
Showing 21 hits for chosen letter: L


Hillevi Laine

Kirsti Solberg Landsverk

Guro Langemyhr

Gudrun Langthaler

Tor Lunde Larsen

Danielle Caroline Laursen

Emmy Gram Lauvanger

Khanh Tuan Le

Carina Leander

Jim Leine

Ingunn Borlaug Lid

Gunnar Hjelmtveit Lille

Hanne Sofie Lindahl

Ida Lindtvedt

Philip Lorentzen

Christian Lund

Merete Lunde

Lucie Løkke

Eirik Velle Wegner Lønning

Benedicte Løseth

Johannes Waage Løvhaug

Messages at time of print 1 September 2024, 02:52 CEST

Important alert

In connection with SkatteFUNN's guarantee deadline of 1 September, we manage our hotline +47 22 03 75 00 on Saturday 31 August from 12:00 to 15:00 and Sunday 1 September from 12:00 to 15:00. On weekdays, the SkatteFUNN phone is open from 08:30 to 15:00. We encourage you to submit your SkatteFUNN applications before the weekend.