Regional science centres
The Research Council administers funding to the regional science centres. A science centre is a popular scientific experience – as well as a learning centre in mathematics, the natural sciences and technology. The centres' primary concern is conveying the excitement of scientific work and experiments, rather than just the scientific results.
The regional science centres' goal is to inspire and motivate children and youth and the general public to learn more about the natural sciences and technology.
The science centres funded under the scheme are to offer high-quality experiences for pupils, students, teachers, parents and the general public in the various region.
There are 13 regional science centres
The Norwegian Aquarium, Ålesund (in Norwegian)
DuVerden Science Centre, Porsgrunn (in Norwegian)
Inspiria Science Center, Sarpsborg (in Norwegian)
Jærmuseet family of museums, Sandnes og Nærbø
Science Centre of Northern Norway, Tromsø (in Norwegian)
Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology, Oslo
VilVite Science Centre, Bergen
Inland Norway Science Centre, Gjøvik (in Norwegian)
Nordland Science Centre, Mo i Rana (in Norwegian)
Science Center South, Arendal (in Norwegian)
Vitenparken Science and Experience Center, Campus Ås (in Norwegian)
The steering group for the grant scheme for the regional science centers (VITEN) 2024-2027
- Ove Gunnar Drageset, Professor in mathematics education, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Leif Lømo, Independent consultant and former special advisor at Statoil
- Ella Maria Idsøe, Professor at the Science Education Centre, UiO
- Bodil Svendsen, Associate Professor of Science Didactics, Head of Section for Natural Sciences, Department of Teacher Education, NTNU Trondheim
- Lars Gunnar Olsen, teacher at Abel school in Gjerstad municipality, Agder
The Research Council and the Ministry of Education and Research have drawn up designated guidelines for the scheme.
- Development plan for the regional science centers 2021–2024 (pdf in Norwegian)
- Research Council guidelines (pdf in Norwegian)
- Ministry of Education and Research guidelines (pdf in Norwegian)
Other documents
- Forenklet årsrapport for vitensentrene 2022 (pdf in Norwegian)
- Forenklet årsrapport for vitensentrene 2021 (pdf in Norwegian)
- Forenklet årsrapport for vitensentrene 2020 (pdf in Norwegian)
- Sluttrapport for strategiske satsninger 2016-1019 (pdf in Norwegian)
- The VITEN programme’s 2018 Annual Report (pdf in Norwegian)
For more information (in Norwegian), see the regional science centres’ central website.
Messages at time of print 10 March 2025, 02:32 CET
Important message
For the call for proposals with an application deadline 12 March at 13:00 CET, we manage our hotline +47 22 03 72 00 Monday 10 March and Tuesday 11 March at CET 08:00–15:45 and Wednesday 12 March at CET 08:00-13:00.