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Portfolio analysis for Global development and international relations

The scope of the portfolio analysis

This portfolio analysis is made on the Research Council's total portfolio of projects, i.e., the Research Council's own efforts and EU efforts which are registered up until the end of 2021. The analysis applies to the portfolio Global development and international relations' area of responsibility and is aligned with the revised portfolio plan of 2022. All amounts are in Norwegian kroner (NOK) unless other currency is specified.

The Norwegian R&D statistics divide research into six major subject areas, which in turn are divided into disciplines. The six subject areas are social sciences, humanities, medicine and health, mathematics and science, technology, and agriculture and fisheries. The research within this Portfolio relies on the contribution from all disciplines and technologies.

Research themes
The following broad areas are of particular interest for the Portfolio:

  • Security and governance
  • Poverty, development, and equality
  • Global health

Each of these areas has thematic sub-priorities, which are interlinked. In addition, there are several cross-cutting dimensions. Areas of interest for this portfolio, but not exclusive, are related to the SDGs and Climate Change, climate adaptation and just transition. The former is relevant for all the Research Council's portfolios and the latter is also a main concern for the Portfolio for climate and polar research, Portfolio for oceans, Portfolio for energy, transport and low emissions, and, to a large extent, also for the Portfolio for land-based food, the environment and bioresources.

Areas of application of the research
The broad thematic scope of this portfolio affects and relies on interaction with a wide range of stakeholders including the government, communities, individuals, and public, private, and civil sectors internationally and in Norway. The portfolio targets primarily Norwegian research organisations. However, the portfolio for Global development and international relations receives part of its funding from the Official Development Aid (ODA) budget, which must be used for economic development and welfare of low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in accordance with the OECDs Development Assistance Committee (DAC) criteria[1]. For ODA-funds, research relevant for policy makers, the public and civil sectors, and business in LMICs, is prioritized. Further, measures are put in place to ensure that the public sector, business, NGOs, and society at large, nationally, and internationally, may benefit from the research results.

R&D value chains
The portfolio covers the entire value chain from basic research to innovation and piloting, albeit the emphasis is on applied research. The Portfolio covers different kinds of empirical work including field research, development of datasets, and new methodologies or survey instruments.

[1]Development Assistance Committee (DAC) - OECD

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