Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research
The Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) carry out long-term research targeted towards renewable energy, energy efficiency, CCS and social science aspects of energy research. The centres selected for funding must demonstrate the potential for innovation and value creation. Research activities are carried out in close collaboration between research groups, trade and industry, and the public administration, and key tasks include international cooperation and researcher training. The centres are established for a period of maximum eight years (5 + 3).

Technology-oriented FME centres
- Norwegian CCS Research Centre - NCCS
- Norwegian Research Centre for Hydropower Technology - HydroCen
- Norwegian Centre for Sustainable Bio-based Fuel and Energy – Bio4Fuels
- Centre for intelligent electricity distribution - CINELDI
- Centre for an Energy Efficient and Competitive Industry for the Future - HighEFF
- Research Centre for Sustainable Solar Cell Technology
- Mobility Zero Emission Energy Systems - MoZEES
- The Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities – ZEN Centre
- FME NorthWind – Norwegian Research Centre on Wind Energy
- HYDROGENi – Norwegian centre for hydrogen and ammonia research and innovation
- HyValue - Norwegian centre for hydrogen value chain research