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The Research Council's role in research communication

We have measures for different target groups and own programmes to promote research communication.

The Research Council has its own initiatives for schools, Nysgjerrigper, as well as a research festival that is open to everyone, Forskningsdagene

Furthermore, we are responsible for regular measurements of Norwegians' attitudes and views on research and we fund research on research communication.

Our programmes to promote research communication

Profiling of research (PROFORSK)

PROFORSK aims to increase understanding of the importance of research in society and contribute to increasing young people's interest in research and showing research as a possible career.

The programme is being reorganised after the last award in 2018. Information about the new programme will be available in the autumn of 2019, and there will be an ongoing call for proposals.

See PROFORSK projects in Prosjektbanken (list of projects we have fundend).

Research on research communication (FORSKKOMM)

Openness and good dialogue between research and society are crucial to ensuring society's trust in research and research results. We need more knowledge about research communication, not least to make better use of the resources used for communication work in research projects and achieve greater effect.

See FORSKKOMM projects in Prosjektbanken (list of projects we have fundend). 
They take a closer look at ongoing Norwegian research projects or centre activities that have clear objectives for communication activity. This will provide knowledge about communication – in advance, during and after the research process.

Messages at time of print 22 February 2025, 06:42 CET

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