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Knowledge-building Project for Industry

Important dates

September 2020

All templates will be available for download

16 Dec 2020

Date call is made active

17 Feb 2021

Application submission deadline

June 2021

The projects awarded funding will be announced

01 Jul 2021

Earliest permitted project start

01 Dec 2021

Latest permitted project start. Projects not started by this date may lose the funding they were awarded.

30 Nov 2026

Latest permitted project completion

Important dates


The purpose of this application type is to develop new knowledge and generate research competence needed by society or the business sector to address important societal challenges. The projects are to encourage and support collaboration between research organisations and stakeholders from outside the research sector that represent societal and/or industry needs for knowledge and research competence

About the results of the application assessment process

If your application is not listed below, this unfortunately means that the project has not received funding. The administration is working to send a written assessment of each application and you should receive yours within a few weeks.

Total amount sought
NOK 888 000 000
Amount awarded
NOK 262 800 000
Total number of applications
Number of approved applications
Approved applications
Project no.
Project title
327024SINTEF ENERGI ASINTERPORT - Integrated energy systems in portsN/AN/A22.06.2021
327009SINTEF ASSafe Hydrogen Fuel Handling and Use for Efficient Implementation 2N/AN/A22.06.2021
326809SINTEF ASElectrolyser 2030- Cell and stack designsN/AN/A22.06.2021
326802NORCE Teknologi/Energi AGDERElectrical Conditions in Submerged Arc Furnaces - Identification and ImprovementN/AN/A22.06.2021
326769INSTITUTT FOR ENERGITEKNIKKHydrogen Pathways 2050 - Transition of the Norwegian society and value creation from exportN/AN/A22.06.2021
326657Institutt for materialteknologiLow Energy Anodes for Sustainable ElectrowinningN/AN/A22.06.2021
326581Institutt for materialteknologiReduced energy consumption by increased reduction volumeN/AN/A22.06.2021
326891SINTEF COMMUNITY AVD OSLOCoincidence factors and methodology for estimating peak load for buildingsN/AN/A22.06.2021
326866INSTITUTT FOR ENERGITEKNIKKLongLife: in situ conversion alloying anode materials for long lifetime, high-energy density batteriesN/AN/A22.06.2021
326673Institutt for elektro, IT og kybernetikkSystem optimization between power producer and grid owners for more efficient system services.N/AN/A22.06.2021
326654SINTEF OCEAN ASCyber-physical empirical methods for lattices of marine structuresN/AN/A22.06.2021
324077INSTITUTT FOR ENERGITEKNIKKMoreIsLess – design of electrodes for Li-ion batteries with optimized balance of energy and powerN/AN/A22.06.2021
326965Institutt for geovitenskapA Renaissance of Central North Sea Salt Tectonics and implications for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Underexplored Permian-Triassic intervalsN/AN/A22.06.2021
326876RISE PFI ASLignoWax – Green Wax Inhibitors and Production Chemicals based on LigninN/AN/A22.06.2021
326834Institutt for bygg- og miljøteknikkRisk of sea ice and icebergs for field development in the Southwestern Barents SeaN/AN/A22.06.2021
326725SINTEF ENERGI ASClean Offshore Heat and Power HubN/AN/A22.06.2021
326717SINTEF DIGITALCybersecurity Barrier ManagementN/AN/A22.06.2021
326711SINTEF ASMultiFlow SUITE: Smart Utilization of Data for CondItion Monitoring, Operational OpTimization, and Tie-in DEsignN/AN/A22.06.2021
326676SINTEF DIGITALMAS – Meaningful Human Control in autonomy/digitalization of safety critical systemsN/AN/A22.06.2021
326635AKVAPLAN NIVA AS HOVEDKONTORPolar Front ecosystem studies using novel autonomous technologies: Knowledge for environmental management and assessing ecological riskN/AN/A22.06.2021
326624NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET NTNUPhenomenological study of unstable two-phase CO2 flow in a pipeline systemN/AN/A22.06.2021
326580NORCE NORWEGIAN RESEARCH CENTRE ASAutomated Well Monitoring and ControlN/AN/A22.06.2021

Messages at time of print 3 December 2024, 18:10 CET

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