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Evaluations of research institutes

The Research Council is responsible for strategic planning for the institute sector and for administering the public basic funding scheme for research institutes, which encompasses evaluations.

There are no ongoing evaluations of institutes at this time.

The evaluations generate knowledge which the Research Council can incorporate into its input to the ministries on research institute policy and budget proposals, and can apply in its strategic planning efforts vis-à-vis the sector as a whole.

The evaluations are also intended to be a tool for the institutes’ own strategic and scientific development efforts.

We have prepared a report with recommendations for institute policy based on the latest round of evaluations.

Evaluation of
Report provided
Contact person
Primærnæringsinstituttene (Norwegian pdf) 2018 Liv Jorunn Jenssen
Evaluation of the Norwegian
Social Science Research Institutes (pdf)
2017 Asbjørn Mo
Evaluation of Norwegian Technical
Industrial Research Institutes (pdf)
2015 Frode Georgsen
Miljøinstituttene (Norwegian pdf) 2014 Asbjørn Mo

Find previous evaluations of research institutes

You can search for previous evaluations in the Research Council’s publications database.

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