Portfolio for energy and transport

The portfolio covers efforts to promote environment-friendly energy, low emissions, petroleum, maritime activities and transport. The efforts are largely aimed at society's and businesses' need for the transition to a zero-emission society, green competitiveness and sustainable utilisation of the country's resources.

Person som sitter å skriver i en blokk, en vindmølle står mellom skoene

Overall plans for Energy, transport and low missions (in Norwegian only)

Overall plans for Petroleum (in Norwegian only)

The Portfolio Board for Energy and Transport

The portfolio board shall provide strategic advice on research and innovation within Energy and transport, and decide on the allocation of research funds to achieve the user goals and societal goals set for the portfolio.

The members are:

Marit Brandtsegg, Statens vegvesen (Leader)
Elisabeth Birkeland, Equinor
Torjus Bolkesjø, Statkraft
Martin Smedstad Foss, Institute for Energy Technology, IFE
Inge Gran, SINTEF Energi
Sonja Vernøy Hansen, Corvus energy
Ingeborg Palm Helland, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, NINA (Forskningssystemet)
Merete Madland, University of Stavanger, UiS
Asgeir Thomasgard, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU
Bjørn-Johan Vartdal, DNV
Hans Erik Vatne, Vianode


Ingrid Anne Munz

    Energi og energiomstilling

Messages at time of print 30 June 2024, 17:23 CEST

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