Ask our AI-chatbot

We are approximately 360 dedicated employees working with the development and administration of research and research-based innovation. Versatile experience and professional background characterise our organisation and culture.

We have

  • employees in ten counties
  • offices in Svalbard and Brussels
  • head office at Lysaker outside Oslo
  • apprentices affiliated with OK state
  • 60 per cent women and 40 per cent men
  • a great diversity of competence among our employees
  • an 11 percent share of employees with an immigrant background
  • an active corporate sports team company cabin in Hallingdal


Vacant positions - only in Norwegian

Application deadline
27 Apr
Apply now

Er du en engasjert Dataingeniør (Data Engineer) som vil bygge fremtidsrettede dataløsninger?

Vi er i full gang med å fornye vår dataplattform for å sikre at vi kan utnytte data som en strategisk ressurs og bidra til kunnskapsbaserte beslutninger. Vårt mål er å bygge en dataplattform som ikke bare dekker dagens behov, men som også er fremtidsrettet og robust.

Messages at time of print 29 March 2025, 14:32 CET

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