Portfolio for the research system

The portfolio covers research infrastructure, international cooperation, cross-cutting policy areas such as open science (incl. sharing and reuse of research data), gender balance and diversity, researcher recruitment and early careers, and research integrity and ethics. The portfolio board of the research system shall advise the Board and administration on policy development and overall strategic assessments that have a system perspective, including the Research Council's strategic role for the development of the university and university college and institute sectors and the development of a well-functioning research system nationally and internationally.

En person som styrer en robotarm ved hjelp av vr og bevegelsessensorer

The Portfolio Board for the Research System

The portfolio area shall provide strategic advice on research and innovation within the portfolio area The research system, and provide support for projects that contribute to the goals set for the portfolio. 

The members are:

Tanja Storsul, Oslo Metropolitan University, OsloMet (Leader)
Sandrine Benard, Norwegian Environment Agency (Climate and environment)
Rebekka Borsch, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise, NHO (Democracy and development)
Astri Dankertsen, Nord University (Sami society and culture)
Rune Dahl Fitjar, University of Stavanger, UiS (Innovation)
Magnus Gulbrandsen, University of Oslo, UiO (Enabling technologies)
Ingeborg Palm Helland, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, NINA (Energy and transport)
Marit Lofnes Mellingen, Distriktssenteret - Kompetansesenter for distriktsutvikling (Welefare and education)
Dagfinn Myhre, Telenor
Tove Klæboe Nilsen, Helse Nord RHF (Health)
David Budtz Pedersen, Aalborg University (Ground-breaking research)
Sven Stafström, Linköping University 
Ågot Aakra, SINTEF Industri (Food and bioresources)


Lillian Margrethe Baltzrud

    Forsknings- og innovasjonssystemet

Messages at time of print 30 June 2024, 17:18 CEST

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