participating undertaking receives indirect state aid from a research organisation serving as Project Owner or from research organisations that are partners. The agreement must therefore include conditions for the collaboration which ensure compliance with paragraph 28 of the EFTA Surveillance Authority’s guidelines for state aid for research and development and innovation.
If the project involves research fellows whose responsible university/university college institution is not participating in the application, you must also have a collaboration agreement with the responsible/degree-conferring institution.
The Research Council’s requirements relating to allocations and disbursement of funding can be found in our General Terms and Conditions for R&D Projects on the page What the contract involves. Projects awarded funding under this call are required to submit an annual project account report documenting incurred project costs and their financing.
If your project is granted funding, the following must be in place when you revise the application:
- From 2022, all grant recipients that are research organisations or public sector bodies in Norway (Project Owners and partners) must have a Gender Equality Plan (GEP) available on their website. This must be in place when they sign the grant agreement for projects awarded funding from the Research Council. The requirement does not apply to the business sector, special interest organisations or the non-governmental sector.
- The Research Council requires full and immediate open access to scientific publications; see Plan S – open access to publications.
- You must prepare a data processing plan for any research data that will be processed in the project. Research data must be made available in accordance with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).
- The Project Owner is responsible for selecting which archiving solution(s) to use for storing research data generated during the project.
- For medical and health-related studies involving human participants, the Research Council stipulates special requirements and guidelines for prospective registration of studies and disclosure of results.
Relevant thematic areas for this call
Cross-cutting topics
Funding is available for collaborative projects that aim to generate new knowledge about measures that help us to understand, handle and prevent the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) from a One Health perspective. This must be approached across the perspectives of public health, animal health, food production and the natural environment to understand the impact of various measures aimed at preventing or reducing the development and spread of AMR. Applications must be aligned with at least two sectors (public health, animal health, food and/or the natural environment) to meet a One Health perspective.
It is essential that Norway in collaboration with other countries promotes research and innovation at the national and international level. The AMR situation in Norway is favourable in an international context, but travel and trade in animals and food across national borders contributes to the import of AMR. Norway, in collaboration with countries in similar situations, should promote research and innovation that can address our specific challenges. We must also support competence and knowledge building in countries that have not come as far in their work on AMR to strengthen their health preparedness and improve the AMR situation at the global level.
This topic is aligned with the National Strategy against Antibiotic Resistance (2015–2020) and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s report Antibiotikaresistens, kunnskapshull, utfordringer og aktuelle tiltak (Antibiotic resistance, knowledge gaps, challenges and relevant measures – in Norwegian only). See ‘Relevant plans’ below.
To actively contribute to global research collaboration on AMR, around half of the total funding under this topic is earmarked for equitable partnerships with low- and lower-middle income countries and collaboration with China and India. For more details about equitable partnerships, see the explanation in the call Collaborative Project in Global Health.
When we award a mark for the application’s relevance to the call, we will also assess whether the project:
- involves collaboration with several sectors (human health, animal health, food production and/or the natural environment);
- involves interdisciplinary research and innovation that includes the humanities, social sciences, medicine and health disciplines, natural science and/or enabling technologies;
- develops knowledge about pathogenic bacteria included on WHO’s priority pathogens list;
- involves international research collaboration and/or equitable partnerships with low- and lower-middle income countries and/or collaboration with India and China;
- has a good plan for involvement and collaboration with relevant end users such as the public administration, business sector, citizens and non-governmental organisations.
We will give priority to achieving a balanced overall portfolio of projects that reflects the investments in human health, animal health, food and/or the natural environment.
Other relevant calls with the same topic
- Portfolio plan for Health research
- Portfolio plan for Land-based food, the environment and bioresources
- Portfolio plan Global Development and International Relations
- Nasjonal strategi mot antibiotikaresistens (2015-2020) (in Norwegian)
- Antibiotikaresistens, kunnskapshull, utfordringer og aktuelle tiltak (FHI, 2020) (in Norwegian)
Practical information
Requirements for this application type
Applications must be created and submitted via My RCN Web. You may revise and resubmit your grant application form multiple times up to the application submission deadline. We recommend that you submit your application as soon as you have filled in the grant application form and included all mandatory attachments. After the deadline, it is the most recently submitted version of the grant application that will be processed.
- The application and all attachments must be submitted in English.
- All mandatory attachments must be included. Attachments must be uploaded in PDF format.
- Requirements relating to the project manager and Project Owner (research organisation) must be satisfied.
- Requirements relating to the partners must be satisfied.
- The project must start between 1 July 2022 and 1 December 2022. Projects approved for funding that have not started within this period may lose their allocation.
Mandatory attachments
- A project description of maximum 11 pages using the designated template found at the end of this call. You must use the template for 2022.
- CVs of the project manager and key project participants not exceeding four pages each. The CV template at the end of the call must be used. Applicants themselves are to decide which project participants are most important and in which cases it will be of significance to the review process to assess these participants’ qualifications.
- Letters of Intent from all registered research organisations participating as partners.
- Letters of Intent from all registered partners that contribute from the perspective of the business sector or other part of society.
- See the example Letter of Intent in our guide.
Grant applications that do not satisfy the above requirements will be rejected.
Optional attachments
Applicants are free to propose up to three referees who are presumed to be impartial and qualified to review the grant proposal. The Research Council is not under any obligation to use the proposed referees, but may use them as needed.
Attachments other than the mandatory attachments specified above, as well as any links to websites in the grant application, will not be included in the application review process.
Assessment criteria
We assess applications in light of the objectives of the application type in question and on the basis of the following criteria:
• Scientific creativity and originality.
• Novelty and boldness of hypotheses or research questions.
• Potential for development of new knowledge beyond the current state of the art, including significant theoretical, methodological, experimental or empirical advancement.
The quality of the proposed R&D activities
• Quality of the research questions, hypotheses and project objectives, and the extent to which they are clearly and adequately specified.
• Credibility and appropriateness of the theoretical approach, research design and use of scientific methods. Appropriate consideration of interdisciplinary approaches.
• The extent to which appropriate consideration has been given to societal responsibility, ethical issues and gender dimensions in research content.
• The extent to which appropriate consideration has been given to the use of stakeholder/user knowledge.
• The extent to which the planned outputs of the project address important present and/or future scientific challenges.
• The extent to which the planned outputs of the project address important present and/or future challenges for the sector(s).
• The extent to which the competence developed and planned outputs of the project will provide the basis for value creation in Norwegian business and/or development of the public sector.
• The extent to which the planned outputs of the project address UN Sustainable Development Goals or other important present and/or future societal challenges.
• The extent to which the potential impacts are clearly formulated and plausible.
Communication and exploitation
• Quality and scope of communication and engagement activities targeted towards relevant stakeholders/users.
• The extent to which the partners are involved in dissemination and utilisation of the project results.
• The extent to which the project manager has relevant expertise and experience and demonstrated ability to perform high-quality research (as appropriate to the career stage).
• The degree of complementarity of the participants and the extent to which the project group has the necessary expertise needed to undertake the research effectively.
The quality of the project organisation and management
• Effectiveness of the project organisation, including the extent to which resources assigned to work packages are aligned with project objectives and deliverables.
• Appropriateness of the allocation of tasks, ensuring that all participants have a valid role and adequate resources in the project to fulfil that role.
• Appropriateness of the proposed management structures and governance.
• Appropriateness of the partners' contribution to the governance and execution of the project.
Relevance to the call for proposals
The extent to which the project satisfies the guidelines and priorities of the thematic area
• The extent to which the project satisfies the thematic guidelines and delimitations.
Requirements and characteristics of the call
The extent to which the project satisfies the requirements and characteristics of the call and the thematic area
• The extent to which the project satisfies the requirements for partners in the project.
• The extent to which the project satisfies the purpose of competence-building in the research environments.
Administrative procedures
You can read more about the application review process for a Collaborative and Knowledge-building Project on the Research Council’s website.
In summary, the process is as follows: Once the grant applications have been received, the Research Council will conduct a preliminary administrative review to ensure that they satisfy all the stipulated formal requirements. Applications that do not meet the formal requirements will be rejected. The applications will then be distributed to thematic referee panels to be assessed in relation to the criteria Excellence, Impact and Implementation. After the panel has completed its assessment, the Research Council will conduct an assessment of the application’s relevance to the call.
The portfolio boards’ decisions are also based on an overall assessment of the project portfolio. The portfolio assessment takes the following factors into account:
- The applications’ assigned marks based on the assessments.
- The distribution of projects in relation to priorities set out for the specific topic.
- Connections between grant applications received under other calls within the same thematic area.
- Any changes in the financial or scientific framework set by the ministries.
- Priority will be given to projects led by women project managers when the applications are otherwise considered to be on a par.
The meetings of the portfolio boards will be held in the last half of June 2022. The outcome of the application processing will be published after these meetings.
About the results of the application assessment process
- Total amount sought
- 246 714 000
- Amount awarded
- 46 969 000
- Total number of applications
- 17
- Number of approved applications
- 3
Project no. | Organization | Project title | Subject | Sought | Published |
336420 | Høgskolen i Innandet | OH-AMR-Diag: Novel technological solutions for rapid detection and screening of AMR from a One-Health perspective | Temaer på tvers- Antimikrobiell resistens | 15 969 000 | 21.06.2022 |
336223 | Veterinærinstituttet | Interventions for improved knowledge and awareness of antimicrobial resistance using a One Health approach in Tanzania | Temaer på tvers- Antimikrobiell resistens | 15 000 000 | 21.06.2022 |
336411 | NORCE Vestland | Impact of administered drug use on development of environmental antibiotic resistance genes and risk for human exposure | Temaer på tvers- Antimikrobiell resistens | 16 000 000 | 21.06.2022 |
Messages at time of print 22 February 2025, 07:09 CET