Approved Norwegian research organisations can apply.
The objective is to promote renewal and development in research across all disciplines and thematic areas. Researcher Projects are to contribute to important new insights, scientific publication, researcher training and international research collaboration.
FRIPRO funds both basic and applied research that is curiosity-driven and bold. This call is aimed at experienced researchers who have demonstrated the ability to conduct research of high scientific quality.
FRIPRO funds both basic and applied research that i scuriosity-driven and bold. This call is aimed at early-career researchers who have demonstrated the potential to conduct research of high scientific quality.
FRIPRO funds both basic and applied research. It should be curiosity-driven and bold. This call is aimed at researchers at postdoctoral level who wish to spend two years at a foreign research organisation and the third year in Norway.
The purpose of this call is to promote innovation and development in research that can contribute to advancing the international research front in ICT, including digital security and sovereignty, the next generation of data processing/ICT systems and other ICT research areas.
The purpose of this call is to promote innovation and development in research that can contribute to advancing the international research front within the topics specified in the call. The call is therefore aimed at researchers who have demonstrated the ability to conduct research of high scientific quality.
The purpose of this call is to give researchers the opportunity to pursue their own ideas and to lead a research project within the topics specified in the call. The call is aimed at researchers at an early stage in their careers, 2–7 years after the defence of an approved doctorate, who have demonstrated the potential to conduct research of hig...
The purpose is to move the research front in climate and nature risk – effects, consequences and solutions for society through interdisciplinary projects with larger allocations. We support researchers from different disciplines who together will generate new knowledge that would not have been possible to achieve without interdisciplinary collab...
The purpose of this call is to obtain more knowledge about the occurrence of PFAS in plant and animal products.
Approved Norwegian research organisations in cooperation with relevant actors from the private and/or public sector or other public or private organisations can apply.
The objective is to promote cooperation to develop R&D expertise and capacity in areas of importance to society and business and industry. Collaborative and Knowledge-building Projects are to help develop and promote new knowledge and to improve interaction and knowledge transfer between R&D groups and stakeholders in society in order to find solutions to important societal challenges.
The purpose of this call is to encourage research organisations to collaborate with relevant actors from society and the industry sector to develop new knowledge and build research expertise that is necessary to address important societal challenges.
The purpose of this call is to encourage research organisations to cooperate with trade and industry to generate knowledge that the industry sector and society need to solve major societal and industry challenges. We require the business sector to provide cash financing for the projects.
The purpose of this call is to establish a research centre for the application and development of artificial intelligence (AI) for the benefit of maritime stakeholders.
Approved Norwegian research organisations can apply. Many calls for proposals require collaboration with trade and industry or stakeholders in the public sector.
The objective is targeted, long-term investment to strengthen and further develop outstanding and creative research and innovation groups, or to build up research groups in areas of key strategic importance. Research Centre provides a framework for calls under several different centre schemes that are designed to support the best research groups and lead to pioneering research and new innovations, or to strengthen key priority areas.
Funding is available for up to eight new Centres for Research-based Innovation - SFI. The objective of the SFI scheme is to promote innovation by supporting long-term research through close collaboration between R&D-intensive enterprises and prominent research institutions.
Approved Norwegian research organisations, companies, public sector entities, non-governmental organisations and groups of such entities can apply.
The objective is to fund the planning, coordination and dissemination of R&D activities. Coordination and Support Activities are to promote researcher mobility, national and international networks, publication, dialogue, dissemination activity and more in connection with R&D activities.
The purpose of the call is to promote innovation in the cyber security sector and to strengthen Norway's digital resilience. The support goes to projects that will help the participants to engage in, and carry out, relevant activities for their own and joint cyber security. The call is open to all sectors, but is especially aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises.
The purpose is to support coordination, collaboration, network and data sharing activities that contribute to increased scientific quality in Svalbard research.
This is a portal for registering Norwegian partners in projects awarded funding in a Horizon Europe co-fund partnership call where the Research Council provides funding for the Norwegian partner's project costs. Registration of granted project participation provides a basis for establishing a contract with the Research Council for the national f...
Proposals are invited for pilot lines that address the production of any type of quantum chips for quantum sensing, quantum communication and quantum computing.
Chips JU support cross-boundary semiconductor technology research and development, innovation and development and use of manufacturing capabilities.
The Research Council of Norway is announcing NOK 10 million to Norwegian researchers who want to participate in transnational investigator-initiated clinical studies.
The Research Council of Norway is announcing €1 850 000 to Norwegian researchers who want to participate in a European research collaboration on enhancing primary and community care.
The purpose of this call is to support the future of the health and welfare of terrestrial and aquatic animals through research and innovation and the advancement of fundamental and socio-economic science.
This call focuses on the performance of agroecology, under different aspects: evaluating this performance in its various dimensions, quantifying environmental impacts, transforming value chains, and contributing to the design of public policies to better support the transition.
The overall objectives of the JTC2025 will be to Support research projects in human health on pharmacogenomic strategies for personalised medicine.
This call for proposals will aim for interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and/or cross-sectoral research and innovation projects to identify, analyse, and comprehend transformation processes that may halt and reverse biodiversity decline. It should generate knowledge to safeguard biodiversity and ecosystems, as well as the benefits these may provide to people, through transformative change to mitigate and reverse biodiversity threats.
Up to NOK 45 million for Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable future for cities.
Belmont Forum call for international cooperation on tropical forests.
The vision of the FutureFoodS Partnership is to collectively achieve environmentally friendly, socially secure and fair, economically viable, healthy and safe food systems in Europe by 2050.
Messages at time of print 20 January 2025, 23:32 CET